Just when Chu Yang was doubting his skills, Shen Li had already tied up her blow-dried hair.

She handed over ten yuan and walked to the door.

"Brother Arnold, I don't want to go to dance class today, I want to go out and play." She said to the bearded bodyguard.

The bearded bodyguard scratched the back of his head and said with embarrassment:"Xiao Li, this... is not good."

Shen Li insisted:"That's great, it's settled, take me there to play." The bearded bodyguard was embarrassed again:"Still playing that, how about changing it, I really don't like that one……"

Chu Yang thought it was interesting and wanted to know what it was all about.

"No, let's play that one." Shen Li said.

The bearded bodyguard looked a little disappointed.

"You can change someone else, it's too shameful."

"Change someone?"Shen Li's expression changed.

The bearded bodyguard also thought the same thing as her.

They both looked at Chu Yang at the same time.

Chu Yang was stunned and blinked.

"Can you come play with me?" Shen Li said seriously.

"……"Huh?" Chu Yang hadn't reacted yet.

""What?" Mom Tony Fang came over and whispered,"Hurry up, I'm approving you not to come back tonight, hurry up!"

Then she pushed him out.

"Let's go, get in the car." Shen Li walked to the front

""Let's go!" The bearded bodyguard smiled strangely.

This smile was a little bit wrong.

Chu Yang couldn't help but feel uneasy.

So, what are we going to play for?

Turning around and seeing his mother's urging eyes, he had to get in the car.

Let's play!

How can I ruin it for you?

The car started and drove on the road.

Shen Li called the dance teacher to ask for leave.

Then she looked much better, and her beautiful eyes could not hide the excitement.

This aroused Chu Yang's curiosity even more.

Not long after, the car entered a large shopping mall.

After getting off the car, Shen Li walked in front with brisk steps.

Chu Yang and Arnold followed at the end.

"Brother Arnold, where are you going? Shopping?" Chu Yang couldn't help asking.

For a rich lady with endless money, shopping should be one of the happiest entertainment activities. But the bearded Arnold shook his head:"You'll know when you get there."

Facts have proved that Chu Yang guessed wrong.

Along the way, Shen Li didn't even look at the various clothing stores, bag stores, and cosmetics stores.

She took the elevator to the fourth floor.

When she stood in front of an indoor children's playground, Chu Yang felt terrible.

He turned to look at the bearded Arnold, but found that this guy had slipped aside, pretending not to know them.

Shen Li walked to the counter.

The waitress looked at her strangely and asked,"Hello, where is the child?"

Shen Li didn't speak, but stretched out her little hand, as if to say: I am just a child, please put a bracelet on me.

The waitress looked at this beautiful girl like a princess, and was a little confused about her train of thought.

""Sorry, this is a children's playground. Adults can only enter if they are accompanied by children."

The waitress was a little incoherent.

Adults can also play in this kind of indoor children's playground.

But usually they bring their children and play with them.

This is the first time the waitress has seen someone come here without children.

"Still want a child?" Shen Li frowned.

Turning around, she said to Chu Yang,"Chu Yang, we need a child now."

Chu Yang:"???"

He subconsciously said:"Although, but... this needs time, right?"

Shen Li was puzzled:"How long?"

Chu Yang pondered and said:"At least, ten months"

""Puchi!" The waitress laughed.

Shen Li looked confused, pointed to the amusement park and said,"I want to go in.""

"……Okay, I'll think of a way."

Chu Yang said, and walked to the counter and pointed two fingers.

"Miss, let’s buy tickets for two children."

The waitress was puzzled and asked,"Where are the children?"

"The child hasn't been born yet, so you should spend money in advance." Chu Yang said seriously.

The waitress didn't know how to refute for a moment, and could only say:"But in our amusement park, children must be present before adults can go in.……"

"You can just assume that we are here with our children, isn't that fine? It's not like we won't buy tickets, right?" Chu Yang said.

The waiter thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

"Don't worry, little sister, we are all students. You see, I am still wearing my school uniform.……"Chu Yang lowered his voice:"Look at this little girl, she looks silly, does she look like a bad person?"

The waitress glanced at Shen Li, who was looking at the amusement park at this time, with a pair of shining eyes.

Indeed, silly.

