84 – Intervening NPC. (4)

I was only planning to enroll Ira and have her change jobs, so why did I ask for a year?

Of course, [Nate, the land of knowledge] is also a large city of [Eight], and there is a story to match.

The story here is a bit different than elsewhere. It’s a place where demons aren’t involved, rather people are the problem.

As I said before, the ugliness of humans that puts the devil out of work. It is a map that has begun to surface.

[-Job Sorcerer-: Level 59]

Looking at me who has succeeded in tracking and the man who has hardened on the spot, the expected job and level come to mind.

However, I would like the opponent’s race to come out a bit. Are you a demon? no?

“Who are you?”

“I asked first, so why answer a question with a question?”

“How did you come after me?”

“Am I talking to the wall? Hello?”

“Are you in the same company as those women from earlier?”

“…Are your ears clogged?”

Conversation doesn’t work. I guess it’s because I’m stupid.

You also need to get help from those who have learned it.

I called a lawyer who is naturally good at conversation, and the lawyer around us immediately prepared to have a conversation.

“If you feel like you’re going to die from getting hit, raise your hand. I’ll break your hand first.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Trash without any magical power.”

oh. I finally feel like the conversation has gotten a little bit more coherent. After all, intellectuals should take the mound?

As soon as I clenched my fist, he started shouting and casting spells, and the stones on the ground began to gather and take the shape of a person.

[Stone Spirit (Status?): Level 106]

[HP: 4,100]


The elemental spirit of the online game Eight summons up to his level x3 elemental spirit.

In other words, when you reach the max level of 1100, you will summon a 3300 level spirit. Of course, even so, it only has a lot of HP. It’s just a sendback with lower AI than the partner NPC, so honestly, it’s not a good dealer. There it is.

‘As it becomes a reality, it doesn’t seem like I can just draw every cooldown.’

Apparently, the guy Gor handled earlier was about 150, and his body was bigger than this one. In other words, that guy’s strongest hand was that guy from earlier.


“Dogs are slow.”

What do you do when your level is over 100? All the spirits below 300 in Eight are low-level spirits. A spirit that has no unique skill and can only hit flat. Even the rock spirit is a tank.

At least the guy with 150 seems to have enough speed to hit Gor, but this guy is literally something a real newbie can use, no. It’s a level that even newbies won’t use.

If you lightly dodge the attack and punch, the smaller Gombo’s body will stagger and the stones will fall into a heap.

[HP: 3,210]


“Huh. The fabric flies in one shot?”

Are you completely water? If this is the case, are you saying that what Gor was ordered to do was seriously overkill?

Still, I thought it was the main story, so I paid attention to it and ordered all the kids to run away.

“Yes, you bastard!! What the hell are you doing?!”

“I don’t talk to a beast that I can’t communicate with. Can you talk through our nurse?”

“You son of a b*tch!!!”

only three rooms. I swung my fist three more times to send the stone spirit back to the ground before I charged him.

Then he pulls out a knife from his bosom and tries to attack me.

No wonder You’re trying to fight me after watching the spirit explode?

“Spirit of the Earth!!”



correction. When he plunged his dagger into the ground, several rock pillars quickly jumped up from the ground and hit me.

crazy. You weren’t at the level to use the elementalist attack skill? Oh, please Did Miho fly away after being hit by this?!

“Ouch. That hurts, son of b*tch.”

[HP: 309,850+???]

The blow clearly reverberated through my body, but my HP, which had risen for the first time in a long time, still remained unchanged. At this level, it’s almost as unchanged as my bank account balance in my previous life, right?

“W-what?! You got hit with this and you didn’t feel anything?!”

It hurt, but I didn’t fly as far as Miho did, and when he saw me just a little bit pushed away, his eyes widened as if he had seen something he couldn’t believe.

hahahaha! It was unbalanced for a level 50 person to successfully attack a level 400 person.

“That dagger doesn’t work in a row, right? Let’s take a hit now.”


“I don’t like it, you bastard. According to our main lawyer, 10 blows each for seeing Ray and Ragni naked. That’s the death penalty for seeing them naked.”

“W-what on earth?!!”

I, who had only taken a few steps back, immediately joined him again, and the surrounding sergeant continued to make an effort to have a conversation today.


[Jeong?!@#Dan?King?#@! : !@$%*%&$*%]

“It’s a weapon that breaks the status window.”

The status of the spirits was the same, and although it may be a question mark, it is a weapon that appears with broken text. It’s the same as what appears in ep.3. This is what came to mind when I looked back on my memory a little after being beaten. I guess this [Spirit King’s Dagger] was a weapon that was forcibly removed and smelted from the Spirit King’s fragments in the story, right?

