After all the Uchiha fighters came back, they went to the meeting.

Izumi was one of the people who was arranged to rest, and Itachi was the key figure this time and was dragged to the meeting.

She was going to wait for Itachi, but Uchiha Yusuke came out to tell her that Itachi had other things to do.

Let Izumi go back and rest first.

Izumi had to go back home and report to Ye Yue that she was safe before going to rest.

Although she was tired after a busy night, she started to have nightmares after she fell asleep.

She first dreamed that she was hacked to death by the tiger mask man, and then dreamed that she was killed by Itachi.



Izumi sat up suddenly from the bed, and her mother Ye Yue looked at her distressedly:

"What's wrong, kid, why is your face covered with cold sweat?"


Izumi panted and looked at her mother apologetically.

"Sorry to worry you, mom, I just had a nightmare."

"What time is it now?"

Ye Yue said, "It's already ten o'clock, Itachi has been waiting for you for a while."

"Itachi is here!?" Izumi lifted the quilt and jumped up directly.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me."

Ye Yue smiled but said nothing. Itachi and Izumi have known each other for many years, and this is the first time Itachi has come to visit.

I haven't seen Itachi for a long time, and Itachi has changed a lot now.

When Izumi hurriedly changed his clothes and went to the living room, Itachi sat on the stool in a proper manner.


Izumi ran to Itachi breathlessly, but suddenly got stuck and didn't know what to say.

"Are you okay?"

Ye Yue is not a combatant, so she doesn't know what happened last night.

Quan is now worried that Itachi will be punished. After all, treason can be a big deal.

Itachi looked deeply at the girl who was full of him.

He said slowly: "Quan, I'm going to be away for a while, this time it's a bit long."

Itachi reported his whereabouts to Quan for the first time. This is a move that only happens when they are close.

Quan looked at Itachi in a daze, with a complicated look in his eyes, some surprise, and some worry.

Itachi will not waver when he makes up his mind to do something.

He opened the bag next to him, and there were a few strings of three-color meatballs in it.

"Next time, it will probably be a long time later."


Quan was overjoyed to see that Itachi actually brought her three-color meatballs. She had understood Itachi's intentions from Itachi's actions.

Izumi was so happy that her eyes even turned red:

"I'll wait for you!"

"I'll wait for you no matter how long!"

Itachi looked at Izumi tenderly and handed her a bunch of meatballs.

Izumi took it and took a bite.

Very sweet.


The land of the Hyuga branch family.

Mitonobu passed by the practice field, and as expected, there was a whirring sound from inside.

Ningji, who was only eight years old, was hitting the wooden stakes seriously.

Because of the chaos last night, Konoha School was suspended.

Hiashi had to deal with various affairs and didn't care about Ningji.

That's why Ningji appeared here.

He hated the main family the most at this time.

But he had seen his father being punished by the caged bird just because he showed a bad look.

So Ningji always had a blank expression and was submissive in front of the main family.

Of course, Mitonobu had a lot of contact with him and taught Ningji a lot.

The most important thing is to control your emotions before you are sure of what you are doing.

"Ningci, don't try too hard."

When Mitsunobu saw the sweat under Neji's feet, he knew that Neji had been practicing for a long time.

Neji hit the acupuncture points of the wooden stake three times in a row, and then slowly withdrew his hand.

"Elder Mitsunobu, what happened in Konoha?"

A kid like him who was in the upper ninja school didn't know what happened last night.

However, Neji knew from the transfer of personnel that something big must have happened in Konoha.

After all, Elder Mitsunobu would not go to the main family at ordinary times.

Mitsunobu was finally no longer in the human-machine state at this time, but showed an expression of gloating.

"Konoha has been weakening the Uchiha clan, and Danzo wants to wipe out the Uchiha clan this time."

"It's just that there was a flaw in the plan, and the Uchiha clan counterattacked."

"They killed more than 70 of Danzo's people."

"Konoha and the Uchiha clan almost fought last night."

Ningji was a little surprised by Mitsunobu's words:

"How dare Uchiha?"

Ningji still has no clear understanding of the giant Konoha.

At his age, he only knows that Konoha is invincible, and even their family can only give in.

Mitsunobu put his hands in his pockets and looked in the direction of Uchiha, with envy in his eyes:

"Uchiha has three strong men who can influence the battlefield, so they naturally dare to resist."

"And Konoha only has an old and weak Third Hokage."

Ningji was a little stunned: "Strong...?"

Mitsunobu sighed: "Ah, a strong man with a Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Mangekyo Sharingan?"

Ningji chewed on this unfamiliar word.

He had never seen or heard of it, and had no idea what it represented.

Mitsunobu came back to his senses: "You will know later."

Ningci nodded slightly: "Then... who are these three strong men?"

Mitsunobu laughed and said: "Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Chiyao."

He didn't mind explaining more to Ningci.

Anyway, Ningci matures early, and it doesn't hurt to know more information.

Ningci still knows the first two, one is the leader of the Uchiha clan, and the other is Sasuke's brother.

Sasuke now is still a child who talks about Nissan all day long.

Even though Ningci is a grade higher than Sasuke and the others, Ningci heard Sasuke bragging about his brother during class.

As for Chiyao, he didn't know him.

Seeing that Ningci was digesting his words, Mitsunobu showed expectation on his face:

"Grow up to be a strong man as soon as possible, so that you can dominate your own destiny."


Uchiha clan land.

It was already afternoon, and Sasuke woke up with a hungry stomach.

Qian Yao was worried that Sasuke would wake up and run around, so he added a little strength, and Sasuke slept for a whole day.

After Sasuke woke up, he found that his body was sore, as if he had been put on a sack and beaten.

He touched his body.

"Hiss... It hurts."

He found some bruises and scratches on his body.

Did I get beaten after I fainted?

Why did I faint?

That's right! Senior Qian Yao used an illusion on me!

Sasuke put on his clothes and shoes and ran out, but Fugaku and Mikoto were not there.

He went out of the door a little confused, and some tribesmen along the way looked at Sasuke with strange eyes.

Sasuke was a little flustered, and when he turned a corner, he saw Itachi and several tribesmen preparing to go out.

"Nisan!" Little Sasuke was relieved and ran over directly.

Itachi gestured behind him: "You go first, we will meet at the black market."

The dozen tribesmen did not speak, nodded, passed Sasuke, and headed out of Konoha Village.

"Nisan, are you going out on a mission?"

Sasuke saw Itachi's outfit and unconsciously tightened Itachi's hand.


Itachi just stared at Sasuke, as if he wanted to engrave this beloved brother into his mind.

"Nisan, you promised to practice with me."

Sasuke was still thinking about what Itachi had promised him before.

Itachi smiled and tapped Sasuke's forehead: "Forgive me, Sasuke, next time."

"It hurts."

Sasuke rubbed his forehead and looked at Itachi's back and said dissatisfiedly:

"Nisan! How long will it be next time!?"

Itachi paused: "Grow up well and wait for me to come back, Sasuke."

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and intuitively knew what had happened.


This time Itachi didn't look back, and his figure flashed away.


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