He didn't like to owe others anything, so Uncle Li and the others who bought breakfast at the beginning showed goodwill to Lu Shu. When Lu Shu was selling stinky tofu, he would often give Uncle Li and the others some stinky tofu to try. Of course, they didn't need such a portion of stinky tofu, but if he didn't do this, Lu Shu would feel uncomfortable.

Nangong Yunyao also noticed the abnormality behind him. He knew that someone was following him, but he understood it as soon as he thought about it.

"I hope I didn't go to the wrong place." Chen Xuan now felt a little embarrassed, because if Chen Xuan didn't have someone to lead the way, he might go in the wrong direction.

Recently, the number of people in the fortress has increased dramatically, resulting in a decline in the food in the entire fortress. It's not that the kitchen team didn't cook well, but that there were too many meals to cook. Their staff who were added in a short time were all big men who didn't know how to cook before.

The young apprentice was glared at by the old man and quickly shut up. However, after the old man measured the size for Carl and asked about the places that needed to be modified, he returned to the gap in the inner room and couldn't help but quietly asked Carl.

After all, Luo Wei is the oldest person here, has been in the industry the longest, and is also a national television station, so he has come into contact with countless resources and singers and artists.

However, after seeing the worry in Ji Yuan's brown eyes, she felt a little at a loss. After all, she had mocked him in a bad way when they parted last time.

Duan Baokang and Zhang Laoliu called Manager Park and did not interrogate him. They just let him stay with Cheng Zizai, and they sat at a table a little further away, asked the waiter to bring food, and they started to eat supper without paying attention to Manager Park.

The White Lotus Sect has existed in all dynasties, and often gathered incense people to plot rebellion, which was not tolerated by the kings of all dynasties.

In the past ten days, Jiang Xiao had a thorough understanding of most of the basic information of Hongmeng. When everyone was chatting happily, suddenly there was a loud noise on the cliff in the city, and then a sharp phoenix cry was heard.

This Guo Xiu clearly wanted to play a trick of flattery and killing. If you say that he had previously implicated Yin Zuo, it was out of his duty as an imperial censor. Now this kneeling must have been instructed by someone behind the scenes.

At this moment, he was sealed by Jiang Cheng, but he couldn't say a word. Even his will was sealed. He could only stare at Jiang Cheng with unyielding and angry eyes, full of murderous intent.

Finally, at midnight, the team finally arrived at Xinhe'an Village. With the moonlight, you can see that there are many walls and some log frames. It can be guessed that some buildings have not been completed.

Unintentional actions have gained a lot of benefits, and the young man's heart is inevitably disturbed.

According to the prince's personality, even in this situation where he can't get away easily and has no way out, he will never plead guilty easily.

After hearing her words, Xie Muyan's face changed. She eagerly held Yan Xi Ning's arm, and her voice was trembling: "Lingzhen, is he still alive?" She had contacted Xie Ronghua and her father, and they clearly said that Lingzhen was dead.

"Xi Ning, the young master's current behavior has made His Royal Highness the Prince of Yan and the generals very dissatisfied. If this continues, they will definitely report it to His Royal Highness the Prince of Qin. Please help me persuade him!" Qin Luo hesitated for a moment.

Zheng Shaoqiu and Yin Jun were not worried. This is a natural actor who can accomplish any difficulties.

A seed that is always in awe, until one day, when they are dissatisfied and complain, this seed can exert its due power, and that power will be a powerful help to help Yao Ran and suppress these people.

For this rumor storm, he was obsessed with the reputation of the royal family and his eternal reputation as an emperor. For a time, he was blinded by the anger of hating the rumormongers, and did not think carefully and long-term like Cen Feng.

"How can I, Zhang, recognize those people who have no king and no father?" Zhang Fei snorted and sneered.

Zhang Chen's biggest gain in this incident was to discover his own shortcomings and some changes in his state of mind, find out the root cause, and work hard to correct and improve himself in the future, which is of great significance for his future life.

Chapter 253 "Torch Church" High-level Meeting (Seeking Tickets~)

The Red-Coated Ancient Demon did not expect that the White-Bearded Demon, who was consumed by the formation many times, still had such terrible strength. It was a bit unexpected, but he focused more on the light feather. The strange treasure of the sect left a deep impression on him! It must be guarded. Just when the two demons were on the verge of a fight, the Red-Coated Ancient Demon suddenly called the White-Bearded Demon.

But Wang Zong was able to, in the dozens of thunder and lightning, his momentum became even stronger.

Now that she has a grandson, she doesn't care about her face anymore. She is in a good mood, which is the same effect as eating bird's nest.

With a sparkling light in her eyes, she looked up at Mu Lingyi and deliberately asked him to answer two questions.

Because of this "Gold Mountain," Li Shanghu's army has changed a lot. From the hundreds of people at the time of the uprising, it has expanded to the current scale of 5,000 people, and the equipment is much better than that of ordinary bandits. At least each of his soldiers can be allocated a piece of leather armor and a white wax spear head, which is quite decent.

