"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it this morning."

After school, Chu Yang found Li Qingshu and apologized to her for what happened that morning.

Li Qingshu didn't quite believe it, but she didn't blame him.

On the contrary, intentionally or unintentionally, she checked less than usual during the exam.

This little thought can't be said out loud, it must be hidden.

She responded softly, and then followed him to eat.

Wang Xiaoli watched them walk out of the classroom side by side, and touched Su Lingxue again.

"You tell me, is Chu Yang playing two-timing?"

"I don't know."Su Lingxue tidied her desk slowly, looking nonchalant.

This made Wang Xiaoli very confused.

This reaction was wrong. Shouldn't she be jealous and angry?

Or was it just that she just wasn't in the mood?

She continued:"Look, he's dating Shen Li outside, and he's hanging out with Li Qingshu at school. Isn't it obvious that he's two-timing him?"

Su Lingxue finally had some reaction.

"You mean, the one who came to pick him up in a luxury car is called Shen Li?"

"Yes, Shen Li is the school beauty of No. 1 Middle School, and there are many boys chasing after her. Ajuan told me."Wang Xiaoli said.

Su Lingxue stood up silently.

"Let's not talk about him anymore, let's go eat"

"Oh oh."

Wang Xiaoli always felt that Su Lingxue was a little bit strange today.

She couldn't help but asked as she walked:"Lingxue, is it you and Li Min……"

"I told him not to come to me anymore." Su Lingxue said

""Huh?" Wang Xiaoli was even more puzzled.

On one hand, she rejected Li Min, and on the other hand, she didn't care about Chu Yang's affairs.

What was going on?

I couldn't understand it, I couldn't understand it at all!

"Don't you understand? I am willing to pay more."Chu Yang said with a smile.

Lao Lu stared blankly at the piles of cash on the table.

A full 800,000!

Originally, he wanted to sell a 600-square-meter house to Chu Yang for 600,000.

Although it felt like a small loss, after all, that house was newer and the decoration was more complete.

But Chu Yang didn't say anything and directly bid 800,000!

He said that 200,000 was an extra amount. Are there still people who are willing to increase the price when buying things these days?

Lao Lu really couldn't understand why he did this.

But he heard Chu Yang explain:"Being addicted to gambling is like falling into a bottomless pit. As long as you don't want to change, even if you have a fortune of millions of gold and silver, it will be squandered."

"So what you need to do now is to hide the money, pretend to be poor or even sick, don't leave him a way out, and let him think that there is money in the family to save him."

"And this 200,000 is the way out I left for you."

Old Lu remained silent, with a look of emotion and confusion in his eyes.

He slowly asked:"Why are you helping me like this? 200,000 is not a small amount."

"No need to explain, if you want it or not, don't take it away." Chu Yang said as he reached out to take the money.

"Yes!" Lao Lu agreed immediately.

Chu Yang smiled with satisfaction and said,"Okay, I'm short on time. I handed in the exam paper early in order to buy a house. Let's go through the procedures, Uncle Lu."

This kind of behavior is not like what a senior high school student should do. Lao Lu could only sigh that his son was not even as good as someone else's finger.

His intuition told him that Chu Yang was really helping him and also warning him about something.

However, he did not drag his feet and cooperated very straightforwardly to complete the house transfer procedure.

In this way, Chu Yang already had two sets of demolished houses, a total of 1,350 square meters!

The two-day mock exam passed quickly.

Chu Yang coped with it easily and even saved some strength.

However, Li Qingshu, who used to dominate the list, began to worry about gains and losses after the exam.

She always felt that she There is a high probability that he will lose.

After the exam, Chu Yang came over, and she ran out with her schoolbag on her back like a frightened rabbit. Chu

Yang was filled with question marks.

Shen Li didn't come to him to wash her hair these two days, probably because she was busy with the mock exams.

But his father Shen Nansheng contacted him a few times.

Chu Yang participated in three football betting games without any capital.

However, he deliberately guessed wrong in one game, and lost 200,000 yuan, while Shen Nansheng lost 2 million yuan.

In the other two games, Chu Yang earned 1.2 million yuan, and Shen Nansheng won more than 8 million yuan!

After guessing wrong in one game, Shen Nansheng felt that he was more trustworthy.

He is going to drink with him again

"You have a day off after the mock exam, right? Then don't go home until you're drunk tonight!"

In Chu Yang's eyes, Shen Nansheng was a poor drinker and a provocateur.

He agreed immediately without any fear.

Then he received another text message from Shen Li.

"At eight o'clock tonight, come read with me in the bookstore."

Okay, okay, you two take turns to date me, right?

I'll satisfy you all!

At six o'clock in the evening, Chu Yang arrived at the seafood restaurant on time.

As soon as he arrived, Shen Nansheng came.

Assistant Lou Chunyue was still beautiful and charming. She wore a low-V dress and a short skirt wrapped around her plump buttocks. She was sexy all over. She brought her with her when she went out. It was obviously a close-fitting assistant. Chu Yang found it hard to believe that they were innocent.

But even if there was, it was just normal operation.

Chu Yang could see that Shen Nansheng's cock was a playboy.

It was still the private room as last time, and the wine was still Maotai.

Shen Nansheng seemed to be in a good mood. Before the dishes were served, he poured the wine and drank half a glass, saying that it was to moisten his throat.

After drinking it, he smacked his lips:"Haha, I finally disbanded these grandsons. It feels good!"

"Mr. Shen is not going to run an investment company anymore?" Chu Yang asked

""Yes, I can earn as much as I can with others, and it's less troublesome and quieter, without having to listen to their nagging all day long!" Shen Nansheng said.

Then he picked up the wine glass.

"But I still need help, and you are very good. How about working with me?"

This was the second invitation.

Chu Yang picked up the cup and clinked it with him. When the rim of the cup touched his mouth, he paused and said,"Let's talk about it after you graduate from high school."

"This again!" Shen Nansheng smiled and pointed at him.

"But it won’t be long, so don’t say you’ll come back after you finish college!"

Chu Yang smiled without saying anything, drank the wine in the glass, and then changed the subject:"Have you bought the house?"

"Bought it!" Shen Nansheng chuckled,"I bought a thousand square meters, but by the way, where did you get the news that the place was going to be demolished?"

Chu Yang made a riddle:"Mr. Shen, go back and look at the map of Fanhua County, and you will know why."

Shen Nansheng smiled and said,"Why, do you want to test me? Okay, I must find out the reason!"

At this time, the dishes were served.

The two ate, drank and talked.

Lou Chunyue sat quietly on the side, refilling their wine from time to time.

And she became more and more appreciative of Chu Yang, a young man. He looked like he was only eighteen years old, but he could talk to Shen Nansheng, who was forty years old and successful, and the chat was heated.

Various topics were picked up at will, and the words were full of wisdom.

Which eighteen-year-old can do this?

It is hard to imagine how high his achievements will be in the future.

The two drank more and more, just like last time, Chu Yang was only slightly drunk, but Shen Nansheng was already drunk.

But he also got excited, drank another glass, slammed the table, and shouted that he wanted to be sworn brothers with Chu Yang.

"It's a pity that we met too late. Today I must become your brother!"

"From now on, I will be your eldest brother and you will be my second brother!"

"Second brother, hurry up and call me big brother!"

Chu Yang:"……"

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