In the current battle, six Pokémon are fully loaded, and each trainer has half the number of times to replace Pokémon as the Pokémon on the field, which means there are only three opportunities to replace Pokémon.

Ren Yan has a guarantee, so he is not panicking, but Ren Yan does not want to be like Liu Qingfeng, because the champion-level Pokémon given by the Free Alliance is considered by many people to be unfair.

In comparison, Niu Ying only has more combat systems, which is more valuable than Liu Qingfeng.

Putting aside Ren Yan's guarantee and Liu Qingfeng's champion-level Pokémon, Ren Yan must have a clear suppression of Liu Qingfeng in other areas.

Ren Yan not only wants to beat Liu Qingfeng, but also wants to win thoroughly.

So to deal with Liu Qingfeng's king-level Pokémon, Ren Yan must also use the king-level Pokémon to defeat his king-level Pokémon.

The Pokémon on the field requires four fairy-attribute Pokémon, and Ren Yan has already prepared.

Seeing that the crowd was basically all supporting him, Ren Yan was playing with his phone in the lounge without any hurry.

Ren Yan had already handed over the distribution of the Free Alliance's spies around the world to the Alliance, and the Alliance announced it to the world for free.

It was also a disguised provocation. What measures would the English Alliance, Sakura Alliance, and other alliances that closely followed the Free Alliance take after knowing the list of local Free Alliance spies? This was what Ren Yan liked to hear.

At this time, Ren Yan's entourage stood beside Ren Yan and swallowed unconsciously.

The lounge was very large, so Ren Yan simply released all the Pokémon.

Oh my goodness... These three second-level god-level Pokémon, Liu Qingfeng has to win with his head! Isn't this asking for trouble!

Seeing that the time was almost up, the entourage reminded Ren Yan in a low voice: "That... time is up! It's time to go out!"

Ren Yan nodded, took back the Pokémon, and walked out of the lounge.

In the corridor of the stadium, Ren Yan saw that most of his friends had arrived... except Mo Yu.

They naturally came to help Ren Yan stand in line.

Among them, Shi Ruibo was holding a red machine and looking around.

"What is this?" Ren Yan asked.

"This is the Pokémon encyclopedia developed by the alliance, which contains all the known Pokémon..."

As he spoke, Shi Ruibo placed the red machine in front of Golduck next to Xiao Hui, and then a message popped up on it:

[Pokémon: Golduck]

[Attribute: Water]

[Egg group: Water group; Land group]

[Features: Moisture; Regardless of weather; Free and easy]

[Duck Pokémon, Psyduck evolves...]

Ren Yan raised his eyebrows. Now the Pokémon encyclopedias are all out, but it seems that there are no numbers.

Then Shi Ruibo placed it in front of the Double Axe War Dragon next to Golduck.

[Pokémon: Double Axe War Dragon]

[Attribute: Dragon]

Shi Ruibo was getting more and more excited as he played, and was about to measure Deng Qijin's Pikachu with the Pokémon Pokédex. As a result, when he passed by Ren Yan, a message popped up on it.

[Pokémon: Ren Yan]

[Attribute: Fighting; Grass; General]

Ren Yan: "???"

Everyone: "!!!"

Shi Ruibo aimed at Zhang Fa.


Shi Ruibo aimed at Xiao Hui.


Shi Ruibo aimed at Ren Yan again.

[Pokémon: Ren Yan]

Ren Yan: "..."

Ren Yan sighed deeply. In this day and age, he couldn't even be a human.

Damn, he really became a Pokémon now.

Ren Yan walked out of the corridor with no desire to live, and slowly walked towards the battlefield.

At this moment, Liu Qingfeng was already standing on the other side of the battlefield, and the two turned on the microphone to communicate.

"Tell me... what mode?" Ren Yan asked.

The battle mode of the attribute king and the king, and even the championship challenge, is chosen by the challenged.

Using the mode you are not good at to defeat the opponent's best mode is the real replacement of the king position.

Otherwise, the two challenge each other with the mode they are good at, and the king position is always erratic, which is not conducive to stability.

Yao Wei is good at singles, so she chose singles, but still lost to Liu Qingfeng.

In this game, Liu Qingfeng was the challenged, and it was also the mode Liu Qingfeng chose to fight.

"What mode are you best at?" Liu Qingfeng smiled, he wanted to defeat Ren Yan with the mode that Ren Yan was good at.

"6v6, the alliance does not allow it..." Ren Yan replied with a smile.

Liu Qingfeng was stunned, 6v6? What a joke, there are so many Pokémon, the commander can't command them all, even if he can command, but his mouth can't keep up with the brain.

Ren Yan has a plug-in, he doesn't need to use his mouth at all, fighting team battles, Ren Yan is professional.

"Choose the mode you are best at, and you should go all out in the competition. You don't need to give in to me..." Ren Yan said with a smile.

The whole audience was in an uproar. Ren Yan was already at a disadvantage in level, and he still used the mode that Liu Qingfeng was best at.How to play this?

"Then let's go 2v2..." Liu Qingfeng didn't expect Ren Yan to be so determined.

In this case, Liu Qingfeng didn't need to be polite.

Jiujiu: "Hi! Hello everyone! I'm Jiujiu, the commentator of this game!"

Ye Zi: "Hello everyone! I'm Ye Zi, the commentator of this game!"

Jiujiu: "Now it's a rare challenge for the position of the king. Generally, when the trainer is old and can't react, the lower will challenge the upper king. But the fairy king Liu Qingfeng successfully challenged the former fairy king Yao Wei. Now, less than a month later, Yao Wei's son, the famous Ren Yan, is going to avenge his mother!"

Ye Zi: "I can hear that the audience is very enthusiastic about the two players..."

Jiujiu: "Well! In unison (referring to Ren Yan), now, the game officially begins!"

Both sides released their Pokémon.

Liu Qingfeng released the king-level Kog'Maw and the king-level Emperor Nabo.

It is obvious that Emperor Nabo is one of the only two non-fairy attribute Pokémon of Liu Qingfeng. The steel attribute is nothing more than a counter to the fairy attribute.

Ren Yan still uses the same old tricks, the King-level Shining Gardevoir and the King-level Shining Aledo.

On the stage, the champions and the kings are also watching the game seriously.

They also hope that Ren Yan will win. After all, Liu Qingfeng was supported by the Free Alliance with a lot of bleeding. Ren Yan's victory will benefit the alliance more.

Sun Quanwei looked at Ren Yan's two Pokémon and wondered: "The breakthrough time is no more than three months, and the aura is so stable?"

After breaking through the King level, a lot of actual combat experience is needed. It is not as simple as fighting Pokémon in the wild. It must be a Pokémon of a trainer with rich experience. You must regain your feeling in the familiar tactics and playing methods that have been used again and again to stabilize the energy in the Pokémon.

Bai Yuna nodded with satisfaction: "I asked him to challenge eight provincial gyms to test the waters. The kid was a little anxious at first, but now he is in pretty good shape..."

Xia Rou smiled and said: "In fact, Yanyan could have been disobedient, but Yanyan is very sensitive about Pokémon and will not feel aimless, so he honestly defeated the eight gyms..."

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