Chapter 77 Green Tea Feng Xiaowu

 In the east chamber of the palace lived the prince's other female relatives.

The west wing was originally the guest courtyard. Later, the prince angrily changed the southwest courtyard, so this area was changed into the residence of the girls of the prince's palace.


Hmm, no one.

 The backyard is the residence of the servants of the house, as well as various furnishings and warehouses.

There is a long distance between the southeast courtyard and the east wing. There is a beautiful bamboo forest, gardens, and patches of rockeries and ponds in the middle.

When the palace was first built, the craftsmen took advantage of the terrain and dug an artificial river between the southeast courtyard and the east chamber. The water flowed down, passed through the west chamber, and then circled back to the main pond in the backyard.

 In order to facilitate walking, an arch bridge was built in the middle.

Suisui doesn’t know how long it will take to get from the east chamber to the southeast courtyard.

She only knew that she walked for a long time from the front yard of the main courtyard to the southeast courtyard.

I passed countless pavilions, rockeries, ponds, and small gardens. I was sweating as I walked, and then I finally saw the southeast courtyard of the palace.

 The houses in the southeast courtyard are connected into one piece, with more than ten rooms in total.

 There are now seven rooms inhabited by people, corresponding to the seven princes of the palace.

 When a prince's son reaches the age of six or seven, he can separate from his mother and move to the southeast courtyard to live alone.

Of course, there are servants and servants to serve, but I am not afraid that they will not adapt.

 Furthermore, brothers can learn better and communicate with each other better when they are together.

The houses are arranged in order from south to north, and house the eldest to seventh sons of the palace.

The scenery in front of each young master's house is different. Some are flowers, some are grass, some are herbs, and some are low varieties of bamboo.

The scenery along the way is almost dazzling my eyes.

Now that I have come to this area, my eyes are even more dazzled.

When he came to the place where he lived, Feng Xuanrui generously introduced it to Suisui: "Did you see it? Did you see it? The one with the bamboos is my brother's room."

Feng Xuanbin was not to be outdone. After Feng Xuanrui finished speaking, he immediately tugged on Suisui's sleeves, pointed to his room and said: "That's mine, it's next to Sixth Brother. In front of the room, there used to be There are flowers planted, but it’s a pity that it’s cold today and they haven’t bloomed yet. They will bloom beautifully in the future.”

Speaking of flowers, Feng Xuanbin was very proud: "My mother is very good at raising flowers. When the flowers bloom, she picks them all for my sister!"


 Hearing this title, Suisui was a little confused.

 Isn’t it called mother concubine?

Can you also call me mother?

Suisui didn't understand, so he tilted his head and thought for a while in confusion.

 It's a pity that neither of them understood the little girl's doubts.

If he didn't want to see Xiao Wu, Feng Xuanrui would really plan to take his sister to visit his own house first.

 His house is so nice!

Thinking about what his mother said, Xiaowu just moved back two days ago, Feng Xuanrui turned his head and asked Feng Xuanbin: "Xiaowu just moved back two days ago, where did he live before? Did he go back to his mother's place?"

 Feng Xuanbin is in the house, so he naturally knows about these things.

When Feng Xuanrui asked, he nodded quickly: "Empress Ren was worried and took the fifth brother to live in the east chamber."

Upon hearing this, Feng Xuanrui realized that it was indeed the case. He nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

 Having heard about Xiaowu-Feng Xuanbo a long time ago, Xiaoliu returned home and brought a child back.

He guessed that the mother-in-law would definitely let him come over.

  The fight between the two people happened more than a month ago. How could a child hold such a long grudge?

Although Feng Xuanbo was beaten extremely badly at that time, he is the fifth brother and cannot hold grudges all the time!

 So, he is no longer angry.

However, when I heard that Feng Xuanrui had brought a child back, Feng Xuanbo became angry again!

At this time, he was leaning on the edge of the couch, with two circles of gauze wrapped randomly around his head, his mouth flat and sulking.

When Feng Xuanrui came in holding Suisui, followed by Feng Xuanbin, what he saw was that Feng Xuanbo looked at them fiercely, then turned away and refused to look again. Feng Xuanrui:?

 So angry?

 It’s been more than a month and you still hold a grudge?

Feng Xuanrui wanted to stab a few words, but when he saw the gauze on Feng Xuanbo's head, he felt a little guilty.

 Thinking about how I broke someone’s head before and how it looked bloody...

It's quite scary.

Thinking about it now, I still feel scared.

Feng Xuanrui thought: Forget it, just admit your fault honestly.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuanrui first raised his hand to comfort Suisui, then let go of Suisui's hand, strode over, and gave Feng Xuanbo a fist in his arms: "Brother, I'm sorry!"

Feng Xuanbo:?

 Where did you learn this? What kind of etiquette is it?

Feng Xuanbo was a little confused. He was stunned, not knowing how to respond.

Feng Xuanrui only reacted when he bowed his hands and saluted...

I learned this from the little people in the shadow puppet show when I was watching it.

  As for the wording…

  Well, I learned it from the storyteller while sitting in a teahouse on the road.

He thought, what he used should be the right one, right?

 So, what is Xiaowu doing in a daze?

no response?

 To give yourself authority?

Feng Xuanrui didn’t understand. He thought about it but couldn’t figure it out, so he could only do it again.

 This time, Feng Xuanbo finally reacted.

 He leaned back on the couch and turned his head away, refusing to look further.

Feng Xuanbo is only one year older than Feng Xuanrui, but his figure is much thinner than Feng Xuanrui.

At this time, the little one was leaning on the couch, and with the gauze on his head, he looked quite pitiful.

Feng Xuanrui couldn't help but feel soft and wanted to ask: Xiaowu, what's wrong with you?

As for what the mother-in-law said, she called her Fifth Brother?

If you don’t call me, you are one year older. What do you call me brother?

 Who are you taking advantage of?

Feng Xuanbo turned away, snorted twice, and his tone sounded strange: "I can't afford Xiaoliu to be called a brother. Since Xiaoliu already has other brothers, why should he care about me as the fifth brother?" do what?"

After finishing speaking, he seemed uneasy and quietly turned his head, glanced at Feng Xuanrui, and when he met his eyes, Feng Xuanbo quickly turned away again, and what he said was even stranger: "How nice the brother is outside. , He can coax people without talking, and he can't fight with Xiaoliu, but he is better than me, the fifth brother, who can only fight with his younger brother. "

“Xiao Liu, you know the fifth brother. I don’t want to rob you. Just follow the younger brother outside.”


 Sui Sui didn't quite understand what Feng Xuanbo was talking about.

 However, she could hear that the tone was a little strange.

 Brother is not around, seventh brother...

  Not very familiar with it yet.

 Sui Sui stood there restlessly, with no one to ask, and in the end he could only ask Lele.

Lele, I think what this brother said sounds weird. 】


  It’s not strange.

The young man from the palace is actually a little green tea, who would have thought?

 The system doesn’t know how to explain to Suisui what green tea is.

 It can only appease Suisui first.

                                 ∣                                                                  ónObīnī. 】

  Second update

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