"You can get food without a meal ticket? How did you do that?"

In the cafeteria, Han Dachun was amazed at Chu Yang's full rice bowl.

"If you can't learn how to do it with face recognition, just sit here."

After finding an empty seat, Li Qingshu also came over and sat opposite Chu Yang.

Han Dachun was so excited that his body was out of control. It was his first time to eat with his goddess, and he thought she looked so pretty even when eating.

He secretly glanced at her from time to time, and several times he fed the food into his nostrils.

Li Qingshu ate the food elegantly, chewing it slowly in small bites.

After eating a few bites, she put a spoon against her teeth and asked Chu Yang softly,"Why did those people react so strongly when you helped Su Lingxue into the classroom this morning?"

"The knee is injured, what does it mean?"

Chu Yang and Han Dachun stopped eating at the same time and looked at each other.

Then they looked at Li Qingshu who had a pure face.

Chu Yang swallowed the food in his mouth and said,"This is a misunderstanding. Su Lingxue's knee was injured on the road."

"Ah, yes, yes, that's right, he got hurt from a fall." Han Dachun echoed

"It's normal to get injured from a fall." Li Qingshu nodded and asked curiously,"Then what was their misunderstanding?""

"This……"Chu Yang pondered and said,"This question is quite profound. I am not smart, so let Dachun, who knows the subject, explain it to you."

Li Qingshu looked at Han Dachun.

Dachun's face flushed red in a panic, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Nonsense, what do I know? I don't know what's going on. I never watch that kind of stuff.……"

"That kind of thing?"Li Qingshu blinked:"What is it?"

Dachun was speechless all of a sudden, and wanted to bury his head in the rice bowl.

Why did he bring up that thing for no reason?……

"Do you know what it is?"Li Qingshu looked at Chu Yang again.

"I don't know, I don't understand, I'm a simple sunny boy." Chu Yang ate calmly.

Li Qingshu wrinkled her nose:"Forget it, I'll check it myself on the Internet." Han Dachun wailed in his heart, it's over, the pure goddess is going to be polluted.

Chu Yang smiled:"This thing is not easy to find, Dachun knows about it, you can ask him……"

"Chu Yang, please shut up!!"Han Dachun quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

"Haha, okay, I won't say any more." Chu Yang pushed his hand away.

This made Li Qingshu even more curious, and she decided to go to the Internet cafe to check after school.

So, what keywords should she search for?

After lunch, Han Dachun took the initiative to clean up and wash the basin, and then he plucked up his courage and offered to treat her to popsicles.

He certainly didn't dare to ask the goddess out alone, but he wouldn't be rejected if he brought Chu Yang with him, right?

Li Qingshu shook her head:"I can't eat ice cream today, you guys go."

Looking at the goddess's back as she left, Han Dachun looked disappointed.

"She rejected me... Yeah!"

Chu Yang said with a smile:"She said that you can't eat ice, how did you hear that she rejected me?"

Han Dachun said:"Does it make any difference? She is just kind-hearted and doesn't want to embarrass me! No, I like her more.……"

Chu Yang trembled his lips:"……"

The two of them came to the canteen at the school gate.

It was already very hot in June, and many students would stroll out after lunch, buy a popsicle or a Cole Sprite, and relax in the shade of the trees at the canteen gate.

The students these days were still quite simple, the girls didn't wear heavy makeup, the boys didn't have weird hairstyles, and there were no ghost lights that would blow up the streets.

"Here!" Han Dachun handed over a popsicle.

"Thanks." Chu Yang took it and opened the package.

Then he sat on the small bench at the door, eating and thinking.

If he won the football lottery, he would have at least two or three million.

Which demolished house should he buy then?

Needless to say, the one opposite the school is the most ideal location.

The demolished house will be rebuilt into a residential area and a shopping mall, and the one opposite the school is the center of the business district.

The compensation is the highest, and the resettlement house is also the best.

At this time, Han Dachun exclaimed:"Chu Yang, it's A Kun!"

