What surprised Chu Yang was that the call was from Wu Zhongxian.

During the call, he could vaguely hear Shen Nansheng talking on the side.

"Old Wu, what are you worried about? If it weren’t for my second brother, I wouldn’t be sitting here today!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, second brother, come quickly, I will take you to pick up Taiwanese girls!"

Chu Yang:"……"

"……OK, Brother Xian, I will arrange a trip to Taiwan immediately."

"Then I'll be waiting for you!" Wu Zhongxian was very enthusiastic.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he was about to get on this ship. With this investment, he wouldn't have to worry about making money in the next 20 years. He was also about to meet Wu Zhongxian, the variety show king of Taiwan Province, and Zhou Xianglun, the future Asian king.

To be honest, I was a little excited.

The next step was to go through the visa procedures. With Shen Nansheng's relationship as a foundation, the visa was issued the next day.

Then Chu Yang flew straight to Taiwan Province without stopping.

According to the address, he found the headquarters of Alpha Records.

Section 2, Minsheng East Road, Zhongshan District, a not very eye-catching building.

Chu Yang got off the taxi, entered the elevator of the building, and pressed the twelfth floor.

Before Zhou Xianglun was discovered, Alpha was just a small company, but now it has become famous. If it hadn't been notified in advance, a strange face like Chu Yang would have been stopped by security guards before entering the door.

At this moment, there were still many fans and paparazzi waiting for Zhou Xianglun at the door.

Soon, the elevator came to the twelfth floor. As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw Shen Nansheng waiting there with a smile.

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

Shen Nansheng put his arm around his shoulders and took him to an office. He finally met the Taiwanese variety show king, Wu Zhongxian, who he had only seen on TV before.

He put down the cigar in his mouth, walked over and looked Chu Yang up and down, with a surprised expression:"Mr. Shen, is this your second brother? It's really weird, so young!"

Shen Nansheng laughed:"My second brother just turned 19 years old, and he is the top scorer in the national college entrance examination! Don't underestimate him, his investment vision is more sharp than anyone else. If it weren't for him, you might have sold the company long ago, and it would be too late to regret it then!"

""It turns out to be the top scholar. I'm so sorry!" Old Wu took the initiative to extend his hand.

"I have heard of Brother Xian for a long time." Chu Yang shook hands with him.

Wu Zhongxian looked at him carefully again and praised:"So handsome, more handsome than F4! With this look and temperament, with a little packaging, he will definitely be popular among thousands of girls!"

Shen Nansheng blinked at Chu Yang:"What do you think, second brother, do you want to consider making a debut? I heard that being a star makes money very quickly."

Chu Yang said with a smile:"Brother, I am here to invest."

"Oh, that's right." Shen Nansheng suddenly realized,"Old Wu, stop joking. The person standing in front of you is the company's future major shareholder. Sign the contract quickly, and then take us to pick up Taiwanese girls!"

Wu Zhongxian was amused and said,"Okay, okay, please sit down!"

At this time, the office door opened, and Lou Chunyue, dressed in an office lady outfit, walked in with two contracts in her hands.

"Mr. Shen, the contract has been drafted, please review it"

""Big brother and Brother Xian, please take a look first." Chu Yang gestured.

""I already know the content, you read it first, second brother." Shen Nansheng said.

Chu Yang nodded and looked through the contract details carefully.

The most important points, for example, he and Shen Nansheng each hold 35% of Alpha's shares.

They both invest but do not work and wait for dividends. In addition, Brother Xian gave up the copyright management and all activities agency in the mainland, so it is reasonable for each of them to take 35%.

In this year, Zhou Xianglun's music copyright in the mainland is still blank. Chu Yang and Shen Nansheng hold it in their hands. Even if they do not manage it themselves, it will be a huge income if they sell it. No matter how you calculate it, it is not a loss.

"No problem, big brother."Chu Yang handed the contract to Shen Nansheng.

Shen Nansheng glanced at it and signed it happily.

Wu Zhongxian didn't waste any words. After Chu Yang signed, he also signed and stamped.

Then the three of them smiled at each other, picked up the champagne prepared on the table, raised their glasses, and wished a happy cooperation.

At this time, someone knocked on the door and came in. Chu Yang turned around and saw that it was Brother Lun.

Zhou Xianglun looked nervous, glanced at the signed contract on the table, and breathed a long sigh of relief. He felt relieved.

God knows how worried he was that he would be sold.