“Hey. Open your eyes.”



“Well, it’s a bird that ripped off the spirit king’s body, so wouldn’t it be polite to gently kick him to wake him up? Should I rip something off and throw it away?”

I really don’t like the way he’s moaning after an intense conversation with a neighbor, so I mutter to myself, and he opens his eyes with difficulty through his swollen face.

“You beat me to the point where I didn’t die. Isn’t that an honest admission?”

Originally it was a death sentence, but they let him live. I’m pretty nice, right?


“So, where are you and your colleagues? Are you planning on speaking nicely?”

“Okay, take it easy…”

“Oh. Do you know ‘Kill me’?”



“But you’re not a princess, not a beauty, not a knight, much less a woman, right? If you’re going to say such lines, it’s national rule that you have to be born as a pretty woman.”

If you gently step on his hand, a small moan leaks out from between his toothless mouth.

“In the first place, did you see all of my kids naked? My kids were very angry. If I had done that, it would have ended up as a kiss with a neighbor, but would you attack and run away? Even a fundamentally evil bastard?”

“De! Do you have a Museon Maru?!!”

– Quick!!

“Turn it off!!!”

From this guy’s point of view, it may be unfair that he was suddenly given enough money to die just for peeping at a woman’s naked body, causing his hands to be shattered.

But, if you’re going to say that’s unfair, you shouldn’t have attacked at least, right? Besides, why the hell did my veteran camera skills not detect it? That too is questionable.

It’s probably true that this guy did something, hahahaha. I have a bad head, so it’s a little hard to even think about it. I should have brought Ragni.

“Do you think they have gone far? Well, I will drag you away like this and tell you everything you know. I was already planning on killing all of you ‘Spirit Society’ bastards.”


At the words I spilled, I can see the pupils on his bruised face getting bigger. This may mean why I know the name ‘Spirit Society’, but would you like me to tell you something that I didn’t even tell my children about as a memory from my past life?

I broke all of the guy’s remaining limbs, and just in case, I punched him in the neck so he couldn’t even make a sound.

“For Ira’s safe school life, think of violence attacking you for a special reason.”

I carried the peeper around like a burden and chased after my companions.



“Oh my gosh, wait a minute. My brother is a mess right now.”

My lovely younger brother, who seems to stop listening to me, immediately hugs me and rubs his face against my stomach even though I say I’m dirty.

Ugh, it hurts my heart that you always seem to worry about my little brother.

The wagon in which the children rode was moored not far from the city of Natty.

Just looking at it, I feel like I’m stopped between a good location to go into the city in case something happens and a good location to follow me.

Me indeed. Just go straight ahead and grab the inn first.

“I’m glad you’re safe!”

“Did you catch it?”

“Uh. First of all, we’ve taken measures to prevent him from moving, and do you have a bag to put him in?”

[I don’t have a battery, but can I carry it over the city wall?]

no. In Natty, you shouldn’t act like you did in Aigram. First of all, there is a character called the dean of the academy, and the setting clearly states that the city is protected by a barrier or barrier.

If Gor decides to break through, he won’t be able to break through, but there’s nothing good about finding out he broke through.

“Why? I’m guessing he’s not just a peep? Is there something I need to find out?”

“Uh. I have no intention of handing it over to the city guard right away.”

“Something? Is he someone who committed a crime other than spying? Maybe a wanted man?”

At times like this, I feel awkward about what to say. ‘It’s one of the dark secrets that cause incidents in the online game Eight in Past Life.’ I can’t say this. first.

“What about Miho? You looked like you got hit pretty hard earlier. Are you okay?”

“Oh, yes. I wrapped it in a bandage. I don’t think it’s a fracture, but I need to see a doctor first.”

“What about the potion?”

“I fed him. But he hasn’t opened his eyes yet.”

Success in turning the horse!

Last time I stopped by the church, I bought a potion. An expensive potion costing 20,000 cans each.

It’s a price that the average person can’t even touch, but fortunately our funds are not normal. Of course, I recently lost a lot of money because I bought weapons for my kids and bought a carriage. Still, there is plenty of spare money.

“Let’s go into the city first.”

“What will he do?”

“Well, you can lay it down next to Miho and treat it as an injured person picked up from being attacked by a monster on the way back.”

From noble mtl dot com

“I see. Then, since the person himself can carry an ID or something, give it a try. If you have it, take it separately, and if you say you’re an adventurer and want to leave it to the guild for money, they’ll let you through.”

Ragni, who neatly finished my poor alternative. As she said, I robbed him and his ID came out.

[Gibson, head of the academy’s middle school spirit department.]

And on that ID card was a name I knew from my previous life.

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