"Well, this is so delicious that I can't stop eating it! Thank you, Lili!" In Shen Li's dormitory, Song Qingqing, Han Meimei and Huang Lili tasted the packed chicken head. After one bite, their taste buds opened up and they were amazed at how delicious it was.

Because the three of them had ABB names, Shen Li was now called Shen Lili by them, and her obsessive-compulsive disorder was relieved.

"You're welcome, we're good sisters."Shen Li said it as Chu Yang taught her, and said she was the one who treated them to the cocktail.

The effect was excellent, especially when they heard that this one cup was 48 yuan.

"I was thinking of buying another cup tomorrow, but it's too expensive and I can't afford it!" Huang Lili sighed.

Shen Li played a tape of Zhou Xianglun, and soon the music started."Simple Love" created a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.

"Chu Yang also thought it was expensive, but he said he would lower the price."She said.

As she spoke, she picked up the cup and took a sip. She had already drunk a cup before. At this time, her pretty face was flushed, and she looked even more charming.

Even Song Qingqing and the others were stunned.

���Let's drink." Shen Li raised her glass.

"Come on, cheers!" Song Qingqing and the others also raised their cups.

They each took a sip, squinted their eyes and swallowed, then smiled at each other.

"I want to hold your hand like this and never let go. Can love be simple and without any hurt?……"Han Meimei sang along with the song, then held her chin with her hand and said,"It would be great if I could meet Zhou Xianglun. I heard that he is going to Suzhou for a concert in October!"

"Suzhou is too far away, and you definitely won’t be able to buy a ticket." Huang Lili said

"I don't know how many songs he can sing."Song Qingqing is also a fan of Lun

"The concert in Sucheng is a compilation, Zhou Xianglun will sing eleven songs."Shen Li suddenly said

"The tickets haven't even started selling yet, and the concert repertoire hasn't even been announced yet, how did you know?" The three asked in surprise.

Shen Li blinked:"Chu Yang told me"

"Chu Yang? How did he know that?" the three asked.

Shen Li took a sip of the cocktail, swallowed it and said casually:"Because he knows Zhou Xianglun."

The three looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay, I don't believe it."

"Can you believe it? That's Zhou Xianglun."

"Although I admit that Chu Yang is very capable of starting a company, I think it is bragging to say that he knows Zhou Xianglun."

Shen Li said seriously:"I didn't lie to you."

Then she stood up and rummaged through the cabinet, and took out three CD albums.

"Look, this is the signed album that Chu Yang got for me!"

"Zhou Xianglun's autographed album?" Song Qingqing and the others came closer to take a look.

"It looks like it was actually signed with a pen!"

"Have you seen Zhou Xianglun’s signature?"

"I haven't seen it. Is it possible that Chu Yang signed it himself?"

Shen Li was a little angry when she heard it.

"You may not believe in me, but you cannot not believe in Chu Yang!"

"This is really what he asked Zhou Xianglun for in person!"

Then he wanted to take back the chicken head wine they hadn't finished drinking:"Humph, I won't give you any more!"

""Hey, don't, Lili, I believe it, I believe it!" Huang Lili quickly pressed the cup

"I believe it too. Chu Yang is the company's president. Who else can I believe if not him?" Han Meimei said with a smile.

"I believe it too, this is definitely Zhou Xianglun's authentic autographed album." Song Qingqing also said.

Shen Li felt better, but still doubted:"Really?"

"Really!" The three of them nodded at the same time.

But in fact, they didn't believe it in their hearts. They didn't believe that Chu Yang knew Zhou Xianglun.

If it weren't for this, they might still believe that the autographed album was real, after all, there are still channels to obtain this thing.

But knowing Zhou Xianglun...

They also knew Qin Shihuang and had eaten hot pot with giant pandas.

"Okay, I believe you, keep drinking." Shen Li smiled and felt much better.

"If Zhou Xianglun comes, I will ask Chu Yang if I can let you meet him."

Song Qingqing and the others didn't take it seriously.

"If we can really meet Zhou Xianglun, we will recognize you as the leader of the dormitory!" Han Meimei said with a smile

"Really?"Little Lizi's eyes lit up, thinking that being a big sister is so easy.

"Yes, we recognized each other as soon as we met. I, Song Qingqing, am willing to be the second one."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, I recognize Shen Lili as the big sister as soon as I meet her."


"It's so hard to meet you."

In the secluded place of the ginkgo forest in the main campus, Li Qingshu, who was nestled in Chu Yang's arms, had a somewhat resentful tone.

Chu Yang stretched out his hand to hold her waist, and said helplessly:"There is no way, the girls in the South Campus are too enthusiastic, beautiful, kind-hearted and sweet-talking, I really... Ouch, be gentle."

Li Qingshu loosened her hand that was pinching her flesh, and snorted:"Don't you find a more serious reason."

Chu Yang laughed:"The serious reason is that one of my roommates was injured and hospitalized, and I went to visit and take care of him."

"Ah, is it serious?"The young lady believed it now.

"Fortunately, the anus is bleeding, and the surgery has been completed and he is recovering. He will be discharged in ten days or half a month."Chu Yang said.

He could only let Ji Laoer be a shield. Anyway, he didn't know and he couldn't suffer.

Li Qingshu heard it as local bleeding, and then she thought of something, and her face turned red.

Chu Yang thought she understood the meaning of the anus.

In fact, the two of them were thinking of different holes.

"So, you specifically asked me to take a shower before coming over, is there any special arrangement?" Chu Yang asked knowingly

"If you ask me again, I won't help you." Li Qingshu patted him.

Chu Yang looked at the time:"Well, it's ten o'clock now. The dormitory will be curfew at eleven o'clock. One hour should be enough."

Li Qingshu was surprised and said:"It takes so long?"

Wouldn't the hand be exhausted?

Before she could figure out how to respond, her face was lifted up, and then her lips were covered and kissed all at once.

She felt that he was more powerful than before. After holding her clove and wrapping it around for several circles, he moved to her chin and sucked it all the way down.

Neck, chest, Naibai Xuezi...

When he came up and kissed her lips again, the little girl's hand was pulled and guided to a certain place.

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