58 – NPC who raises younger siblings. (One)

The reason I opened my eyes was not the softness and warmth I usually feel, but a firmness and wetness that felt in a completely different direction. And it was because of the feeling that it was ‘embracing’ me.

-Mulkyung. Malkan.

“Ahh. Uh, I’m done with the ass. Boom♡”

“Go, my breasts… I can touch my breasts too, so slap… Now, I don’t want to go because my ass is slapped Nyan♡”


No correction. It’s because of the sh*tty sound that I don’t want to believe.

like. Did you sleep with porn on your cell phone before going to bed? I opened my eyes in an instant and turned my head at the sweet and crazy lines that gave me the illusion of saying.

-Bow! Sigh!

I felt as if I was grasping something very soft and huge in my hands, which I only moved by instinct to get up, so I couldn’t even make a sound and jumped up from my seat in a fright.


“…Tai, what the hell is this now?”

just now. What was that thing I just caught in my hand? What is this resilient, unforgettable, addictive sensation?

It is a feeling of the unknown.

As I, who often slept with Ira in my arms, felt the sensation of a new world of softness, elasticity, and warmth, I rubbed my lidded eyes and my non-awakening head and forced myself to look at the place where I was.

and there.

“Ju, I’m Juinni. Forgive me, Ju Se-hyo… Don’t abandon me. Byung.”

“I’ll do better too. Please don’t abandon me, cat.”

I see a situation where the bunny girl and the nekomimi girl, who started hugging me while extending their arms in the direction where I was just now, are holding each other and headbutting each other’s tits, rather than me, who was the target.

I thought Ragni was much taller, but Ray was the type that looked skinny when he wore them?

“No, not this one.”

No matter how much I thought about it, what I just felt was either my butt or my chest. Damn, I can’t even tell what the feeling of the female body I’m holding for the first time is?!!

‘no no!! Calm down my head!! ‘Turn off your eyes!!’

After having just awakened from sleep, I forced myself to stop making judgments and thoughts that prioritize instinct. I wonder why on earth I am lying in bed with these women.

And where is this…


I remembered. We came to the casino.

And having fun at the casino, winning money, and Deus Ex Machina. Meet the elves, all of our girls are defeated and become like that, and then.

“…Me, damn it. Did you touch me drunk?”

I got drunk with the alcohol the elf gave me. I remember up to that point, but the moment I stood up in front of the table without talking, my memory was cut off.

But now, anyone can see the situation where I touched them. This, this… This is!!!!

‘Sir, I didn’t think I would ever get drunk and disappear for the first time?!’

even two women.

A situation where I can’t remember the first time I stole the first time from such attractive kids? What a terrible situation this is.

No matter how you look at them, the crotch of the girls on the bed is much more wet than the other parts of the body where the flesh is exposed, and certain parts of the bed are stained as if water has been sprayed on them.

I can’t even f*ck with this?!

“…That’s right. Brother. It’s dirty. And then it’s dirty.”

I wonder if this is right, but I sit down and hold my head for now.

No matter how much I think about it, do you think that I would have stepped in between the two holes and pounded rice cakes like a rabbit on the full moon?

Damn, I never meant to be a criminal…!!

‘They are all underage!! I’m underage too!! Even if you have a child before you turn 20, you can’t handle it!!!’

This absurd accident is partly due to my body and mind being refreshed somewhere.

Usually, these pretty b*tches are always welcome.

open my bed

Yes Or Yes.

Let’s make it baby! baby!!

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do that as a man.

no. It’s not that old, but I haven’t been able to do it once for two years since I remembered my previous life.

But now, the feeling of refreshment and relief in the body, and the guilt I feel really make me want to die, as it seems to mean that I’ve already done it, that I’ve taken off a few feet in a really cool way.


“What are you so distressed about? Nyan?”


What stopped my thoughts from turning into a mess was Ragni’s soft voice, much lower than usual, and a warm feeling.

Also, I guess I just sat down and thought about it until he got up and hugged my head.

And I can’t see her face, so I just keep my head down and talk.

“…I’m sorry. Really, I was drunk. No, I shouldn’t say something like this at a time like this, but I was really drunk and I don’t remember anything. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have done this to you, taking something precious to you. Really. Really, Mi. ..?”

As I was making lame excuses, a soft hand came over my mouth and gently cut me off.

