Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 292: Since??/a>

Lynn was handcuffed to the ground and could only sit down. On the other hand, Bill was handcuffed, and he threw the bayonet removed from the rifle to him. As for the gun, it was thrown aside after the bayonet was pulled off. Unless Lynn could stretch his arm for more than ten meters, it would be impossible to get it.

Not being handcuffed to the ground doesn't mean Bill's experience is better than Lynn's.

Mr. Squint is now being played, and the crazy four-eyed giant is dealing with Bill by swatting flies, forcing him to jump left and right to dodge. With the golden handcuffs, all extraordinary powers were suppressed to a minimum, and the only weapon bayonet in his hand was difficult to cause effective damage to Clark.

Bill is a mouse.

Played mouse.

From time to time, Clark used the palm of his palm to swept the eye-opening wind, and the numbness of the scalp swept the skin and flesh with the illusion of burning hot scratches, maintaining the frequency of one beat per second. Bill had to cater to the madman and act like a gladiator.


The roaring tone was the low growl of the beast.

Multiple infiltrating piles of organs burst out of the body surface. Eyes, gums, cochlea, fascia, and even bones should stay where they should be, but they seem to be messed up by a playful child. The cobbled together portrait of an extremely deformed and curious giant, but this morbid and chaotic life miraculously did not collapse, but instead showed a deformed beauty that was different from natural beauty.

What is natural beauty?

When species evolve in life, they tend to be symmetrical or just right. All kinds of tissues and organs should conform to their own positioning and show an order. This is natural beauty.

[Earth Goddess] and [Daughter of Cups], the two righteous gods, can see a thing or two from this nature and chaos.

Clark, who was 99% crazy at the moment, followed his obsession before he started, and continued to beat and exercise Bill, completely ignoring that he might slap Bill into a concussion and internal bleeding, even if he was beaten to death, he must continue to correct it. weakness.

Bill is vomiting blood now.

The fracture of his wrist has just been self-corrected. He was held on the road and almost turned into a dead dog. He was thrown into the lobby and dodged like a slave gladiator. It can be said that he was humiliated to the extreme. This squinting squinted his gums were biting blood, and he wished that he would try his best to pull the grenade and die with this monster on the road.

At that time, Bill did not faint, but heard the gunshots of Yefne's pursuit, and held a glimmer of hope that he did not pull the grenade.

Well, the main reason is that Lynn is also by his side.

If he pulls hands with Mr. Lei, he will be 100% dead. He can be responsible for his own life, and heroic sacrifices are not a problem, but he cannot decide Lynn's life or death.

Ziegler, who was being forced to perform the secret ritual, was threatened with Lynn's life by the four-eyed giant.

The movement of Lynn's coughing and waking up made Clark slow down a little, and Bill's pressure plummeted. From the beginning of being teased to now, his hands have been fractured to varying degrees, and his body has been torn by the muscles rubbed by the slap. The Sequence 8 suppressed by the Golden Handcuffs is no better than an injured veteran.

This is equivalent to, you were originally a normal person, but you are suddenly deprived of sight or hearing, and it is still impossible to ensure the best state.

Ziegler's eyes were delighted when he saw Lynn wake up, but he was more worried.

She wants to help Lynn, but at the moment she is under the control of others.

The ferocious and deformed giant blocked the rippling and soft light, and the shadow of it shook the ground. Lynn's half-blinded and severely injured body was shrouded in the shadow of despair.

"you're awake."

When speaking to Lin En, the ferocious four-eyed giant's voice subconsciously softened a little. Well, after all, he was the most serious obsession before going crazy. Clark, who treated Lynn as his dead brother, was still touched. But this touch was quickly overwhelmed by madness. Matter determines consciousness. At this moment, the chaotic piles of flesh, tentacles and organs on his body were also serious enough to be rational, and soon revealed a hideous and morbid side.

"Wait for him, correct... the trial will come to you..." The twisted facial features that almost touched his face released an indescribable fear.

"This last lesson is really incredible."

Lynn, who smiled miserably, closed his eyes to cover his heart-piercing emotions, and his angry voice seemed to be mourning for someone. Clark is dead, and now this monster is in front of him. Lynn is distinguishing Clark from the four-eyed giant in front of him with a silent and determined attitude.

"Robin...Lynn, Lynn...Robin, don't turn your back, the suspect."

"Why did you arrest Ziegler?"

Aware that Clark's crazy state at the moment is very ignorant, Lynn Emerald's eyes suddenly moved, vaguely aware of what was desperately thinking of breaking the game.

Struggling to the Never give up.

Although Lynn's extraordinary ability was suppressed, his body did not give in, and began to operate spontaneously according to muscle memory, consuming his body's reserves to prepare for an explosion. tremors and squirming.

", try. [Zishuibi] Tell the truth, the real world."

Clark subconsciously responded to Lynn, but soon he became mad and confused, and his four cloudy eyes were turning in different directions.

All of a sudden, the pile of broken organs on his body bit at Lin En, and the deadly snake kiss Lin En escaped in a thrilling way, and his hands were directly scraped out by handcuffs. Blood kept dripping and dripping.


The out-of-control Clark staggered back two steps, and began to touch the floor with his fist and head, trying to ease the irreversible madness. At this moment, he is obviously very strong and dominates the life and death of others, but he kneels on the ground sadly like a dog that can't find its way home.

Lynn also took advantage of this gap to try to make eye contact with Ziegler and Bill.

He didn't know what happened to Yefni, so he automatically ruled out the possibility of the female knight's rescue. Now, all the extraordinary powers are suppressed. Ziegler is not the main battler. How can they get rid of this crazy giant? Survive?

Of course, it's not even worse than this.

It was the secret instrument that Ziegler was urging, the prismatic luminous body that was suspended like a crystal, and it seemed to have changed. Others can't see this change, but Lynn has a natural advantage and can detect it.

This spirit shard...

Seems to be shrinking and then completing?

Coincidentally and comically, this mysterious sprite fragment, like Lynn, seems to be repairing itself.

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