The two of them were standing in front of the school gate.

Naruto waited until everyone had left as usual, then he lowered his head and slowly walked home.

The streets were filled with the laughter of families, and the warm scene of parents preparing meals and eating with their children.

This was in stark contrast to Naruto, who was hungry and walking home alone.

"Gu..." Naruto's stomach made a protesting sound.

There happened to be a small shop on the side of the street that sold rice balls.

Naruto sniffed and walked to the side involuntarily.

He searched in his pocket, but only found a 50-yuan coin.

When are you coming, Third-generation Grandpa?

"Get out of here! You monster! Don't block my business!"

When Naruto walked over, there were two villagers who were choosing, but they just walked away when they saw him.

The boss was also very angry, and hurriedly drove Naruto away, waving his broom twice.

Naruto took two steps back and was not hit.

"I... I'm here to buy things." Naruto clenched the coin in his hand and said loudly.

The boss waved the broom with disgust on his face:

"I don't do business with you! You monster! Get away!"

"I'm not!... The third-generation grandfather said I'm not a monster!" Naruto argued.

In the eyes of these ordinary villagers, the third-generation Hokage is actually a kind and good-hearted old man.

So ordinary villagers are not too afraid of the third-generation Hokage.

"It's because the third-generation Hokage is kind that he kept you, otherwise he would have killed you long ago, you..."

This villager obviously didn't understand what a Jinchūriki was, and only knew that the disaster that year was Naruto.

But he still remembered that the Third Hokage had issued a gag order, so he didn't say anything else.

He also stopped talking all of a sudden because he saw the masked Anbu in the distance.

The Anbu made two gestures to him, and although he didn't quite understand them, he still took a box of rice balls from the counter and threw it at Naruto's feet: "Get out of here, don't stay here."

Naruto picked up the dented box, put the 50 coin on the counter, and ran away without looking back.

"I paid for it!"

He had seen it before, and this rice ball was 50 yuan.

The boss threw the coin on the ground in disdain, as if there was something dirty on it.


It took some time, and some villagers had already eaten and came out to hang out.

Naruto had to hold his rice ball box tightly and rush home.

The more people there were, the more panicked he became, because many children would bully him more unscrupulously when there were adults around.

What you fear will come true. Several children who had just finished their meal on the street happened to see Naruto.

"You are a monster again!"

"How disgusting! I met you again!"

"Get lost!"

One of them picked up a stone and threw it, and the others followed suit and picked up stones and threw them.

Naruto's embarrassed dodging figure caused several children to laugh.

The wanton laughter made Naruto angry and anxious.

But the third-generation grandfather told him not to cause trouble, so he had to run away.

Two stones hit his back, and Naruto felt pain and fell to the ground.

The rice ball in his hand fell to the ground and rolled on the ground.


"Look at this guy, he actually has rice balls to eat."

A bad voice came, and Naruto only saw a foot directly crushing the rice ball on the ground.

"You stole it, you monster!"

Naruto's blood boiled, and he pushed the fat man in front of him to the ground:

"I bought this! I'm not a monster!"


"You dare to hit him? Hit him!"

Four children rushed up and surrounded Naruto, punching and kicking him.

The four Anbu nearby were indifferent, just a fight between children.

"Why don't you fight back?" A voice sounded in Naruto's ears.

Naruto protected himself and said, "Grandpa Sandai will be angry."

"Why should I listen to him?"

"Only Grandpa Sandai treats me the best. He will give me money to buy food."

"If you fight back, the Third Hokage will be here soon."



Naruto pushed the fat man riding on him down.


Naruto punched the fat man twice.

The fat man cried out in pain: "You dare to fight back? Let's beat him together!"

The five men immediately started fighting.

However, Naruto could not beat four people alone, and was quickly controlled.

Naruto had a big bump on his head, and his face was covered with blood from rubbing against the ground.

The voice appeared in his ears again: "Pick up the stone on the ground and throw it."

But Naruto's head was dizzy and he did not move.

But his body moved automatically.

Naruto grabbed the sand on the ground and threw it back.

"Ah! My eyes!" The leading fat man was immediately covered in sand.

"Help! What are you doing!?" The fat man snorted angrily, but did not notice the silence around him.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.


The fat man let out a heart-wrenching howl.

Naruto grabbed the stone that had just hit him and hit the fat man's head with his backhand.

The fat man's head immediately bleeds.

Several people who bullied Naruto nearby were frightened:


"The monster is going to eat people!"


These people usually only saw Naruto being beaten and bleeding, but today they were frightened when they saw their companion being beaten and bleeding.

The fat man crawled hurriedly while screaming:

"Help, help..."

Naruto didn't say a word at this time, picked up a stone and hit the fat man's head again.

The fat man's body stiffened, then softened, and he couldn't crawl immediately.

The voice also became weak.


Several Anbu nearby saw Naruto fight back and thought it was interesting and funny.

After all, Naruto rarely fought back in the past two years under the guidance of the Third Hokage.

But soon they couldn't laugh anymore.

After knocking the fat man down, Naruto didn't let him go, but rode on him, picked up a stone and smashed it hard.

"Bang!" sound.

The fat man fainted.

But Naruto raised the stone again and smashed it down again.

"Bang!" The fat man bounced, and the blood on the ground had spread out.

Naruto raised the stone again with an expressionless face, and smashed it down again!

This time, several figures appeared and directly held Naruto's hand.

An urgent voice sounded: "Stop! Are you going to kill him!?"

Naruto raised his head and looked at the suddenly appeared Anbu, with a bone-chilling hatred in his eyes.

The Anbu felt cold all over.

The next moment, Naruto closed his eyes and fainted directly.

The Anbu captain shook his head and regarded what had just happened as an illusion.

Now he felt very confused, and there was no problem in other shifts.

Why did he have a problem on duty today? Naruto also fought back before, but never killed anyone.

What happened today?

"Captain, the fat guy is seriously injured and is only breathing."

"Send him to the doctor immediately, don't let anyone die."

"Xu Ba, go inform the Third Hokage immediately, I'll take Naruto home first."


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