Chu Yang is sunny and handsome, and he calls her a little sister and speaks nicely.

I really can't bear to refuse her.

"Okay, then you must be careful when you go in, and don't disturb other children playing."

""Thank you, little sister." Chu Yang paid the money and took two bracelets.

"You can go in now." Chu Yang handed a bracelet to Shen Li.

"Thank you!"Shen Li put on the bracelet, took off her shoes and walked in.

Then she dove into the ocean ball pool. After a while, she popped up and waved at him.

"Come and play."

Chu Yang twitched his lips and glanced at the waitress who was trying not to laugh. He was too embarrassed to go in.

After all, he was almost 40 years old mentally, and it was really embarrassing to still play this.

"Go quickly, you see she is so happy, you can't let your girlfriend down." The waiter said with a smile.


Let's play!

Chu Yang took off his shoes and walked in with heavy steps.

Then a big ball hit his head.

"Ha ha……"Shen Li smiled brightly, leaned over, picked up a few more pop balls and threw them over.

Since they were already here, Chu Yang simply let go of his shame and started playing a pop ball war with her.

There were other children in the ocean ball pool, and seeing this, they all joined the battle and fought in two camps.

The scene was filled with joyful laughter.

Not to mention, while playing, Chu Yang actually found the joy of his childhood.

After the pop ball war, he was dragged by Shen Li to play on the naughty castle, Lego blocks, trampoline...

In the process, in order to hide the embarrassment, Chu Yang recruited a few other children to follow, and they all became their leaders.

Shen Li never got tired of it, and her smile as bright as a flower was always on her face. She was really happy.

Seeing the crystal beads of sweat on her forehead, Chu Yang suggested going to buy some drinks.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked

"Juice!" Shen Li said

"Well, I'll buy it."

"Then you have to come quickly."

Chu Yang nodded, left the amusement park, found a juice shop, and bought three cups of mango juice.

The bearded Arnold was leaning against the fence of the amusement park, his eyes fell on Shen Li, very dedicated.

Chu Yang handed him a glass of juice, but did not go in immediately, standing side by side with him.

"Brother Arnold, what do you do for a living?"

Arnold turned his head and looked him up and down, took a sip of juice, and said nothing.

Chu Yang was a little embarrassed.

Looking at Shen Li who was having fun with the children in the playground, he pondered and said,"Isn't your daughter a little... childish?"

Arnold said without hesitation:"Yes!"

Chu Yang smiled dumbly.

"Does she come here often to play?"

"She only came here once, with her little cousin."

"Then you are……"

"I am her eldest cousin, I drive her and am responsible for her safety"


"At that time, she asked me to play with her, and we played with the ball."Arnold sighed, as if he couldn't bear to look back.

His expression was as if to say, now you know why I feel ashamed, right?

Chu Yang could also imagine that scene.

A burly bearded man was throwing ball in the ocean ball pool.……

"Actually, you can't say she is childish. She just hasn't played these since she was a child. She has little contact with the outside world and has a cold and withdrawn personality. You are the first friend she is willing to get close to."Arnold said.

Then he looked fierce and said,"Don't have any bad thoughts, or I'll twist your head off!"

Chu Yang just smiled slightly and was not scared.

Your uncle got drunk by me last night, how could he be scared by your nephew?

I wanted to stand there for a while, but Shen Li looked over and waved for juice.

Chu Yang went back in, and the juice had been inserted for her, so he handed it to her.

Shen Li took it and drank two sips happily.

"Thank you, you are such a good person!"

Chu Yang:"……"

He threw away the good guy card and grabbed her juice.

"Do you still think I'm a good person?"

"……Bad guy!"

Chu Yang was satisfied and handed the juice back to her.

Even though he was a bad guy, Shen Li looked at him with anger.

""Okay, I was just joking with you. You must be tired. How about changing places?" Chu Yang said with a smile.

"Okay!" Shen Li smiled again, and then thought seriously about where to go.

Don't go to a place like this where kids play.

Chu Yang thought to himself.

Shen Li said,"Let's go to the bookstore!"

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

This place is normal.

After saying goodbye to the kids who had just played together, the two of them left the playground and asked the bearded Arnold to go somewhere else.

There is a bookstore in the mall.