Chu Yang looked up and saw a few sloppy street urchins walking towards this side.

The leader was a tall and thin young man with a middle-parted hair, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and his hands in his pockets.

A Kun was a well-known leader of the street hooligans. He bullied the weak and feared the strong. He would kick a stray dog when he saw one on the street.

Dachun was also bullied by him and his men, so he had some trauma in his heart.

In fact, in terms of size, A Kun only reached Dachun's chest, and he had to jump to hit his crown.

If he really wanted to fight, Dachun could press little Kun Kun to the ground with one hand.

Unfortunately, he was too timid and used his fist as big as a casserole to protect his face.

"It's okay, don't panic." Chu Yang ate his popsicle calmly.

A Kun didn't make any trouble. He glanced at them sideways for a few times and then went into the store.

""Collect the rent, collect the rent!" he yelled.

The shop owner was stunned and said,"Didn't you pay this month's rent?"

Ah Kun glared at him and said,"Collect next month's rent!"

The shop owner smiled bitterly and said,"Don't be like this. Today is only the sixth.……"

"Don’t want to hand it over? If you don’t, pack up and get out now!" A Kun threatened

"I'll pay, I'll pay!" The shop owner had no choice but to give in and paid the rent honestly.

A Kun was satisfied then, stuffed the money into his pocket, took out a few ice creams from the refrigerator, took a few bottles of drinks, and left with his brothers.

The shop owner hurriedly shouted:"Brother Kun, I have paid the rent for next month, don't forget to tell your dad!"

"I know, I know, you are so long-winded!" A Kun waved his hand.

Han Dachun couldn't help but whispered:"This guy is a social scum, I really want to beat him up!"

Chu Yang laughed:"Then should I call him over?"

"Hey, don't……"

"Ah Kun!"Chu Yang opened his mouth and shouted

""Fuck, are you going to die?" Han Dachun was shocked.

But he saw that A Kun had turned around, walked forward a few steps, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and looked them up and down.

""You little brat, can you really call me A-Kun? Call me Brother Kun!" the younger brother behind him shouted

""Okay, it's a small matter." A Kun raised his hand, and the younger brothers immediately quieted down.

Then he asked Chu Yang:"Are you the boy with Su Xiaohua? I think I beat you up, right?"

"Just split up." Chu Yang held the popsicle stick in his mouth and answered simply.

"Haha, it's good that they broke up, otherwise you'd deserve a beating." A Kun looked at Han Dachun again.

Dachun smiled flatteringly:"Hey, Brother Kun."

A Kun confirmed through eye contact that this big fool was also someone he had beaten.

He took a puff of his cigarette and said coldly:"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

""I heard that your family has several houses?" Chu Yang asked.

Ah Kun laughed and gestured:"To be precise, there are eight houses! For example, the one behind you, including this small shop, are all mine!"

"Brother Kun is awesome!" The younger brother behind him shouted

"Keep a low profile."A Kun raised his hand, and the brothers became quiet again.

This momentum was quite intimidating.

Dachun was stunned.

Chu Yang wanted to laugh.

"Are you planning to sell it?" he asked

""Yoho!" Ah Kun laughed on the spot:"Why, you want to buy it? Do you have money? Can you afford it? Crazy!"

After saying that, he looked at him like a fool, waved his hand, and took him away.

Chu Yang looked at his back and showed a meaningful smile

"Shit, I was scared to death just now." Han Dachun patted his chest and said angrily,"Why did you provoke him for no reason?"

"Just chatting casually."Chu Yang smiled.

He went back to the store and bought a bottle of room temperature orange soda, and put it in Dachun's hand.

"Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance. Li Qingshu can’t eat cold food. Bring this bottle to her in the classroom later. Act more naturally, okay?"

Han Dachun nodded hurriedly:"Good brother!"

"Let's go"


"……I told you to be more natural. You are giving something away, not stealing. Don't act like a thief."

"oh oh!"

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