All of a sudden, Li Qingshu was at a loss for words.

What kind of person is this? He can't even quibble?

And it's hard to see, do you really need to praise him?

God have mercy on me, Li Qingshu has never seen such a shameless boy in the past 18 years.

His thoughts are still so jumpy that she can't even keep up with the rhythm of a few sentences.

So, after Chu Yang finished praising her, he changed the subject:"I do have a purpose for approaching you, but it's not to irritate Su Lingxue."

"Why is that?" Li Qingshu asked subconsciously

"You know, I've been around her every day for the past two and a half years. I'm the bootlicker, I'm the spare tire, I'm the one who stays up late, I'm the one who breaks down, it's me, it's me, it's still me……"

"Get to the point!"Li Qingshu, who always spoke softly, was a little crazy at this time.

"Hey, don't interrupt me. You're ruining my mood."


Chu Yang said in a loud voice:"The point is, my grades are too bad, I need a super academic master like you to assist me, so that I can perform well in the college entrance examination, get into the most awesome prestigious school, and make Su Lingxue regret dumping me today!"

Li Qingshu really grasped the point:"It seems that you dumped her."

Chu Yang blinked:"Really? Don't pay attention to these details, it's not important."

Li Qingshu was a little speechless, thought about it seriously, and said:"If I remember correctly, you only barely made it to the second-tier in the last mock exam, and there is only one month left. You want to get into a prestigious school? No hope, I can't help you"

"985 is not okay?" Chu Yang asked

"985 is already a top university."

"Then 211 is good enough, right? The standard cannot be lowered any further."

"you are dreaming"

"Is it so difficult? Forget it." Chu Yang continued to eat.

This nonchalant look made Li Qingshu speechless again.

Give up just now?

Didn't you say you would make Su Lingxue regret it?

Where is that powerful aura just now?

What kind of person is this...

Seeing Chu Yang silent, Li Qingshu also started to eat.

After chewing slowly and taking two bites, she couldn't help but curiously asked:"You gave your meal ticket to Su Lingxue, so how did you get the meal just now?"

Chu Yang said casually:"Oh, I told the aunt who served the meal that I lost my ticket, and begged her to give me some. The aunt is a good person. Seeing that I am handsome and speak well, she gave me a few more pieces of meat."

Li Qingshu was immediately surprised:"Ah? Is it possible to do this? Didn't they say that you can't have a meal without a meal ticket?……"

""Rules are dead, but people are alive." Chu Yang said with a smile.

Li Qingshu didn't know what to say for a moment.

So, in fact, Chu Yang gave her his meal ticket.

And he himself kept Su Lingxue's meal ticket and didn't use it, and went to the window to beg for food with a frown.

Putting aside the whole farce just now, he was actually helping her.

Why was she a little touched?

"He just said that it was Su Lingxue who wanted to dump him, so he brought it up first. It should be for the sake of face. He seemed to be indifferent, but he must be very upset in his heart.……"Li Xiaohua began to imagine

"He said he wanted to get good grades and make Su Lingxue regret it, which was probably true."

"Just... help him?"

"that……"Li Qingshu thought for a moment and said,"I can help you, but time is limited. I can only lend you my notes. If you have any questions, you can ask me. If you want to get into a good school, you still have to rely on your own efforts."

"Really?" Chu Yang looked up at him, showing a sunny smile, gratefully said:"Then thank you in advance."

Li Qingshu nodded:"Come on."

Chu Yang also smiled and nodded.

At this moment, he felt that Li Qingshu was much better than Su Lingxue in terms of appearance, temperament, and kindness.

But he didn't have the idea of flirting with her. Although

Chu Yang mastered advanced ways to flirt with girls, he couldn't resist the whip of the college entrance examination behind him.

Even if he was in the mood to talk, the girl would not allow him to be presumptuous.

So he should study hard.

His grades were not very good to begin with, and he had wasted twenty years. It was better to have the support of a beautiful female student than nothing.

In short, he should sprint hard, and maybe he could get a good grade with the aura of rebirth.

At this time, Li Qingshu asked again:"I just heard Wang Xiaoli say that you bullied Su Lingxue and made her cry. What did you do to her?"

Chu Yang smiled:"Student Li, I used to see that you were quiet and didn't like to talk, but I didn't expect that there was a curious baby living in your heart."

Li Qingshu's pretty face turned red, she stuffed two mouthfuls of rice into her mouth, pretending not to care and said,"If you don't want to say it, then forget it. I don't really want to know!"

"All right." Chu Yang imitated her and took two bites of rice, then said,"It's nothing, I just kissed her on the lips, these people are making a fuss about nothing."

"What?!"Li Qingshu almost jumped up

"You, you, you forcefully… forcefully kissed her?"

No wonder Wang Xiaoli and Su Lingxue were hesitant to speak out, it turned out to be such a shameful thing!

"Correct it." Chu Yang said seriously:"I just blocked her mouth with my mouth and pushed her tongue back with my tongue. Can this be considered a forced kiss?"


At this moment, Li Qingshu felt that her 18-year-old worldview had been greatly impacted and was about to collapse.

If she continued to talk, it would completely collapse.

She stood up with a face full of shame and anger, and cursed:"Bah, hooligan!"

Then she picked up the lunch box and ran away.

Chu Yang looked at her flustered and beautiful back and laughed dumbly.

The joke seemed to have gone too far.

"But this girl is quite interesting, much more fun than Su Lingxue."He finished the food in the lunch box in a few bites. Although the taste was not very good, it was full of feelings after twenty years.

After eating, he went to the pool to clean the lunch box and put it on the shelf.

Then he walked slowly on the school playground under the hot sun at noon.

Li Qingshu, who was about to return to the classroom, saw this scene and softened her heart again.

In idol dramas, people who are hurt by love are exposed to the rain all night, all to numb their broken hearts.

Chu Yang was exposed to the sun in the middle of the day, maybe it was the same reason.

"Forget it, let's just help him." She thought to herself.

Little did she know that Chu Yang just wanted to visit the campus after twenty years.

He regretted it in a short while.

"Damn, it's too hot!"

So he went to the school store to get an old popsicle, and then returned to the classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, he was greeted by the eyes of the whole class.

Needless to say, everyone already knew about the breakup with Su Lingxue and the scene in the cafeteria.

At this time, Chu Yang was a walking hot spot, and invisible gossip was everywhere.

Among these eyes full of gossip, there were two eyes with thorns.

Needless to say, they were Su Lingxue and Wang Xiaoli.

Chu Yang ignored them and walked to the seat in the last row based on his memory.

His deskmate was Han Dachun, who lived nearby, so he went home for lunch.

Dachun was his good buddy in high school. He was tall and mighty, but his personality was a bit silly. He was the kind of person who would be scared when others looked at him, and would want to bully him after chatting for a few words.

He had obviously been there for a while, and explosive news was flying all over the place, and everyone who should know knew it.

"I've heard about everything, two words to sum it up." Han Dachun gave a thumbs up:"Role model!"

Chu Yang smiled slightly:"My classmates are praising me, I'm so ashamed."

Han Dachun was even more impressed, lowered his voice and leaned closer to ask:"So, it's true that you made Su Lingxue have an abortion and then abandoned her?"

Chu Yang:"???"

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