Chu Yang knew that Shen Li had a boyfriend.

Wasn't it him?

But it was Li Qingshu who said this, and in a tone of listening to melons, which made it feel weird.

So, she didn't know who Shen Li's boyfriend was?

"I know who her boyfriend is."Li Qingshu said.

In fact, if it were someone else, she would not care about this kind of gossip.

But Shen Li was the daughter of Chu Yang's eldest brother, so she paid attention to it and listened to some of the discussions.

"You know all this?" Chu Yang pretended to be surprised.

In fact, he was not so panicked.

Because if Li Qingshu knew that Shen Li's boyfriend was him, she would not talk in such a gossipy tone.

Then the question was, who was Shen Li's boyfriend according to what she heard?

"I heard someone say that he is the school hunk of your South Campus. His name seems to be Shao Long. He is very handsome and rich."

Chu Yang was stunned. Shao Long?

Are rumors so careless now?

Nothing about him and Shen Li has been spread, but this guy and Shen Li have a scandal.

This is... It's good.

At least I am safe for the time being.

"Yes, Shen Li is too much. I, your uncle, didn’t even know about this. You had to tell me. I will tell my eldest brother later. It’s so infuriating. How can she have a boyfriend?"Chu Yang said with great sorrow. Li Qingshu chuckled,"You are already a college student. It’s normal to have a boyfriend. We are one. Don’t say anything about her."

"That's right, I'll listen to you and not talk about her."Chu Yang said

"Well, there's nothing else to do. I have to go backstage. There's another rehearsal waiting for me."

"Okay, I’ll see your performance tonight, good luck!"


After hanging up the phone, Chu Yang fell into deep thought.

The rumors about Shen Li and Shao Long could not have come out for no reason.

The biggest possibility was that Shao Long was shameless and deliberately spread it.

Although he happened to be Chu Yang's shield, but in the rumors, Chu Yang's forehead was already green. Who could tolerate this?

"It's time for the bullet to hit the target. Senior Sister Da Zhuang must be thirsty."

There are still a few hours before the party. Ji Mo and the other two went out again. Chu Yang had nothing to do, so he opened his laptop and planned to watch some movies to kill time. He habitually logged into QQ invisibly and saw Hua Yang's avatar flashing.

【Have you bought the ticket? When will it arrive?"】

When they chatted before, Chu Yang lied that he was from the Northeast and that he had to take a train to see her, which touched her.

"Online dating is not trustworthy. You seem quite smart, how could you fall for my trick?"

Chu Yang did not reply to her, but opened the website and watched a movie.

"Brother Long, it's been so many days, and Sister Long still hasn't agreed to watch a movie with you?"

Outside the school auditorium, Shao Long was holding a rose in his hand, and the boy next to him asked curiously. Shao

Long said nothing, and his expression seemed to be in deep thought.

"Brother Long, we have sent her gifts for several days in a row, but she has no reaction at all. She doesn’t come to watch the movies, and doesn’t reply to any messages or phone calls. Is there no hope for you?"

"Yes, now the whole world knows that Shen Li is Long's wife, but Shen Li doesn't know"

"There is also a woman that Brother Long can't catch up with. This is the first time I've seen one."

Shao Long trembled the corners of his mouth, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, and cursed

"Can you say something positive? You know nothing. I'm just asking you, did she accept the gift? If she accepted the gift and didn't explicitly refuse it, does that mean there's a chance?"

"I am absolutely sure that she will accept my invitation in these two days!"

"So do we have to continue delivering the stuff?" the boy next to him asked.

"Nonsense!" Shao Long put the rose in his hand and said,"Send it to the backstage now!"

"Hello, Brother Long!"

"Junior sister Shen Li, these are the flowers that Brother Long gave you!"

Behind the stage, Shen Li looked at the roses that were handed to her and said calmly,"Put them on the stool."

"These are two movie tickets. Brother Long said that we’ll see you at the entrance of the cinema at 8 o’clock tomorrow night!"

"Oh, just put it on the stool."


After the boys left, Peng Ziyun, Bai Xiaojie and the others came over.

"Xiao Lizi, is this a gift from Shao Long?"

"Didn't you tell him that you were with Chu Yang?"

"There are rumors about you and Shao Long."

"Chu Yang isn't worried at all that you might be robbed?"


Shen Li blinked and said,"I don't care what others say."

Seeing her innocent and serious look, Bai Xiaojie and the others were speechless for a moment.

Yes, no one cares, so what if people say it outside?

Then they saw her pick up her phone and make a call.

"Chu Yang, that dragon sent me roses and movie tickets again……Oh, OK, I'll give it to you after the party."

Bai Xiaojie and the others looked at each other.

Giving the things Shao Long sent to Chu Yang? What kind of operation is this?

And then, why would a boy like Chu Yang want roses?

"Boss, why do you carry such a long lens?"

When Ji Mo and the others returned to the dormitory, they saw Chu Yang assembling a camera lens.

"Shooting the evening party, a task assigned by the newspaper." Chu Yang said without raising his head

"But why use a long gun barrel? Can't the photographer get close to the stage and shoot at close range?"Cao Bin wondered.

Chu Yang assembled the lens and stretched it out the window. He happened to see a girl changing clothes in the window of the female dormitory building a few hundred meters away.

With such clarity, he could even see the hemorrhoids on the girl's chest.

Resisting the urge to press the shutter, he took back the camera

"I just don't want to get too close."

In fact, I was mainly afraid of getting too close to the stage. After the party, I would be called to take a group photo of the actors. Shen Li and Li Qingshu would be there at the same time, and I didn't know what would happen.

It's better to avoid such a scene as the Shura Field.

Long guns and cannons were fired remotely, and they ran away directly after taking the photo. The main point was that they could attack or defend.

After the equipment was ready, Chu Yang picked up the tripod again.

"Let's go, have dinner, and then watch the show"

The party started at 7:30. Chu Yang set up his camera at the back of the audience, with the long lens facing the stage.

It can only be said that with good equipment, you can do whatever you want. Other photographers have to circle the stage with their cameras and always pay attention to the transmission lines under their feet.

He just put it at the back, a remote place with a wide view, and the long gun barrel can be used at will, and the effect of the photo may be better.

Soon, the party began.

A song"I Dedicate Oil to the Motherland" opened the show with a shocking opening. The teacher of the bel canto major sang with a full microphone, winning the applause of the whole audience.

"It's really, really old-fashioned." After taking a few photos, Chu Yang couldn't help but applaud.

""What is the ranking of Shen Li and Li Qingshu's program?"

He muttered, taking out the program list to take a look.

At this time, a voice behind him sounded faintly.

"Who is Li Qingshu?"

"yes……"Chu Yang suddenly felt something was wrong, turned around, and saw Shen Li wearing a performance costume, smiling sweetly, and blinking her beautiful big eyes.

She asked again:"Who is Li Qingshu?"

Chu Yang:"……"

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