Chapter 14

“I am not stupid. In my eyes, Taiyi Water is a treasure, but in the eyes of seniors, Taiyi Water is nothing!”

Weng Wu You woke up instantly.

With Da Neng Senior’s Realm, Tai Yi real water is no different from ordinary water. How can Da Neng Senior pay attention to this low-level water?

This is like a toy that children play with. Children know what they are, but adults don’t know what they are.

“This is the One True Water, born in the most spiritual place between heaven and earth, one drop can be compared to a lake, there are 30 drops in the pool in total…”

Weng Wu You explained to Li Jiudao.

Oh, it was used by the cultivator.

Li Jiudao understood it, no wonder he didn’t know what it was.

Weng Wu You talked a lot about the effects of Taiyizhen Water, but he didn’t listen much.

Taiyizhen water is for the cultivator. He is a mortal, so he can’t use it at all. It’s useless if he listens carefully…

“One drop can be compared to a lake, there are 30 drops in the pool…”

Li Jiudao remembered these two sentences.

The cultivator is really powerful. One drop can be compared to a lake. This method is simply amazing!

“Yes, it’s great for watering flowers, so you don’t need to get water all the time.”

Li Jiudao said.

He is a mortal, no matter how powerful Taiyizhen water is, he can’t use it.

Watering the flowers is the best use he can think of.

Watering the flowers is great! ?

Lu Liang’s mouth twitched inwardly.

This is too much water, they can’t get a drop of Cultivation Technique with a king-level supernatural power in the Cloud Cloud Sect, but Da Neng senior actually wants to use it to water the flowers?

“The porridge made by Da Neng senior is stronger than Tai Yi real water, and Tai Yi real water can only be used to water the flowers…”

He thought for a while, in terms of Da Neng Senior Realm, the effect that Tai Yizhen Water can play is just watering the flowers…

“Watering the flowers is also good!”

Weng Wu You doesn’t feel that he is conquering heavenly objects, but he is very happy.

As long as the Da Neng Senior can accept it, he is afraid that the Da Neng Senior will not accept it!

“So thank you.”

Li Jiudao took over to Xiaochi, and there were still people in the cultivator who like to play the piano. He gave him a Magic Treasures just because he played a piece of music.

He felt a little embarrassed.

“Let’s go with courtesy, so let me give you something too. You can take whatever you like in the shop.”

His shop is nothing more than his own paintings and calligraphy, as well as all kinds of things he has carved, all of which are mortal things.

He got a piece of Magic Treasures, but gave it as a gift, he himself has a guilty conscience…!

When Lu Liang heard what Li Jiudao said to Weng Wu You, he was envious in his heart.

He knows very well what is in the store, and any one of those things is worth much more than Taiyizhenshui!

Weng Wu You, this is a big profit!

“No, I have to pay tribute to senior as soon as possible! Senior won’t let us Junior suffer a loss!”

He strengthened his previous thoughts in his heart.

“Thank you senior!”

Weng Wu You is overjoyed, I didn’t expect to have such unexpected joy!

Xia Yan got a piece of Tianfeng jade pendant, and instantly killed the fierce tiger king of the breakthrough world, and everything else in the shop was the same treasure as Tianfeng jade pendant!

He was able to get such a treasure, it was a great fortune!

So happy?

Li Jiudao never expected Weng Wu You to be so interested in and like these mortals.

“It seems that this cultivator not only likes to play the piano, but also likes painting and calligraphy.”

He smiled in his heart and thought of Lu Liang.

Lu Liang seems to be also a cultivator, but he is also very interested in calligraphy and calligraphy. I was fascinated by his paintings.

“Then pick one.”

He came to the shop with Weng Wu You, Xia Yan, and Lu Liang.

Weng Wu You looked at the paintings and carvings in the shop, and his eyes were about to see flowers.

These paintings and sculptures, without exception, all have the charm of infinite Taoism, and they are extremely detached!

If he gets one, it will definitely increase his strength and bring their Taihuazong power to a higher level!

However, he did not select these paintings and sculptures.

Although the paintings and sculptures are good, they are not suitable for him…

Although these paintings and sculptures can greatly increase his strength and bring his Taihuazong power to a higher level, they are foreign objects after all!

It can only be powerful temporarily.

He doesn’t want to be strong for a while, he wants to be strong for a longer time!

“Senior…Can you make a painting for me?”

He bit his head and asked, panicking.

Da Neng senior gave him such a precious opportunity to choose at will, but he didn’t know how to make a request. This is just death!

However, he still wanted to give it a go.

Because if they can succeed, their Taihuazong will rise completely and become prosperous forever!

“Oh, that’s it, no problem.”

Li Jiudao smiled. He thought what Weng Wu You wanted to do, because he wanted him to help write a painting.

This is nothing to him.

“Thank you senior!”

Weng Wu You was full of joy and said: “I want senior to help me draw a picture of Taihua Mountain.”

“I’m going, the old man is enough for chicken thieves!”

Lu Liang immediately understood what Weng Wu You wanted to do.

Mount Taihua is the foundation of Taihuazong, and it is also the source of the light of “Taihua” captured by the founder of Taihuazong.

The light of “Taihua” was extremely surprised. The founding ancestor of Taihua Zong only caught it briefly at the time, and only realized a small path from it!

For a long time, Taihuazong has always wanted to make the Tao of’Taihua’ stronger.

It is a pity that until now, Taihuazong has not been able to succeed. The Tao of’Taihua’ always has an upper limit and cannot be breakthrough.

Weng Wu You wants Da Neng senior to perfect the way of “Tai Hua”!

“With the realm of the powerful senior, I don’t know how strong the perfected’Taihua’ way will be! The Taihua Sect in the future is bound to become a behemoth!”

Lu Liang couldn’t help but said in his heart.

Weng Wu You really made a good calculation.

Although Da Neng senior’s other paintings also contain the supreme and transcendent Taoist rhyme, how can they compare with this tailor-made Taoism?

Taihuazong itself cultivated ‘Taihua’, and changed other ways. It’s really not as good as continuing to cultivate ‘Taihua’.

“Draw a picture of Taihua Mountain.”

Li Jiudao smiled and said, “No problem.”

He picked up a pen and then painted Taihua Mountain on rice paper.

In the past, he did not know how many times he had watched Taihua Mountain. The appearance of Taihua Mountain had already been imprinted in his heart.

He drew it by hand, and the appearance of Mount Taihua gradually appeared on the white rice paper.

Weng Wu You looked at Li Jiudao who was painting, and his heart was extremely excited.

Da Neng senior actually agreed to him!

“Haha, my too Huazong is destined to have great prosperity, no one can stop it!”

He was extremely excited and happy.

When the painting is finished, their Taihuazong is destined to rise!

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