Captain Zeng looked at Shao Long and asked,"Did he hit you?"

Shao Long immediately got excited and pointed his finger,"It was him! Police officer, you can see that I am seriously injured. I feel pain all over my body. I feel like I am going to be disabled!"

"In that case." Captain Zeng's eyes flashed like lightning, and he snorted coldly:"Tie him up first!"

"Wait a minute! Uncle policeman, I have a major incident to report!"Chu Yang didn't expect the captain to be so decisive, and he quickly told him his intention.

At the same time, he was also glad that the officer who came was not an honest one.

"Reporting, what's the important thing? You are not going to report yourself again, are you?"Captain Zeng said jokingly.

He has many people with him now, and he didn't see the vicious gangsters mentioned in the call to the police, so he would not be afraid of these young people.

Chu Yang said,"That's not the case, police uncle, I am a good man, and there is a reason for beating people. I am beating a criminal, and I am getting rid of harm for the people.……"

""Okay, let's get to the point!" Captain Zeng interrupted impatiently.

Chu Yang raised his voice:"I report Shao Long for lending high interest and gambling on the university campus!"

"What?" Captain Zeng was stunned.

Shao Long, who was about to watch Chu Yang being handcuffed with a smug look on his face, froze with a smile when he heard this, and then jumped up and said anxiously:"I didn't! You are talking nonsense, you are slandering me!"

Chu Yang said lightly:"I have evidence."

Shao Long's eyes widened:"What the hell did you say?!"

Captain Zeng frowned and asked slowly:"Where is the evidence?"

Chu Yang happened to carry his notebook with him, and it was a coincidence that the evidence was in it, so Shao Long should be unlucky today.

""Uncle police, let's go to the side and watch. Oh, by the way, please have someone keep an eye on that kid and don't let him slip away."

Captain Zeng was skeptical, but he still carefully ordered his men:"Keep a close eye on him, and have someone guard the door!"

Then he followed Chu Yang to the corner and waited for the computer to open.

When the evidence of Gao Li and Gao Liuhe at school was presented one by one, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter and his face changed drastically.

Chu Yang listed the evidence and said,"This is the list of students who borrowed Gao Li.

I have communicated with some of the students privately, and they are willing to testify.

His roommate is also willing to testify, including Gao Liuhe's evidence, notes, bills, and I can also call people who bought it to testify.


"Very good, very good!" Captain Zeng nodded repeatedly, furious.

Doing these things on a university campus is much worse than doing them in society. It is simply intolerable by law and must be severely punished!

He even forgot about Chu Yang beating people, and looked up and glared at Shao Long fiercely.

At this time, Shao Long was completely confused.

To be honest, being beaten like this was miserable enough. He also guessed that Chu Yang must have relied on something, but he never expected that the other party would turn the tables like this, and this rake hit his pain point directly!

The key is that there is evidence!

Being stared at by Captain Zeng at this time, he was panicked in his heart, pretending to be calm and said:"He is slandering me.

My father will be here soon.

He will hire a lawyer for me and will definitely clear my name.

Also, I will not let the beating go.

I will do a disability assessment and I will sue him!

" As soon as the voice fell, Chu Yang's voice came:"Uncle police, I also have evidence of his father lending high interest and doing Liuhe.

The circumstances are even worse and it is hard to describe.

Yes, they are all solid hammers, with witnesses and evidence.


Shao Long:……∑( °△°|||)

No way, even his father was involved?!

At this moment, a shout came from the door:"I am Shao Dongbiao! Who dares to touch my son?!"

Then a greasy and fat middle-aged man rushed in and was stopped by two police officers.

Chu Yang pointed his finger and said,"He is Shao Dongbiao."

Then he lowered his voice and said,"Captain, I have copied several copies of the evidence in my computer and am preparing to send them to the Municipal Bureau and the Provincial Bureau. I have also prepared a copy for all major media. As long as I move my fingers, the news may be all over the next day, especially on the Internet. You should know how fast the Internet transmits information now."

"Of course, I believe that you, the captain, will be able to handle this impartially, punish the evil, and give the people a satisfactory explanation."

Captain Zeng trembled his lips and snorted coldly:"You don't need to teach me how to do things!"

Then he raised his hand and waved:"Take them down first! And everyone here, take them all back to the bureau!"

So, all the relevant people present were taken downstairs and stuffed into the police car.

Ji Mo and the other three squeezed together and sat in the back seat of a car. They just felt that what happened tonight was too incredible.

They never thought that things would turn out like this in the end.

"No wonder the boss said that the Shao guy was not in the mood to pursue the matter of being beaten!" Jiang Chao muttered.

Ji Mo and Cao Bin patted his forehead at the same time:"Stop talking!"

Jiang Chao looked aggrieved:"I know, I'll shut up."

He had also seen the movie and knew that every word said at this time could become evidence in court.

In short, the three of them were still very nervous, fearing that they would be involved in some storm.

At the same time, they were also worried about whether Chu Yang, who was the first to be affected, would be in trouble.

They were also worried about how to explain the matter of ordering a hostess in the KTV tonight.

However, their caution was unnecessary.

When they arrived at the police station, they only went through a simple interrogation, explained what happened in the KTV, and then were released. After waiting outside with Li Min and others for an hour, Chu Yang also came out.

They were about to go up to inquire about the situation, but saw Chu Yang waved his hand.

"I'll make a call first.

He took out his cell phone and called Shen Nansheng.

"Brother, Shao Dongbiao and his son are in police station, and the evidence has been brought to the police station."

Shen Nansheng yawned on the other end of the phone:"I told you to take care of it, brother.���Just let someone do it. You made it so complicated."

"I didn't want to make such a fuss, but today that guy got in my way, and I happened to have the evidence with me, so I took him down."Chu Yang said

"Okay, I got it. I'll call the provincial government later and ask them to put pressure on him and try to get him a longer sentence. This kind of rubbish deserves to be in jail for life! Don't play too late over there. You have to go to the high-end bureau the day after tomorrow. Get enough rest."

"Got it, big brother."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yang took a look at the police station.

The father and son of the Shao family were in trouble this time. Shao Dongbiao must have a buzzing mind at this time.

The evidence that Shao Long lent money at high interest and cheated in the school was collected by Chu Yang himself, while the evidence of his father Shao Dongbiao was investigated by Shen Nansheng, which was enough to beat him to death.

So he didn't need to worry about the rest of the matter, he just needed to cooperate with the investigation when necessary.

"Boss, are you really going to let it go like this?" Jiang Chao asked worriedly.

Li Min and Zhang Shaoqiang also pricked up their ears. They were also worried, but strangely, no one mentioned this to them when they entered just now.

"I've already said that he's not in the mood to pursue the matter. You should have heard screams in the police station just now. That was Shao Long being beaten up by his father. Now they should consider how to save two years in prison."Chu Yang explained.

Li Min and Zhang Shaoqiang looked at each other. They didn't expect that the arrogant Shao Long and his father would be finished like this.

At the same time, they became more wary of Chu Yang and were glad that they didn't go against him.

"It’s so late, we can’t go back to the dormitory. Cao Bin suddenly said

"Why go back to the dormitory? The nightlife has just begun, let's play all night long!" Li Min put his arm around his shoulders and said to Chu Yang:"Brother Yang, please do me a favor and go for a few drinks. How about we go to Hong Xing KTV?"

Chu Yang had a better impression of him. He did not refuse this time and nodded:"Let's go."

Ji Mo and the other three's eyes lit up immediately. Needless to say, there will be a lot of girls to choose from this time!

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