In the office, Lu Peng and Shen Nansheng stared at each other.

"Hello, you are looking for me……"

Shen Nansheng waved his hand and looked at the old principal:"Is this the person you found for me?"

The old principal was stunned and asked in confusion:"Yes, the tall and thin man said it was him, Lu Peng, the study committee member of Class 2, Grade 3, and an excellent class cadre who has been awarded the"Three Good Students" award every year.……"

"Alright, alright." Shen Nansheng's face darkened, and he pointed at Lu Peng:"I said tall and thin, that's right, but did I say I was looking for a handsome guy?"

"Just tell me, which facial part is associated with the word handsome? Yeah?"

Lu Peng:……(•˘_˘•|||)

The old principal realized that he had made a mistake.

He smiled bitterly and said,"Sorry, Mr. Shen, I thought you... Well, this kid is really not handsome."

Lu Peng:……(ŏ_ŏ|||) !

"Mr. Shen, do you think this will work? The old principal came up with a solution.

"I've brought here the photos of my male classmates from the second and third year of high school. Please take the trouble to identify them one by one. As long as they are confirmed to be students of our school, you will definitely find them, don't you agree?���

"Sure, this guy is so handsome, I can recognize him at a glance!" Shen Nansheng said.

Lu Peng:……(ꐦÒ‸Ó|||)!!

The old principal took out a file and handed it to Shen Nansheng.

Shen Nansheng searched for a while, pointed to a one-inch photo in the file and said in surprise:"It's him! Chu Yang!"

Lu Peng was immediately upset.

After going around in circles for a long time, I finally found the person I least wanted to see.

What do you mean?

At this time, Shen Nansheng's phone rang.

"What?...Okay, I got it. I'll take a plane there in an hour and a half!"

Then he called his assistant to arrange the flight.

""Hey, classmate Lu Peng, there's nothing to do here, you can go back first." The old principal apologized.

Lu Peng walked out with a depressed look on his face.

So, these two called me here just to attack my young heart?

And why Chu Yang? Is he as handsome as me? Damn!

Until the middle of the night, he woke up in shock from his dream.

"No, they are sick!"

"I'm not sick, I'm serious!"

Chu Yang was asked out by Su Lingxue at the same place where they broke up that day.

"I really want to get back together with you, let's get back together and start over, okay?" Su Lingxue said seriously.

"Then what?" Chu Yang looked at her pretty face and said calmly:"Continue to be nice to you, continue to ride my bike to take you to school every day, make meals for you, provide you with delicious food and drink, and hold you in the palm of my hand like a little princess?"

"No need! Not at all!" Su Lingxue shook her head quickly.

"I can ride a bike by myself, so we can ride to school together!"

"We can study and improve together, then get admitted to the same university, and then we can have a good relationship in college!"

"From now on, you don’t have to bring me breakfast or get me food. Leave all that to me!"

"I will show you that I can also give for you!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Chu Yang expectantly, waiting for his answer.

Chu Yang remained silent.

But he couldn't help but feel surprised. He really didn't expect Su Lingxue to come back and ask for reconciliation.

And she also expressed various compromises.

This would have been absolutely impossible in the past. Even if it was her fault, Chu Yang would have to coax her in a gentle manner.

It must be said that she did have some changes.

However, it was too late after all.

In Chu Yang's view, it was already twenty years late.

The belated affection was more worthless than grass, not to mention that it was twenty years late.

The moment she said she wanted to break up in her previous life, the boy who had her in his eyes was already dead.

"No need." Chu Yang said slowly.

Su Lingxue was anxious, took a step forward, and held his hand.

"I was wrong. How can you forgive me?

Her hands were cold and trembling slightly.

Chu Yang knew that she might be sincere.

But it was useless.

"There is no forgiveness, it's just that I don't love you, let it go"

"I won't let go!" Su Lingxue's hand tightened.

This scene reminded Chu Yang of the moment they broke up in their previous life.

He also held her hand tightly and kept begging.

But she still resolutely shook her hand away.

Chu Yang could make up for this today.

He shook off her hand and turned away without any hesitation.

Su Lingxue stood there stiffly, the light in her eyes dimmed quickly.

""Is it because of Li Qingshu?" she suddenly asked.

Chu Yang ignored her and left.

Looking at his resolute back, Su Lingxue finally couldn't hold back her tears and burst into tears.

"Hey, silly girl, why are you doing this?"

Wang Xiaoli's voice came from behind.

"You know what to choose, there's really no need to do this."

Su Lingxue stopped crying, raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and sniffed:"I want to try again, otherwise I won't give up!"

"Unwilling? Then why did you decide to break up with him?"

"I……"Su Lingxue was silent for a few seconds and said,"It's different now. If it was the old Chu Yang, I might not be like this."

"But Chu Yang is completely different now."

"What's the difference? Auntie's skills are better."

In Chu Yang's barber shop, mother Tony Fang said with a smile.

Standing in front of her was a beautiful and noble girl.

Such a girl with such temperament seemed a bit out of place in this cheap barber shop.

Tang Wenfang was also very surprised. Why would such a rich lady come to her small shop? She also ordered her son's clock.

"But if you have time, you can wait a while. My son should be out of school."

The noble girl nodded gently, sat down and waited quietly.

Tang Wenfang took a few sneak peeks and liked her more and more. She thought it would be great if she could marry her as a daughter-in-law.

The grandchildren she would give birth to would definitely be very good-looking.

But when she thought of the unnamed luxury car parked at the door and the ferocious bearded bodyguard, she felt discouraged again.

It felt out of reach for a wealthy family.

Maybe the girl only regarded him as a technician with better skills.

Just when she was worried about gains and losses, Chu Yang's voice came from the door.

"Hey, bodyguard, your daughter is here? Don't stand, come sit inside, come and meet Huazi? Oh, forget it."

"Mom, I'm back"

""Stinky boy, hurry up and get to work, the customer has been waiting for a long time!" Tang Wenfang urged.

Chu Yang looked at the sitting Silver Angel girl and smiled slightly.


"Yeah, wash your hair."


Chu Yang put down his schoolbag and led the girl to lie down on the shampoo chair.

Tang Wenfang came over and whispered,"Wash well, don't hurt the girl."

Chu Yang gave her a reassuring look.

Then he operated swiftly.

Compared with the last time, he was a little awkward, this time he was much more familiar with it.

Wet and moisturized, applied shampoo, rubbed and twisted it gently, and made a big bubble flower on the girl's head.

The girl still closed her eyes, her brows were relaxed, and she seemed to be very comfortable.

"Are you in a hurry today?" Chu Yang asked

"……"Yeah." The girl replied softly.

"Then I will help you massage for a while to relax your shoulders and neck. This ancestral technique will definitely make you feel refreshed."

Tony Fang on the side was wondering, when did our family have this ancestral skill?

The girl didn't say anything, but the corners of her mouth moved slightly, indicating her agreement.

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