Half an hour later, the two walked out of the grove.

The bell rang, and the two entered the classroom, pretending nothing had happened and returning to their seats.

Chu Yang looked at Han Dachun's focused study and sighed in his heart.

After all, he still touched his goddess.

He felt a little sorry.

"So, I'll invite you to relax at the foot massage parlor tonight?"

Dachun looked up suddenly, his eyes shining, like a wolf and a tiger:"Godfather, are you going to take me to see the world again?"

Chu Yang nodded:"Yes, I'll take you to experience the micro-pi project tonight."

Dachun was so happy that he was deformed:"The ordinary project last time was so comfortable, shouldn't the micro-pi project take off?"

Then he supported his elbows and immersed himself in the fantasy of micro-pi.

Chu Yang felt much more comfortable.

He saw Li Qingshu turning around.

He smiled and gave her a heart gesture.

Li Qingshu blushed and turned back hurriedly.

On the other side, Wang Xiaoli saw this scene.

She whispered:"Bah, a pair of dogs and bitches!"

She glanced at Su Lingxue and saw that she didn't react at all and was listening to the class seriously.

Wang Xiaoli sighed in her heart.

She knew that since the last incident, the relationship between the two best friends had cracked.

Now Su Lingxue rarely tells her about her worries.

It's all because of that hateful Chu Yang!

"I still say that, I won’t let you get what you want, just wait!"

"Li Qingshu, don't leave for a while, come to my office."

After school, Li Qingshu, who was thinking about going back with Chu Yang, was stopped by her English teacher.

It was because her English performance in this mock exam was the most"degraded".

"Go ahead, we'll meet again tomorrow." Chu Yang whispered to her.

Li Qingshu nodded and hummed, her expression shy and beautiful like a flower.

When she left the teaching building and took her bicycle, she found Han Dachun fiddling with the bicycle chain.

Chu Yang saw that the chain was broken.

"This needs to be repaired. You can't fix it."

""Oh, what bad luck!" Han Dachun had no choice but to walk with the bicycle.

Chu Yang was fine, so he followed him out of the school gate.

After walking for a while and passing through an alley, several boys suddenly appeared and surrounded them and forced them into a corner.

The leader, a fat man with a hideous face, grabbed Chu Yang's collar.

His face was full of ferociousness:"You are Chu Yang?"

Han Dachun was scared:"Big, big brother, let's talk it over!"

Chu Yang did not panic, and said thoughtfully:"I am not Chu Yang, my name is Han Dachun."

Then he pointed at Dachun:"He is Chu Yang."

Several people looked at Han Dachun.

Han Dachun:"???"

The ferocious fat man let go of Chu Yang, pointed at Han Dachun and ordered:"Get him!"

Just as he was about to do it, Chu Yang shouted coldly:"Wait!"

This shout was quite powerful and stunned the gangsters.

The ferocious fat man was displeased:"Why, do you want to get beaten together?"

Chu Yang said calmly:"I was the one who lied to you just now, I am Chu Yang."

The ferocious fat man was irritated:"Are you the fucking one?"

A younger brother behind him reminded him:"Brother Kai, we have his photo!"

""Oh, right!" The fat man slapped his forehead, took out a photo from his pocket and compared it, and was immediately furious:"It's really you, kid!"

Chu Yang saw the photo, and it was a scene of playing with Shen Li at the night market.

In other words, he was beaten because of Shen Li?

Considering that Shen Li must be very popular in her school, this makes sense.

It should be someone who instructed him.

While the fat man and the others hadn't taken action yet, Chu Yang said:"Brother, what is the grudge between you and me? Please tell me, so that I can die with understanding."

""Wow!" The fat man looked him up and down and said,"You are quite brave, kid, but I can only tell you that someone paid 10,000 yuan to buy one of your legs!"

"Guys, fuck his legs!"

"I'll give you 20,000." Chu Yang suddenly spoke up.

Several people paused.

The fat man said sternly:"We are in the underworld and we must keep our word. It's not about money!"

"Thirty thousand." Chu Yang said again.

Fatty's face showed a struggle:"I've said it, it's not about money!"

Chu Yang said calmly:"Forty thousand, forget it if it doesn't work."

Fatty and the others looked at each other.

While their attention was distracted, Chu Yang winked at Han Dachun.

Dachun said he understood.

"Fifty thousand!" Chu Yang raised the price again.

Then he said slowly:"If you agree...just pretend I didn't say anything!"

"Dachun, run!"

Caught off guard, Chu Yang and Dachun sprinted and ran far away.

The ferocious fat man realized that he had been tricked and was furious.

"Chase me!!!"

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