It's not that he was afraid that he would have no development after being sold, but that he didn't want to break up with his debut mentor.

Now that the contract has been signed, it proves that the matter of selling the company has been turned over.

"Allen, you've come at the right time. You've already met Mr. Shen. This person who is younger than you is another of our directors, Chu Yang." Wu Zhongxian introduced.

Zhou Xianglun stretched out his hand, somewhat surprised at Chu Yang's youth.

Chu Yang held his hand and smiled,"I have unlimited confidence in your music. Come on, we will get through this difficult time with Brother Xian, and we also look forward to you becoming a music king in Asia and even the world in the future!"

At this time, Zhou Xianglun was still a little shy and not good at speaking. He opened his mouth and said gratefully,"Thank you!"

All the gratitude was gathered in this thank you, and Chu Yang could feel it.

At this time, Zhou Xianglun should still be the snail with"a small sky and big dreams", and he will have his own sky in the future.

"The contract has been signed and the celebratory wine has been drunk." Shen Nansheng's mind became active:"Old Wu, it's time to take us to Happy."

Wu Zhongxian smiled and said:"Arrange it immediately!"

"I won't go for now." Chu Yang suddenly said

"Not together? Then what are you going to do?" Shen Nansheng asked in confusion.

Chu Yang smiled slightly, put his arm around Zhou Xianglun's shoulders, and walked out the door.

"Let's do something else."

"What are you going to do?"

"Buy you a car"

"real or fake?"

"Really, just pick whatever you like and say"oh it's good"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧"

"……Oh, not bad o(❛o❛ )o"


"Oh, not bad, haha.���…"You are really courageous and know how to win people's hearts. You bought him a Ferrari!"

Shen Nansheng exclaimed on the plane back.

Chu Yang took a look at the albums signed by Zhou Xianglun in his hand and said with a smile:"This is nothing. Allen is a man who values friendship and loyalty. If you build a good relationship with him now, he will always remember your kindness in the future."

"Don't worry, brother, this investment is a sure win."

"I haven't been worried." Shen Nansheng smiled and asked,"What should we do next?"

Chu Yang pondered and said,"Start your idle record company and expand its business, including record agency distribution, artist commercial performances, and concert hosting. In short, everything should be centered around Zhou Xianglun's mainland operations."

"The most important thing is to develop an online music streaming platform, including a music website and a computer music player, and then put all the songs that can be found at home and abroad on it, gradually improve it, and create the first and most powerful music streaming platform in China!"

Shen Nansheng was stunned when he heard it. Although he didn't understand it very well, he thought it was amazing and that he would definitely make money.

"That's fine." He immediately made a decision:"Second brother, you are going to Yuebei University soon, I will build a place next to the school and move the company there, so that you can take care of it at any time, how about it?"

"Brother, you don't want me to study hard?"

"Why study? Why don't you just go to college and enjoy yourself? As for the company's affairs, you can just take the time to manage them and control the direction."

"OK, then you make the arrangements, and I'll move in directly when the time comes."

"OK, OK, you are really good at shirking your responsibilities. Oh, by the way, you are a photography major, right? I happen to have a set of unused photography equipment, which would be a waste if it is left alone, you can just use it."

"Then I'm welcome."


In the following days, Chu Yang had a lot more free time. Apart from learning to drive at the driving school, he stayed at home with his parents. He wouldn’t be able to accompany them often after he went to college.

Of course, he would contact Li Qingshu and Shen Li every day. He missed these two girls so much that they were almost overwhelmed.

Video calls could no longer satisfy them.

Fortunately, time always passes, and the day to report to the university is getting closer.

On this day, Chu Yang and Lao Chu finally got their driver’s licenses, and they turned around and went into the car dealership and bought a car worth more than 200,000 yuan.

This was for Lao Chu to use as a means of transportation.

As for Chu Yang himself, he planned to buy a car after school started, and there was no rush for the time being.

Two days before school started, Shen Nansheng informed him that the new company had been relocated and asked him to go over to take a look when school started.

Chu Yang had nothing else to do, so he simply packed his luggage and went to Northern Guangdong University in advance.

"Oh, by the way, my daughter will be back tomorrow. I have to go on a business trip and her mother is not at home. I will ask Arnold to take her there. You can pick her up and help her arrange schooling. This girl is going to be away from home for the first time and she doesn’t know anything. As her uncle, you have to take good care of her!"

"Don't worry, big brother, I will take good care of Xiao Lizi."

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