"Well, then, you move in a little closer so you don't get wet."

The two came to the eaves of a roadside house.

The eaves were not big, and there were other people hiding from the rain at this time, so the two were very close.

He could smell the fragrance on her body, which was like sandalwood and orchid, and very pleasant.

Just like that, the two stood together quietly for ten minutes.

The rain showed no sign of stopping.

Li Qingshu didn't move, watching the drizzle, with a few raindrops on her long eyelashes.

Chu Yang turned his head and looked at her for a while, and said faintly:"I said, I'm all wet, and you let me stand here stupidly.

Aren't you afraid that I will get sick?" Li Qingshu was stunned, and quickly said:"I, I didn't expect this, I'm sorry


"It's okay, I'm strong and I won't get sick."Chu Yang said with a smile. Li Qingshu shook her head and said,"Well, my home is not far away. I'll go back and get an umbrella. Wait for me!"

After saying that, she opened the umbrella and rushed out

"Wait a minute." Chu Yang grabbed her hand.

When her hand was grabbed, Li Qingshu's whole body suddenly froze as if she had been acupunctured.

Chu Yang���Take a step forward and take the umbrella from her hand

"I will walk you back first, and then you can lend me the umbrella."

He put his arm around her shoulders and walked into the rain.

It was not that he did it on purpose, but the umbrella was too small, and the two of them could not squeeze under one umbrella without holding her shoulders.

"So, you know what I mean, this is the most reasonable posture to share an umbrella."He said seriously.

Li Qingshu thought it was quite reasonable.

But at this moment, her shoulder was held by his big hand, and that hand seemed to be electrified. The current rushed to her heart, and an inexplicable emotion spread. Her heartbeat quickened.

For a moment, she lost her mind, her body stiffened and she let him lead her, slowly walking in the rain.

After a while, Chu Yang stopped.

Li Qingshu was stunned and said,"Why don't you leave?"

Chu Yang pondered for two seconds, and said slowly,"You have to leave, but you have to point me in the direction, right? I don't know where your home is." Li Qingshu was embarrassed for a moment, her hands were in a mess and she pointed with her hand,"To this side, no, to that side!"

Chu Yang smiled slightly, holding her and continued to walk.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, dripping on the umbrella.

Chu Yang held the umbrella tightly and moved a little towards her.

He said casually,"The plum rain fell really early this year"

"You, what did you say?"Li Qingshu's long eyelashes trembled and she turned to look at him.

"I mean, it's plum rain, it's falling so early and so heavy, what's going on?" Chu Yang asked curiously

"……It's okay." Li Qingshu didn't dare to look him in the eye, and looked ahead in panic.

Chu Yang thought her reaction was quite funny, so he cleared his throat and said slowly:"A field of tobacco, a city full of catkins, and plums are yellow when it rains."

As soon as the words fell, Li Qingshu jumped out of the umbrella with a yelp as if she had been electrocuted.

"You, you, you, how did you know?!"

Under the street lights, her face turned red, as if a huge secret had been discovered, and her expression was full of panic.

Chu Yang hurriedly stepped forward and covered her with an umbrella, saying with a smile:"It's just a poem, why are you reacting so strongly?"

Then he explained:"I was just reading a collection of Song poems today, and I happened to see He Zhuo's"Qing Yu An", and the last three sentences are the three lines of English in your English notes."

"It took me a long time to study it, and it turned out to be a Song Dynasty poem translated into English, you are amazing."

Li Qingshu, who was embraced by him again, stood still and tried to ask:"Then, then do you know anything?"

"Know what?" Chu Yang pondered and said,"Know that you are a great translator?"

"No, it’s not." Li Qingshu was obviously relieved.

But she wanted him to know, but she didn’t want him to know so soon.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yang started to recite again:"Lingbo can’t cross the Hengtang Road, but I can only watch the fragrant dust go away. Who will spend my golden years with me?……"

Li Qingshu suddenly became nervous again

"Ah, stop reading it!"

She even reached out to cover his mouth.

Chu Yang didn't even try to hide, but looked at her with a smile.

Li Qingshu's hand stopped in mid-air, their eyes met, and then they quickly moved away.

"So, those three lines of your sentence describing your state of mind are about who you are worrying about spending your golden years with? Who? Just tell me, I am tight-lipped and won’t say anything nonsense."Chu Yang teased again.

Li Qingshu didn't dare to raise her head, pretending to be angry and said,"I won't spend my golden years with anyone like you!"

Chu Yang laughed and said,"How am I a hooligan? If I were really a hooligan, the netizens who answered your questions on Tianya would also be hooligans."

"Yes, all of them!" Li Qingshu emphasized.

At this moment, a car was coming towards them quickly, and there was a pool of water on the side of the road.

""Hey, be careful!" Chu Yang spun her to the side and blocked her with his whole body.


The water splashed and splashed him thoroughly.

Li Qingshu was protected in his arms and only got a little water on her.

At this time, she raised her head and met a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

Her waist was supported by a pair of big hands, and her chest was pressed against hers.

She could even hear the other person's strong heartbeat.

She was stunned for a moment.

Her heartbeat accelerated, her brain was buzzing and she couldn't think.

Before she could react, her body suddenly relaxed.

Then she heard Chu Yang turn around and curse:"Do you know how to drive! You don't slow down when passing through the puddle! You didn't see that you splashed people! Bitch!"

Li Qingshu saw that he didn't forget to hold the umbrella for her even though he was cursing, and her back was still dripping with water. At this moment, her heart was extremely warm, and a smile spread across her face.

Chu Yang turned around and saw that she was laughing, raised his hand and tapped her forehead gently:"I'm so miserable and you're still laughing."

"Thank you."Li Qingshu took the initiative to move forward.

"My home is just ahead." She pointed.

After walking a little further,

Chu Yang looked at the antique house in front of him, which looked like an ancient garden. He asked in a daze,"Is this your home?"

He knew���I have passed by this place several times and thought it was some kind of important cultural relic scenic spot.

I didn't expect it to be private!

This is not just a family of scholars, it is simply a family of scholars and wealthy people!

"With such a big house, your father must have several concubines, right?"

"No way!"

"Haha, just kidding, I'm leaving"

"Do you want to come in and sit down? You are all wet. I will wipe you with a towel."Li Qingshu said

"Meet the parents?" Chu Yang shook his head again and again:"This is too fast, I am not ready yet."

"Nonsense again!"Li Qingshu chuckled.

Coming under the eaves, Li Qingshu took out a key and opened a small door next to the main door.

"I'm going in, be careful." She turned around and said.

Chu Yang nodded:"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Seeing Li Qingshu open the door and walk in, he turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, the door behind him was opened again. Li Qingshu stuck her head out and watched his back disappear in the rain, then she closed the door again.

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