The lighting in the bar was not bright to begin with, and Zhou Yang had drunk some wine, so her vision was a little blurry.

She felt that the figure in front of her was a little blurry and she couldn't see the outline clearly.

Moreover, when she got closer, she found that the guy was wearing a hat and a mask.

She was stunned. Was it him?

But if it was that damn monkey, there would be no need to cover up like this when they met.

Is he an ugly freak?

But judging from his figure, he doesn't look like one. He is at least 1.8 meters tall, not fat or thin, and looks like the perfect person in her fantasy.

Suddenly, her heartbeat accelerated a little, and she felt uneasy.

The man came up to her and his eyes fell on her.

There was no one else to look at, she was the only one in the bar.

Zhou Yang didn't say anything, waiting for the guy to speak.

"Aisin-Gioro Hua Yang?"

"……Lianhua Qingwen Capsules?"

The code matched.

""Damn monkey!" Zhou Yang smiled.

After chatting online for many days, she habitually laughed and cursed.

""Little guy, are you drunk?" Chu Yang imitated the Northeastern accent and deliberately lowered his voice.

As Chu Yang, he didn't have much contact with Zhou Yang. At this time, his face was covered, so I believe he wouldn't recognize him so quickly.

"I'm in a bad mood." Zhou Yang's smile faded slowly, he picked up the wine glass and shook it, raising his eyes:"It is said that you Northeastern men are good at drinking, will you drink a few glasses with me?"

""Okay." Chu Yang sat in front of her.

Zhou Yang poured a glass of whiskey and placed it in front of him.

"I've let you see it all. Aren't Northeastern men all generous? Why are you hiding it?"

"I'm ugly"

"What subject?"

"I just look ugly."

Zhou Yang chuckled, then picked up the wine glass:"How can you drink without taking off the mask?"

Chu Yang raised the glass and clinked it with her:"It won't be difficult for me."

As he said that, he put the glass to his mouth. In Zhou Yang's strange eyes, the mask split horizontally, looking like a big-mouthed beast.

Then he drank it all in one gulp.

"You... you can do that, haha……"Zhou Yang laughed so hard that he held his stomach

"Haha...I am now more certain that you are the dead monkey. It's so funny. Haha……"

Chu Yang raised his hand and smoothed his mask, and said calmly:"Basic operation, don't be silly."

This skill of eating and drinking through a mask, people who have not experienced the epidemic will not understand.

Zhou Yang paused, blinked and asked:"What does basic operation mean?"

Chu Yang explained seriously:"It means that although my behavior is super awesome, it is just basic operation for me. You don't need to make a fuss, just put your six six six back."

Zhou Yang blinked again, with a stupid expression, as if he had never seen the world:"Four words, actually contain so many meanings!"

Then he asked again:"What does six six six mean?"

"It is also an Internet term, used to quickly and easily praise others. It is in the same series as 555, 886 and 233."Chu Yang said

"What is 233?" Zhou Yang continued to ask

" emoticon pack No. 233 is a thumping-the-ground-laughing emoticon, used to express laughing out loud"

"Ha ha……"

"Yes, that's you."

Zhou Yang finally stopped laughing, holding his stomach and panting,"Stupid monkey, I thought you were interesting enough online, but I didn't expect you to be so funny in real life!"

"Yes, I'm very funny, and everyone who has played with me says I'm good." Chu Yang followed up.

Zhou Yang was stunned, and then began to look down.

Chu Yang thought that this sister really understood everything in a second.

Zhou Yang suddenly leaned forward, a smile in her eyes, and said in a gentle voice:"So, Yang Guo has taken off Guo Xiang's mask, you still don't plan to talk to me with your true face?"

Chu Yang looked straight into her eyes:"I'm afraid that if I take it off, you will not be able to help but beat me"

"Haha... then you must be so ugly!" Zhou Yang said, and moved closer:"But your eyes are very beautiful, and the skin on your forehead is also very good, let me take a look, okay?"

As she spoke, she reached out to take off the mask

"Sister, please respect yourself." Chu Yang stepped back.

""Stingy!" Zhou Yang sat back, then her beautiful eyes turned, and she picked up the bottle and filled it up for him.

Humph, you don't want me to watch, right? I'll get you drunk and see if you can hide away!

"Let's drink, little brother from the Northeast who can drink a lot." Chu Yang picked up the glass and drank it down.

Zhou Yang smiled charmingly and drank the wine as well.

Chu Yang looked around and asked knowingly:"Sister, is this bar yours?"

Zhou Yang smiled proudly:"Yes, what do you think, sister is awesome, right?"

"It's really amazing." Chu Yang nodded:"It just seems that there is no business. Shouldn't this time be the peak time for customers?"

This seemed to touch her sore spot. She smiled and said angrily:"What's wrong with bad business? Do you have to have good business to open a bar? I have money to open a bar for entertainment. I am happy to make a loss, right?"

Chu Yang smiled dumbly and did not refute.

Zhou Yang poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, looked down at the glass, his eyes were hazy and dim.

"You guys are forcing me. My parents are forcing me. They all say that I am not doing my job properly. I gave up studying for a PhD abroad and insisted on opening a bar. Even the guy surnamed Chu upstairs came to me every day to ask me to transfer the bar to him. Later, he said he wanted to invest in cooperation.……"

But he didn't know that the man surnamed Chu upstairs was sitting opposite him at this moment.

Seeing that she hit the nail on the head, Chu tried to probe:"Isn't investment cooperation good? It's mutually beneficial and win-win. Is it that he invested too little money?"

"I know." Zhou Yang laughed at herself:"It's not about the money, it's just that if I do this, won't it make me look useless?"

Chu Yang was about to speak, but she stood up shakily.

Then she twisted her waist and raised her hips, walked over and locked the door.

Chu Yang was stunned. Was she going to close the door and feed the dog?

Zhou Yang came over and poured more wine.

"Have you found a place to stay? If not, you can sleep here tonight."

Chu Yang covered his chest with his hands and pretended to be scared:"Sister, please don't do anything rash."

Zhou Yang was amused, pulled her shoulder-length hair back, and came closer.

"Ask you, am I pretty?"

Chu Yang's eyes fell on her face. She had an oval face, phoenix eyes that were cold but charming, a delicate and straight nose, and full and rosy lips under it. When she smiled, her eyes would narrow with a smile, which gave her an indescribable charm.

"Beautiful, very beautiful." Chu Yang answered truthfully.

Zhou Yang smiled and asked again:"Are you surprised to meet a beauty like me on the Internet?"

Chu Yang nodded:"Indeed, it really surprised me."

In fact, the surprise was not that Hua Yang was a beauty, but that Hua Yang was Zhou Yang.

"So, what does it mean when you close the door?"

"Are you scared?" Zhou Yang felt that this little brother in front of him, whom he had never met before, was really interesting.

"You should be afraid, right?" Chu Yang asked.

Zhou Yang took two more bottles of wine and put them on the table.

""Talk to me if you can drink more than me!"

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