However, there is a very obvious clause in the contract, that is, if you want the treaty to take effect, then Li Sicong and the other two must be alive.

Liu Wanqing arranged a floating aircraft carrier for Ye Xiu, which can carry thousands of people, enough for Ye Xiu to bring some people over.

Zhai Rang was furious. He usually pulled a bow of five stones and two buckets at most. But today, in front of so many eyes, if he couldn't pull the bow, it would be too embarrassing. He felt that this was probably Li Mi's trick, trying to weaken his authority in front of the leaders of the mountain strongholds.

"Chen Badai! Are you crazy!" Wang Xingguo stepped forward to stop him again. Chen Badai pulled out a survival knife from his waist with his right hand and stabbed Wang Xingguo. Wang Xingguo had to move aside. The sharp tip of the knife pierced his clothes, and the clothes were cut open by the blade.

The poisonous cloud was unstoppable, and everything it encountered turned into thick smoke. In just this moment, Zhen He consumed half of his mana! This kind of poison skill consumes too much mana. If it weren't for the worry that ordinary attacks could not force the demons out, Zhen He would never use this kind of magic that consumes a lot of mana.

Both of them changed into the clothes of Meng Xizhao warriors, mixing the fake with the real, so that they could act more conveniently. The mountain wind whistled, and the sleeves of the two fluttered.

Because it was not a formal occasion and there were no outsiders present, they spoke casually and talked about this and that.

The three of them learned about the mountains and rivers of the entire Erdian area from Ze Gang, and then they realized that the complexity of the geographical environment was far beyond their imagination. The entire area is located in the southwest border of the Central Plains, and more than 90% of it is mountainous.

"Three mountains and half of them are outside the blue sky, and Bailuzhou is divided by two rivers. My Jinling has such a beautiful scenery. It is rare for you to come to my Jiangnan. How can I let you miss it?" Han Cheng said proudly, and he regarded himself as an authentic Jinling person.

"Boss, are you really going to get rid of the third brother?" As soon as Tao Yuming left the house, Hu Xiaoli couldn't wait to ask.

"What happened later?" The soldiers asked, as if they had forgotten who was telling them the story.

The move of the Interstellar Judge excited all members, but at the same time it also attracted great attention from the Chinese government and foreign media. Anyone with a discerning eye could easily see that this move was huge, which could benefit mankind or destroy mankind.

Under the endless chatter of the host, the team of the big star Xu finally came out.

In short, the task of searching for Levi is still going on. However, Ryoko Yakushiji believed in her report that Levi and the werewolves may have fled Japan - in fact, Levi was searching in the heavy rain at this moment.

Mu Qingge blocked the nuts sent to her, and Tong Teng did not pretend to be polite. He took back the nuts and threw them into his mouth.

"It is really a great blessing for the young master to be safe and sound. Chen San is very lucky." Chen San thought about it and added another sentence.

Jing Fengyu turned his head to look at them, and the shock in his eyes had not yet dissipated. Several people communicated silently, and the meaning was clear. That is, Jinghai must not be in trouble.

"What? Do you think I'm old and don't want to accompany me?" Gao Wei rolled his eyes at his eldest son and said.

Bai Liufeng frowned when he saw Ling Lin's car, and when he heard her call him Fengfeng, he immediately got goose bumps all over his body.

Jifeng and Xiyu still had some sympathy for the girls, so they didn't really abandon them. They each held one and took them out of the courtyard and handed them over to the steward who was serving guests in the courtyard.

Those men who were called male gods because of their handsome looks in the past seemed to have fallen into the dust and become ordinary people in the world in an instant. In them, whether they were cold, gentleman, sultry, playboy, or type, they would not have such a temperament and eyes that were almost divine.

The same appearance, the same family background, the same experiences and memories before the age of 13, and even the voices and smiles of their parents had not changed at all.

"Uh, that's not what I meant..." I didn't dare to meet her eyes and curled up deeper.

Mo Yitian originally wanted her to calm down, but as soon as his body touched her, he immediately changed.

Shi Shengsheng and the others pulled their suitcases and walked towards the villa in the manor. During the period, she couldn't help but turned around and went to Fu Sinian.

After saying this, Chen Zhi leaned close to Guo Xinxin's ear and told her his idea.

Fortunately, the bright red veil covered her face, and no one could see her gloomy face and anger, otherwise, she really didn't know how to pretend to be festive.

Lin Yuwei was very proud, holding the hairpin and looking at it with Meng Zifang, praising it in her mouth, with cold hatred in her eyes.

If she could get the entry again after breaking through again after her cultivation fell, she would take off completely, but it was probably unrealistic to think about it.

Conan knew that this was because Miyano Akemi didn't want to cause a riot, because the strength of that organization was extremely terrifying.

