"You poets are just hypocritical, moaning

You mess up and reorganize the words and sentences, split a sentence into several lines , and call it poetry


It really makes me feel sick.


Chu Yang threw the chalk on the podium and clapped his hands:"I'm done, please enjoy it."

The whole audience was silent.

Then many people went from silence to anger, and from anger to rage.

Led by Yi Tiesheng, several backbones of the poetry club raised their voices and cursed

"Bullshit! This is poetry?"

"What nonsense! Blasphemy against literature!"

"Shameless bastard, what do you know about poetry? Get out!"


Li Qingshu in the back row widened her beautiful eyes, wanting to laugh but embarrassed, so she forced out a funny and cute expression. She repeatedly looked at Chu Yang's flying and phoenix-like chalk writing, and read the poem again.

Finally, she couldn't help laughing.

The crisp laughter was particularly clear amid the insults.

Yi Tiesheng and Gao Shou looked at her, their faces were very ugly.

"How about it? My poems are pretty good.���, is it better than what your president wrote? To be honest, besides being a photographer, I am also a modern poet. Thank you, everyone."Chu Yang said seriously.

After he finished speaking, he was about to come down.

Yi Tiesheng frowned and shouted angrily:"Dong Shi imitating Pin, Handan learning to walk, it's nonsense. You can call this superficial thing a poem? It's really funny!"

Chu Yang paused and said with a smile:"Then what do you think can be called a poem?" Yi Tiesheng stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head and argued:"The so-called modern poetry must have every word between the lines is beautiful, worthy of careful savoring and infinite yearning!"

""Longing for that quarter of a face?" Chu Yang asked back.

Yi Tiesheng paused and snorted coldly:"Anyway, it's better than your nonsense. Ask everyone present, does anyone think your poem is good?"

"It's not important to me." Chu Yang shrugged.

"But since you are not convinced." He changed the subject:"Then I will show you my strength."

After that, he returned to the podium, picked up the chalk and started writing.

Everyone was stunned. Why did he write again? Was he going to complain about the president's second poem?

But they were shocked to find that this guy was writing... in English?!

""Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.

But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare."

The six lines of English made everyone look confused.

They were all from the Chinese department, and they threw English into the Pacific Ocean after graduation. How could they understand it now?

Even if they knew some English words, they only had a superficial understanding and could not appreciate the specific meaning.

So, they changed to English poetry? Is it so fashionable?

Chu Yang put down the chalk in his hand and said,"Our modern poetry is essentially the evolution of Western poetry. In just a few decades, can it compare with the nearly thousand years of development of foreigners?"

"Therefore, to learn modern poetry well, we have to study more of foreigners' works, and then combine them with our ancient poems to create our own poems."

"Of course, I think the Chinese translation of English poetry is more beautiful than the English translation. This is the connotation and charm of our Chinese language."

"You've said a lot, but what the hell is this you wrote?" Gao Shou said unconvinced.

"Yes, you translate it for me!" Someone echoed.

At this time, Li Qingshu in the back row seemed to have tasted the artistic conception of the poem and couldn't help but think of the"Qingyu Case" that she had translated into English before.

Suddenly, her eyes were full of brilliance, and she looked at Chu Yang with anticipation and obsession.

Chu Yang glanced at Gao Shou and slowly said:

"Some people live in high-rise buildings, some live in deep ditches.

Some are bright and shining, some are covered in rust.

There are thousands of kinds of people in the world, so don’t force yourself to be a floating cloud.

People are like rainbows, you only know they exist when you meet them."

The whole audience fell silent again

"This person is like a rainbow, you only know it when you meet him……"Someone kept repeating this sentence

"This poem... is so beautiful!"

"Full of rhythm and beauty!"

"And it’s so meaningful!"


Suddenly, several rounds of applause rang out, and soon the applause became more and more.

It was obvious that Chu Yang's bilingual poem was recognized by most people.

Some even thought that it was far better than the president's work.

The English was incomprehensible, but the translated Chinese was simply amazing!

What is connotation, what is imagery, what is lyrical romance, this poem is it.

At this time, Yi Tiesheng and Gao Shou's faces became extremely ugly, and they wanted to complain about this poem but didn't know where to start.

Chu Yang bowed slightly to the audience, then walked down and sat next to Li Qingshu.

But the young lady had crystal tears in her beautiful eyes, and she murmured to herself:"This person is like a rainbow, you will know it when you meet him/her."……"

She looked at Chu Yang:"Is this written for me?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"Chu Yang smiled slightly.

However, this poem was not his original work, but a line plagiarized from the movie"Falling in Love".

The translation was not done by him, but by Han Han, who had just released"Like a Teenager" that year.

Anyway, the movie and the translation were several years later, so you won't get beaten for using it.

Anyway, this group of people were stunned, and the young lady was moved to tears.

"Do you like it?" he asked softly.

"Yes, I like it!"Li Qingshu held his hand

"I want to hug you." She whispered

"Are you in such a hurry? It's not good to be here."Chu Yang said with a smile

"Let's go. We won't join the poetry club anymore." Li Qingshu stood up.

Then, under the attention of the whole audience, Chu Yang led her out through the back door.

"President Yi, they are gone. Gao Shou said in a daze.

"I know!" Yi Tiesheng's face turned pale.

""President Yi, we seem to be humiliated." Gao Shou said again.

Yi Tiesheng glared at him:"I fucking know it!"

Gao Shou shrank his neck and said weakly:"Then shall we continue?"


"What is our next round of exams?"

"Acrostic poem!"


"Their next round seems to be a contest of hidden-head poems."

Outside the teaching building, Li Qingshu was led by Chu Yang, with brisk steps, and turned to look at him:"Can you do it?"

Chu Yang pondered for two seconds:"Looking up at the bright moon, thinking of my hometown."

Li Qingshu:"What?"

Chu Yang continued:"The little lotus has just revealed its pointed tip, and a dragonfly has already landed on it."

Li Qingshu:"???"

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