When entering the door, there was a crisp sound of wind chimes.

Chu Yang felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, and subconsciously asked the cashier girl,"Hello, do you have any Peninsula iron boxes for sale?"

The girl didn't even raise her head:"No"


Shen Li gave him a strange look.

Chu Yang looked calm and asked,"What book do you want to read?"

Shen Li blurted out,"Comics!"

"……All right."

Actually, reading comics is not childish, many adults read comics.

At this stage, Chu Yang's family only collected Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk.

But what he never expected was that Shen Li wanted to read was"Crotch-gazing Cat"?

This is really a comic that only children read...

Seeing her reading with relish, Chu Yang didn't say anything and took a book from the bookshelf.

When he saw the cover, wow,"How to Enter the Inner World of a Rich Woman"?

This is quite appropriate.

Shen Li in front of him is definitely a rich woman.

But Chu Yang didn't have any intention of hanging out with a rich woman. It's too hard to make money by selling your labor, and you will definitely be squeezed dry over time.

He changed to"First Intimate Contact" and planned to revisit this pioneering work of online novels.

Bearded Arnold took a copy of"A Step into the Past" and squatted in the corner to read it with his eyes shining.

I guess he was looking for the book in the book. The plot of racing.

Chu Yang sat opposite Shen Li.

She had a smile on her face, biting the straw of juice and sipping it in small sips.

The legs hidden under the table swayed gently.

Her happiness at the moment could be felt across the table. She was so delicate and beautiful that people did not think she was mentally retarded, but simple, cute and innocent.

The bookstore was very quiet, and time passed by.

Chu Yang finished reading"First Intimate Contact" and glanced at the time. It was seven o'clock.

There were already five or six books on the table in front of Shen Li, all of which she had finished reading. She was still concentrating at this moment.

She had finished the juice long ago, but the straw was still bitten in her mouth. Her rosy lips swayed up and down with the straw.

Looking at this posture, she had no intention of stopping at all.

At this time, the phone of the bearded Arnold rang.

Needless to say, it must be Shen Li's father, Shen Nansheng.

"OK, OK, we'll be back soon!"

After Arnold answered the phone, he came over and said to Shen Li,"Xiao Li, my second uncle is urging us to go back."

Shen Li didn't even raise her head, her eyes seemed to be glued to the comic book.

"I don't want to go back."

Arnold felt helpless, knowing that this cousin was in a playful mood and he couldn't persuade her. He looked at Chu Yang and asked for help.

Chu Yang nodded, stood up and said,"Let's go, I'll take you to a more fun place."

"Really?" Shen Li quickly put down the comic book and said excitedly:"Then hurry up!" After leaving the bookstore, Arnold looked at Shen Li who was walking in front of him and said:"My second uncle said that we must go back and can't go anywhere else to play."

Chu Yang whispered:"Let's coax her into the car first."

Arnold immediately understood and gave a thumbs up:"Good idea!"

But when they arrived at the parking lot, something went wrong.

The body of the Silver Angel was scratched.

"Who the hell did this!" Arnold yelled

"You scratched your car like this, do you know how to drive?"

He was about to find the people in the mall to argue with the culprit.

Suddenly he remembered that Shen Li had to go home, so he turned back and whispered to Chu Yang:"Brother, please take her home first!"

He took out a piece of paper and a pen, and quickly wrote down an address and a mobile phone number.

"Deliver it to this address. Let me know when you arrive. I will reimburse you for the transportation fee and the expenses for today's sightseeing later!"

""Okay, you go and handle the things first, and leave it to me." Chu Yang said.

It was the only way.

He called Shen Li:"Let's go, we'll take a taxi."

Shen Li followed.

She was still thinking about where to go, and when she got in the taxi, she couldn't wait to ask:"Where are you taking me?"

"Take you home."Chu Yang said.

Shen Li's pretty face immediately fell, full of grievance.

Turning her head, leaning against the car window, ignoring him.

Chu Yang suddenly felt guilty for deceiving a child.

It happened that the car passed by the night market street.

"How about this, tell your dad, we'll have dinner before going back, we're hungry."He said.

Shen Li was immediately happy again. After getting off the car, she looked at the various night market stalls, as if she had opened the door to a new world, her eyes were full of novelty.

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