And as I felt the power of those hands slowly pulling my face up, I was pulled sinfully, and Ragni’s red eyes beautifully curved like a crescent moon and looked at me.

“I’ll explain everything. I remember everything, right? Don’t worry. And you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m actually sorry. I made you put up with it because I thought too much about myself.”

Ragni stays quiet like that. We started talking very quietly so as not to wake up Ray.

She slowly attaches her body to mine and pours her voice into my ear. And I don’t know if Ragni’s voice is true or not.

“…Because I’m listening. Aren’t I even more trash?”

“hehehehe. No. It was so good. It’s the first time I’ve ever been so ecstatic in my life. And I’m really sorry.


She told me about the fact that I assaulted Ray and Ragni almost dozens of times while showing her red, swollen buttocks, and drew a clear line that these were not marks left by intercourse.

However, the fact that Ragni’s immaculate flesh was swollen red like that with my hand must have been really painful for her too. Besides, what on earth was I thinking beating them like this?

Could I be the real S? Is that why you’re pulling M strongly?!

“So, don’t feel guilty, even if Ray wakes up. Just say you don’t remember. First of all, I’ll ask for your clothes. In the meantime, if Ray wakes up, I’ll tell you not to talk about last night. I will. Okay?”

“…Yes. I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I thought I was truly happy because I was your slave. And if you’re really sorry, ask me again next time?”


crazy pervert. The guilt that had been creeping up all evaporated.

As if Ragni really remembered everything from last night, while talking, his face gradually came to mind, and he acted like gently touching his butt with his hand. I didn’t answer anything and went out of the room, leaving the two women behind.


[Title new! : Cat owner. Rabbit breeder. Female assistant master. Butt lover. Sending a woman away with just a hand. The gambling maestro. Marrow S. A bad guy when drunk. The mountain keeper chosen by the elf (male).]

After confirming that another disgusting title had been added, I moved immediately.


[It looks like you had a very good time last night.]

“…it wasn’t very fun.”

[I believe titles don’t lie.]

“…Stop it.”

[I’m going to have to get my hands on the voice soon. I have to tell Ira.]

“Really kill?”

[The three of us except me are enjoying it so much, and it’s rather disgusting. I am disappointed in the owner.]


From noble mtl dot com

Should I say I’m lucky? I woke up early in the morning as usual, and when I brought the clothes for the two of them, Ray was already awake.

Somehow, I wanted to say something with a huge red face and I wandered with Eve and Awaa. sorry.’ and blocked the conversation.

Perhaps Ragni cut off the conversation properly. However, I thought that apologizing to Ragni and not apologising to Ray was discrimination, so I apologized for what happened last night, although I don’t remember what Ragni said.

[Oh no!! No need to be sorry!! very nice…!! no!! I’m sorry!!!]

I only found out again that he was a 10 pervert with no answers. I really like these guys, maybe? Someone take them, really.

Eventually, after changing into normal clothes, we were able to arrive at the hotel before Ira woke up, and immediately instructed the two of them what to do today and sent them outside first.

Right now I’m walking slowly with the sleeping Ira in my arms, chasing after the two of them. In the meantime, he continues to nag at me like a wife who kept the house.

[I am also capable of being punished by my master, so why are you ostracizing me? It’s very disappointing.]

“…Please stop. Gor, I’m really having a hard time.”

[…All right. Instead, give me a reward for something. The demons were blocked, and Ira-nim was well protected. I think you need a reward.]

A reward, a reward? well, yes

“s*xual things, asking to hit me, not wanting to protect the house, I’ll listen to anything except that I don’t want to protect it.”

[It’s a reward, but there are too many things that can’t be done.]


Without you, who really protects you?

To be honest, I don’t think it’s okay to explode Ragni’s talent and add one more escort, but from yesterday, she must have noticed her talent. If you ask me to buy you a magic gun later, that’s it.

Unconditionally awakening as a boss? At that time, there’s a possibility that even if you, Ray, and I attack, we won’t be able to win.

[It’s good to protect Ira and the house. I have no intention of rejecting it in the first place.]

“So, what do you want?”

[I hope to open s*xual things.]

When I saw the status window that appeared without a moment of hesitation, I couldn’t help but look at Gor as if I were looking at a bug.

You crazy b*tch, I don’t have a taste for golems?!!

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