A sudden attack by the spirit!!!

Not far ahead, the spirit horse appeared again.

With a dark aura all over its body, it rushed straight to the front wheel of the Milton.

Ren Yan's eyes tightened, and Milton immediately raised his head.

Ren Yan twisted his body hard, and Milton rotated ninety degrees on the rear wheel and quickly dodged in another direction.

The spirit horse missed.

The spirit horse's whole body was shining with super energy.

High-speed movement!!!

The spirit horse used super energy to drive itself, passing through the magenta spirit horse afterimage, and chased after it at a speed faster than Milton.

After a while, the spirit horse and Milton were on par.


The spirit horse sideways collided with Milton.

Ren Yan slightly side-glanced, and the power of waveguide and the power of Changpan connected Milton and instantly gave an order.


With a swish, Ren Yan instantly fell behind Lingyouma, and Lingyouma collided with it sideways and missed again.

Ren Yan's eyes were focused, and he could not slack off at all. Lingyouma could make countless mistakes, but Ren Yan could not make a single mistake. If he made a mistake, everything would be over.

Ren Yan asked Millerton to turn around and fly away quickly.

Lingyouma used high-speed movement again, with an afterimage as if time had stopped, and appeared in front of Ren Yan and Millerton in a flash.

Step on it!!!

Lingyouma raised its front feet, and Ren Yan was right under Lingyouma at this time.

Ren Yan quickly changed direction.

The instantaneous rotation of the front wheel and Ren Yan's control of the speed of the rear wheel allowed Millerton to drift in the position imagined by Ren Yan.

Millerton turned his whole body around, drifted in place, and wiped out a snowstorm covering everything.

Lingyouma stepped on it and fell down suddenly.

With a bang!

The front foot of the spirit horse landed on the ground, and there was a burst of roaring sound. The surrounding heavy snow was shaken three times like ripples on the water.

Ren Yan dodged in time, watching the powerful foot of the spirit horse land only a few centimeters away from the front wheel of Millerton.

Ren Yan continued to adjust the speed.

The direction of the front wheel kept turning.

Millerton was still in a 360-degree uninterrupted drift, but Ren Yan's operation made Millerton drift while moving. When the spirit horse just landed, it had already left the spirit horse a few meters away.

Then it accelerated and escaped again.

The spirit horse raised its front foot, and the evil attribute energy gathered around its mouth.

A powerful black energy wave slightly bent and rushed straight towards Millerton.

"Here we go again..."

What Ren Yan was least afraid of was a straight-line long-range attack.

Ren Yan turned his body, causing Millerton to drift sideways.

The evil wave brushed Millerton's body and continued to pass forward.

Lingyouma looked at Ren Yan who escaped again, his eyes gradually became violent, but at the same time, there was a trace of rationality.

Since the straight-line long-range attack doesn't work, let's track him.

High-speed stars!!!

Ren Yan's eyes were slightly startled.

Meow! High-speed stars have their own judgment, so it's not easy to dodge.

Ren Yan asked Milton to speed up.

The four high-speed stars condensed by Lingyouma were scattered in four different directions and roared towards Ren Yan.

Ren Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his direction, left the vast plain, and plunged into the forest.

The forest in the Crown Snowfield is still a coniferous forest similar to Siberia. The trees are relatively tall, and the gaps between the trees are relatively large, so it won't be so uncomfortable to run.

It's just that it snows all year round, and the snow on the trees is shaky, as if it will fall on your head if you stand next to it.

Ren Yan controlled Milton to gallop through the woods, and the high-speed stars in the four directions behind him were getting closer and closer.

High-speed stars can also perfectly bypass the obstruction of trees and lock onto Ren Yan and Millerton.

Soon, the first high-speed star was close to Ren Yan.

Ren Yan looked sideways slightly.

Around a relatively large tree, it instantly changed direction.

The high-speed star followed and turned around the tree, holding on to Ren Yan.

Then in front of Ren Yan was a towering tree.

Millerton showed tremendous explosive power.

Along the exposed tree roots, the energy of lightning attributes was condensed to attach small lightning balls to the tires.

Increase its own grip.

The next moment, Millerton grabbed the tree trunk and climbed up, climbing up at a high speed without slowing down.

The high-speed star made a vertical 90-degree turn and followed Millerton upwards.

Ren Yan's eyes tightened, and he controlled Millerton to pass through the closed leaves between the two branches.

The hard leaves in the cold wind cut through Ren Yan's body like a blade, leaving scars on his face and arms.

The scars would not bleed because they were frozen by the cold wind.

After Ren Yan passed through that layer of leaves, he suddenly stopped.The car stopped.

The wave power floated on his hand, and he turned around to push the blades to pry the heavy snow covering it.

The heavy snow fell like rain.

Even if the high-speed star could avoid it due to automatic recognition, the lateral movement of the high-speed star would give Ren Yan a lot of time for such a large area of ​​snow.

Ren Yan's eyes tightened, and the wave power in his hand had condensed into a wave missile.

The high-speed star was avoiding the falling snowflakes and moving outside the snow.

Ren Yan locked onto the snow.

The wave missile burst out.

Passing through the layer of snow, it went straight to the high-speed star below.

With a bang, a burst of explosions, Ren Yan successfully hit the high-speed star.

The high-speed star can identify obstacles, automatically avoid obstacles and lock onto the opponent.

But who would have thought that the high-speed star would fly along the side of the obstacle, and a wave missile would pop out of the obstacle.

Ren Yan thought for a while, it seems that changing the shape of the obstacle can effectively resist the high-speed star.

But Ren Yan didn't have that much time to think.

Because the next high-speed star is coming.

The high-speed star is above the forest, locking onto Ren Yan on the towering tree, and whistling over.

Millerton bounced, leaned back, twisted his body in the air, and raised his ears.

The two ears spread their huge wings and began to glide from the air.

The high-speed star is close at hand.

Ren Yan's eyes tightened, and Millerton instantly retracted his wings and began to fall.

The high-speed star made a 90-degree vertical turn in the air and rushed straight down to Ren Yan.

Ren Yan and Millerton landed first.

Ren Yan immediately turned the direction and adjusted the rotation speed of Millerton's rear wheels at the same time.

Drifting 360 degrees in place.

The high-speed star fell suddenly, and when it was a few centimeters away from the ground, it suddenly tracked Millerton's rear wheels horizontally.

Ren Yan accelerated again, and the rotation drift accelerated again.

The high-speed star followed closely behind.

The snowflakes raised by the drift became thicker and thicker, and the snowflake barrier became larger and larger.

The high-speed star, which had been in the snowflakes, suddenly exploded after Ren Yan suddenly burst out with all his strength to stir up a high snowflake barrier.

Ren Yan quickly adjusted the direction and drifted away from the explosion range of the high-speed star.

Looking at his arms full of wounds, he still couldn't completely avoid the explosion of the high-speed star.

It seems that creating a substantial obstacle at the location of the high-speed star can also effectively fight against the high-speed star, but the explosion behind is not easy to avoid...

When the high-speed star was tracking Millerton, the snowflakes stirred up by Millerton's rear wheels wrapped the high-speed star.

The high-speed star did not recognize the shallow snowflakes as obstacles and let the snowflakes wrap it.

Until the snowflakes became larger and larger, and the high-speed star recognized them as obstacles that needed to be avoided, it was too late.

There was no way to avoid it, and it finally exploded...

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