Even if Keldeo knew that his escape would cause a huge disaster, he would return to his family with a guilty conscience after knowing this.

That kind of guilty conscience could become a heart disease that prevents Keldeo from awakening.

If Keldeo cannot awaken, let alone regain his strength, it is even a question whether the broken horn can grow back.

"Don't you miss your family?" Bai Xuerong asked again.

Keldeo was silent. How could it not miss them? But in its current state, it no longer had the face to face its family.

"What should we do next?" Bai Xuerong looked at Ren Yan.

Ren Yan looked at Zygarde.

"z! (The most urgent task now is to send Keldeo back to the Alps. The Pokémon there know it and will soon be able to calm down the war!)" Zygarde said righteously.

"How long will it take?" Ren Yan asked.

"z! (The Alps are now mobilizing for war, and the Pokémon closest to the Three Holy Swords have begun to gather. I estimate that there is still a week left!)" Zygarde said anxiously.

Ren Yan nodded: "Don't be so anxious..."

Zygarde: "z? (Isn't it urgent? There is only one week left!)"

"One week, there is plenty of time..." Ren Yan ignored Zygarde and looked at Bai Xuerong, "Next, take this child to have some fun..."

"Okay... where to go?" Bai Xuerong agreed.

"Let's go to the French Union... go all the way and play whatever you want." Ren Yan suggested.

The French Union is very close to the Alps, and most of the territory of the entire union is in the northwest of the Alps. The Pokémon army of the Three Holy Swords is heading northeast, at least it will not pass through the capital of the French Union, which is relatively safe.

Ren Yan also considered the Italian Alliance south of the Alps, but if the Three Holy Swords attacked human territory indiscriminately, Ren Yan did not think that the Italian Alliance could hold out.

After all, the records of the first two world wars could not be checked...

At Ren Yan's suggestion, the two rode Pokémon to Paris, the capital of the French Alliance.

Ren Yan rode Charizard, and Snow White rode Sniper Owl.

Because he had to carry Keldeo, Snow White could not ride the same Pokémon as Ren Yan, which made Snow White feel a little disappointed.

The two passed through the Polish Alliance, the German Alliance, the Swiss Alliance, and the French Alliance.

They also saw a lot of scenery and exotic customs.

It was equivalent to Ren Yan and Snow White taking Keldeo on a spontaneous trip.

However, on the way, Ren Yan sensed the same rare Pokémon three times... Absol.

This Pokémon stands on all fours like a white wolf, and the sharp blades on its head and tail make people feel scared. It looks cool and handsome.

Especially after the mega evolution, it grows two wings, which makes Absol more holy in its coldness.

Ren Yan really wants to capture one.

However, Absol has no evolutionary form. If you want champion-level qualifications, it means that the initial qualifications are SS-level.

In addition, Absol represents bad luck in human legends and is driven away by humans.

So Absol dare not appear in front of humans now.

It looks extremely rare.

But Ren Yan knows that Absol does not bring disasters, but predicts disasters and warns creatures in disasters.

This incident is interpreted as bringing disasters in human legends.

But in the records of the Huaxia Alliance, Absol is a beast of good fortune, warning the world to beware of natural disasters and avoid harm.

After all, the disaster had already been foreshadowed before Absol came, and Absol's arrival further proved the existence of the disaster.

However, the ideology and cultural invasion of the Western world brought the image of Absol as a disaster beast to the people of the Huaxia Alliance.

Even now, half of the people in the Huaxia Alliance still don't know the positive image of Absol, and are completely misunderstood by the West.

Ren Yan can't change anything about this, but Ren Yan's encounter with Absol also means that Absol predicted that there will be a disaster here.

The disaster that the Alps army ran over.

Humans don't know that Pokémon have already begun to migrate with signs.

After three days, Ren Yan and Bai Xuerong finally arrived in Paris, the capital of the French Alliance.

Paris looks romantic and prosperous from a distance, but if you look closely... you can't see anything.

But it doesn't prevent Ren Yan and Bai Xuerong from appreciating the local customs.

If you go to Paris for fun, you must visit the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris and the Louvre.

These places are the cultural symbols of the French Alliance.

The Eiffel Tower is just a tower...

The Louvre... so crowded, you can't see anythingSee you.

In the end, Ren Yan and Bai Xuerong brought Keldeo to the Notre Dame Cathedral, which was just built after the fire.

Ren Yan and Bai Xuerong bought tickets and walked in with Keldeo. There was a gorgeous corridor, and the surrounding light beams hit the ground through the patterned glass, which looked shining.

The nun also enthusiastically took the two to visit various places in Notre Dame.

"Sir, Miss... It is said that sincere prayers under the glory of this church will let the other party know your feelings..." The nun took the two to the deepest part of Notre Dame.

On the pulpit of the church, the cross stood on the wall, and further up, a round window through a layer of sunlight hit the center of the pulpit.

For the locals, that was the light given by the gods.

Bai Xuerong became more and more excited as he listened, and couldn't wait to try it.

Ren Yan saw the murals around him, which were records of humans and many legendary Pokémon.

The Three Holy Swords, Keldeo was among them.

The struggle between humans and the Three Holy Swords has been traced back thousands of years.

Unlike Eastern thought, ancient Eastern thought advocates the unity of all things, the law of nature, and the harmonious coexistence of humans and Pokémon.

The Huaxia Alliance stands with the Phoenix King and has never lost contact for thousands of years.

The Three Holy Beasts not only monitor the human world, but also protect the Huaxia Alliance for thousands of years.

The Four Cloud Gods bring good luck to the Huaxia Alliance and bring a good harvest next year.

So the current trainer profession first appeared in the East.

The West advocates force and has never stopped fighting Pokémon for thousands of years.

The Three Holy Beasts of the Huaxia Alliance exist to protect the Huaxia Alliance, while the Three Holy Swords of Europe have become an existence to resist humans.

The murals record the endless struggle between humans and the Three Holy Swords.

However, after the previous generation of Keldeo challenged Kyurem's law of return, the struggle between humans and the Three Holy Swords has been much smaller.

With the emergence of trainers, humans and Pokémon get along more harmoniously, and the history of previous struggles is gradually forgotten by humans...

PS: There are still three legal Pokémon and two illegal Pokémon, and the protagonist's ordinary Pokémon are all captured.

These two illegal Pokémon are foreshadowed at the beginning.

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