[6, I just don't know, why there is no accident, and I even think it's normal, what's going on?]

[Maybe it's because, according to this person's usual operation, it seems to be really normal.]

[Hehehe, don't show me who you are, heh. [

!!No, Emperor, please listen to my quibble, ah, no, phew, this damn system, I didn't mean that, I, oops, fuck, I'm going to die.

[Brother, this has nothing to do with other people's systems, the system is just released according to what you think, so don't be lazy before you talk about melons next time. Yes

, yes, what. Brother, mourn, don't talk, come on, let's continue to watch the little anchor, watch the little anchor.

[Yo, I heard that there is a dragon, and I went to sleep and turned over and ruined my home, oops, Samuel, how can I say it, you are really good. 【

??Regana, are you itchy skin, aren't you, or are you idle and bored and no one beats you, come on, come on, I'm going to fight with you now, and loosen your skeleton.

[Yo, okay, I really want to have a good fight with a dragon who can turn over and destroy his own family, and loosen my muscles. I've been so busy these days, now I have to take a good look at the power of your family to turn over and destroy your home.

[Regana, Samuel, you two converge a little, look where this is, it's not a shame to add up to a thousand-year-old beast?]

[Hey, Podiari, just talk a lot of, sit in your position and talk about it, don't worry about idle things. 】

【...... Okay, all of you are hundreds of years old, can you not be so boring? Also, you can fight, get out of the interstellar border and fight, I don't want to clean up the mess for the two of you anymore.

[Yo, Gloria, don't be so ruthless, besides, we're just joking, laughing, how can we take it seriously, isn't it, Regana.]

[Oh, →_→. At

this time, in the live broadcast room, except for these few people, they were still talking.

The rest of the interstellar people were unusually silent, and Qiu Yunzheng never saw the slightest hint of their liveliness before.

There is no way, at this time, in addition to trembling and watching their emperor and the top leaders arguing, what else can they say, they should dare to say anything.

It's not their turn to interject now, they don't want to die, especially the person who started this bloodbath.


At this time, he had already figured out how to write a suicide note.

But what he didn't know was that because other leaders came out to interrupt or should be ridiculed, the emperor of his family had forgotten to settle accounts with him.

So much so that later, he waited for the emperor's death call every day, and then found that there was no.

Only then did I realize that I realized it, and it was at that time that I dared to be active again in Qiu Yunzheng's live broadcast room, of course, this ID name has been modified several times.

Seeing Qiu Yunzheng here, she realized that this was the case, she really thought that the emperor of this empire was really hanging, mainly because the people in the interstellar world said it was too true.

But when I heard that this was just a turnover, the palace fell, which is too exaggerated, and then I saw that the dragon clan they said was still the name of the West.

Qiu Yunzheng imagined the big-bellied dragon in the West in his mind, as if, indeed, it might fall.

Qiu Yunzheng guessed that they must have not been built, or they were just a piece of goods.

Their Forbidden City has survived so many earthquakes and has been intact, how could it collapse just because of the shaking of turning over.

However, I saw that several leaders in the live broadcast room said something terrifying, this is obviously just ordinary text, but Qiu Yunzheng can always see the murderous spirit from it.

So Qiu Yunzheng didn't ask, and she was a little afraid to ask, she was a little scared when she saw this intensity.

Moreover, dragons or something, orcs or something, isn't this interstellar era of science and technology, how is it a bit of a fantasy rush, and I'm glad it's not in one place again.

"Okay, let's go into this burial chamber, there is no mechanism in this one, and there is only one mechanism in the other burial chamber.

After Qiu Yunzheng came back to his senses, he was still a little surprised when he saw Gu Hanfeng beside him, but he didn't think much about it, and walked straight into the tomb on the left.

Gu Hanfeng saw Qiu Yunzheng's expression in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and silently followed Qiu Yunzheng and the group inside.

Upon entering the door of the left burial chamber, there was a sarcophagus in the middle of the burial chamber, which was smaller than the sarcophagus of the son of the gan they had found before.

This is supposed to be a personal sarcophagus, is this Diao's? But it's a little too rudimentary.

Everyone walked in with great curiosity, and when they walked inside, they also saw the murals on the walls inside, which were different from those in the front rooms.

The mural depicts a graceful and graceful woman flanked by a tall man in armor and armed with a spear.

The mural depiction is relatively simple, but the colors are bright, and you can also see the extraordinary beauty of the woman and the terrifying momentum of the man.

The woman depicted on the mural should obviously be Diao Chan, this man should be Lu Bu in history, does Diao Chan like

Lu Bu? Or, is it possible that there is still Lu Bu in this tomb?"

"And this is the left room, the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty is advocating the right as the respect, this tomb is obviously a little smaller than the right, this sarcophagus is likely to be a martyr.

Bai Li took a flashlight, carefully looked at all the murals, and then explored the surroundings of the sarcophagus before telling his guess.

"I also agree with the professor's speculation, maybe the one on the right is the tomb of Diao Chan, this should be the tomb of someone close to Diao Chan, or the burial chamber of the person who was buried, which also explains why this sarcophagus is a bit shabby.

Qiu Yunzheng was also looking at the murals and sarcophagi around him, and after hearing Bai Lishen's guess, he couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.

"Okay, let's go to the right first, I can't find any information here. Bai

Lishen didn't want to open the sarcophagus, not because they didn't want to know who the sarcophagus was, but it was not suitable to open it now.

The reason why I opened the sarcophagus of the son of the cadre before was because I was afraid that the inside of the sarcophagus would be damaged, and I also wanted to know whose tomb it was.

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