
A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, shattering the surrounding trees and splashing dust on the ground.

This was a huge explosion of a king-level Pokémon, and its power was imaginable.

At the critical moment, Shieldblade emerged from the ground and used the King's Shield, Slimy Dragon broke out of the ball, and Magic Masked Meowth rushed over at an extreme speed, working together with Archon and Vulcan Moth to defend.

A green energy shield appeared in an instant, and the four Shieldblades using the King's Shield defended the Pokémon and tried their best to help Zhang Fa resist the damage of the explosion.

However, the gap in levels and the unattainable power of the explosion added up, and the energy shields of the four Pokémon were all broken and overturned by the explosion. Except for Shieldblade, they all lost their combat ability.

Although the explosion did not cause any damage to the Shieldblade, the explosion's power covered the entire area, and the Shieldblade could not protect Zhang Fa. In the end, it took the combined efforts of the five Pokémon to barely save Zhang Fa.

Even so, Zhang Fa was still overturned by the aftermath of the shock wave, and after rolling on the ground for several rounds, he hit a stone exposed by the explosion and barely stopped.

Megalodon arrived here at this time and helped Zhang Fa stand up slowly.

Zhang Fa stood up with difficulty and took back the four Pokémon that had lost their combat ability.

Now only Megalodon and Shieldblade stood beside him.

Nez couldn't help but frown. It was really hard to get rid of Zhang Fa...

The Plasma Team said that if they couldn't catch him, they could get rid of him. After all, only Xiao Hui was arranged not to die. As for the other two, there were no special requirements. Deng Qijin still had someone behind him, so he had to think twice before touching him. But Zhang Fa was a complete civilian trainer, so Nez asked Tank Skunk to use Big Blast and mercilessly kill Zhang Fa.

In order for his sister to inherit his gym, Nez had to be ruthless and complete the task, even if it meant any means.

"Squid King!" Nez took back Tank Skunk, which had lost its combat ability.

The Squid King condensed super energy and used phantom light.

Zhang Fa jumped onto Megalodon, turned around and jumped into the river, speeding on the surface of the river.

The Shield Blade used Hold, and with the blessing of the King's Shield, it barely resisted the Squid King's phantom light, and then sank into the ground and disappeared.

The squid king floated himself and chased after him quickly.

The hooded thug and the blocking bear followed closely along the shore.

"Ahem!" Deng Qijin felt pain all over his body, slowly opened his eyes, and woke up in the cell.

"Awake?" A member of the Plasma Team slowly walked to the iron bars and looked at Deng Qijin indifferently.

Deng Qijin looked at Xiao Hui on the side, who was still unconscious, but his eyes moved slightly and he would wake up soon.

"Are you from the Plasma Team?" Deng Qijin asked, looking at the member's uniform.

"It seems you know..." The man smiled, took out a piece of information and looked through it briefly, "The son of the commander of the Lubei Military Region of the Huaxia Alliance, it seems that he has a powerful background..."

"So be sensible and let us go, otherwise the army of the Huaxia Alliance will flatten your Plasma Team!" Deng Qijin warned him.

The plasma team member sneered: "No, you are a big threat in the future, and we will definitely settle accounts with you in the future! We can't let you go!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Deng Qijin gritted his teeth.

"Whether it is nonsense or not is not up to you to decide. If you want to blame... blame your friend Ren Yan. His methods are getting stronger and stronger. He can even fight against the strongest dragon on the surface of the earth, Kyurem. If he is not stopped, he will become our biggest enemy in the future, so we will clear him out... But he is still in the mine pit of Area Zero, and it is not easy to attack..." The plasma team member said lightly.

"Moreover, after we clear Ren Yan, you, as Ren Yan's friends, have talents almost equal to Ren Yan, and will also become our main threat. You will naturally be arrested by us..."

"You dare to attack Ren Yan. Do you know how many legends are behind him?" Deng Qijin said angrily.

"Hehe..." The members of the Plasma Team couldn't help but laugh, "We don't care. As long as he dies, the legend behind him will be scattered all over the world, and we just need to hide for a while. As for you... we don't care!"

A few more members of the Plasma Team came over, holding various weapons and standing in front of the iron fence.

Deng Qijin's eyes were stunned.

"Do you really think we are a small organization like the Shout Team and the Skull Team? Now Kyurem is on our side and wants to snatch the black and white dragons of your alliance with us. Getting the gene covenant is just the beginning, and you are not worthy of exchanging the black and white dragons..." The Plasma member pointed at Xiao Hui, "NoYou don't have it, and neither does he, but he's lucky. I don't know why Team Rocket wants to spare his life, but you... don't have that condition..."

As he spoke, the iron bars opened in an instant, and several ferocious Plasma members walked in, looking at Deng Qijin with disdain.



The Squid King used brute force to raise a huge water column on the surface of the water.

But it still didn't hit the Megalodon.

Zhang Fa was fully focused and had entered the wide area of ​​the river. As long as he dealt with the Squid King, the Squid King wouldn't be able to chase him with the Turban Gang and the Blocker Bear in the air, and there wouldn't be much of a threat.

As for the gym leader-level Pokémon that Nez was riding in the air, it didn't pose much of an obstacle in Zhang Fa's eyes.

The ideal is beautiful, and the Squid King is still a king-level Pokémon after all.

The big level gap The distance between the Squid King and Zhang Fa gradually shortened.

After several rounds of attacks, the Squid King still failed to hit Zhang Fa.

Zhang Fa's combat is different from Ren Yan's. Ren Yan's is eyesight plus reaction plus prediction. If he can't predict, he will rely on his own eyesight and reaction ability.

Zhang Fa completely relies on his own prediction. He can judge the move that the Squid King is about to use by looking back slightly to see where the Squid King is condensing what energy. This is the rich experience accumulated in combat in various environments. Zhang Fa is not like some people who are either cheating or on the way to cheating.

However, if some people don't cheat, Zhang Fa will have nothing to do...

The Squid King gathers general attribute energy and uses the destructive light to rush straight to Zhang Fa in front.

The Shield Sword Monster floated up again, setting up a shield to be immune to this destructive light.

"Now! Attack the Shield Sword Monster!" Nez seized the opportunity and shouted.

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