Chapter 254 The Turtle Faction, the Utilitarian Faction, the Beginner Faction and... the Nest Faction?

Finally, after Bao Ang was beaten out again, Fu Xueyi felt something was wrong. Because Bao Ang, who was knocked flying, did not move for a long time, the place where he landed was full of smoke and dust, and Fu Xueyi did not dare to go forward to check.

Appearance is born from the heart, existence and non-existence are born from each other, difficulty and ease complement each other, length and shortness are compared, high and low are complementary, sounds are harmonious, front and back follow each other, and it is constant.

For some reason, Bai Yuting specially chose a table next to Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan turned his head and looked at Bai Yuting. Bai Yuting smiled at him politely and then sat behind him.

In the end, the Japanese wanted all three, and finally the Japanese exchanged the archer profession and the assassin profession for two special professions.

"Grandpa, you have to eat well and be full. Kill a duck for extra dishes on Mid-Autumn Festival. Don't be too frugal." Wu Fan felt sad and told the phone, and finally hung up.

"Of course, if I don't have any real skills, how can I dare to visit and ask for trouble?" Yang Ming smiled confidently, and his words sounded arrogant, but in fact he was confident.

"What did the parents of this child do?" She complained helplessly, and she was a little contemptuous of the child's family education, and her mood suddenly became much worse.

Just as she was wondering, Xiao Ruoxi suddenly said that this should not be the real Lin Shuwei, this should be the fantasy that Lin Shuwei sent with the help of the Ghost Sect's sacred artifact Ghost Shadow Mirror.

I nodded with excitement, holding the Demon Slaying Sword in my hand and attacked Gu Qingshan and Tieshi.

When Ji Jiaojiao was rescued, she was still in heat, but was awakened by Lu Meiyan with a bucket of ice water.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei's face became very ugly. If Youzhou Mu Zhao Yi wanted to make trouble for him, it would be very difficult for Liu Bei to avoid it. It is very likely that his future would be ruined by this matter.

The manager had been in H City, so he had heard about the recent ups and downs. He told her about the recent events with embarrassment, and Ji Zhenhua threw the phone in his hand in anger.

Xiao Yan's mouth twitched, and he had to spit out these two words. When Xiang Yu returned to the Xiang clan, it was the time when he was participating in the Dan Competition in Lingtian Mansion. After so many years, God knows what this monster has reached.

Maybe Shi Xiu knew... She had accidentally heard Yin Shixiu talking about the Guo family with others on the phone.

Isn't this what she wants? If the emperor doesn't hate her, then how can she implement her revenge plan?

Gu Weiran was as calm as before, without any embarrassment of being caught cheating, and she was quite leisurely making tea for Ling's mother.

Yin Shixiu didn't feel sorry for her, but he had already taken enough blame. If he continued to take it, he really couldn't explain it clearly.

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head, indicating that he didn't care. He had experienced this feeling before and fully understood Lian Yuntian's feelings at this time.

It is said that old people become wiser. How old is Kong Lao? How could he not guess Li Dong's thoughts? In a blink of an eye, he considered all the pros and cons thoroughly. In fact, as far as he was concerned, he felt that it would be more appropriate to let Li Dong go first. So, without much hesitation, he immediately nodded and agreed.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex and the four velociraptors all shouted to the sky and knelt on the ground to see Wu Yang off.

That was Lao Bi. Lao Bi died too early. Although he refused to admit that Lao Bi was not old, Xu Niya still secretly wiped away tears when looking at the four words "died young" and then made the first "willful" decision in his life.

Chu Feng shook his head and left, but at this moment, Zhu Guang suddenly came back.

For a while, those Muslim citizens who did not know why knelt down devoutly, muttering something in their mouths.

"I was almost assassinated last night. It was Yin Donglong who ordered me to do it. I can't swallow this breath. Today I will let him know how powerful I am." Shitou said firmly.

How can he pass through this hell gate? The hell gate has shown signs of being dilapidated, and Shitou can feel that the hell gate may not last long.

The powerful machine gun fire shot the house into a hornet's nest, and building materials collapsed from time to time.

Sure enough, Lu Qing guessed correctly. The untitled golden medal can indeed be used for different time and space extraction.

At that time, the medical conditions were not as good as they are now. For this situation, Lu's father and mother had no way to deal with it, and could only worry in their hearts.

What does this game want to say? Lin Dong manipulated Gu Dong to explore, explore, and explore continuously, and finally found the truth of everything.

This is why Wang Dali was ridiculed everywhere. But for some reason, after his cultivation reached a certain level, the hatred ring suddenly could no longer make his power stronger. Wang Dali began to hate the ancestral spirit, and his mind had long been twisted. And now, the gunpowder barrel was lit.

"Okay, Sheffield, let's drink this glass of wine..." The incompetent king came to Sheffield with two glasses and handed him a glass.

Later, I realized that I didn't have time to waste on overcoming their instinctive silence.

Seeing her clenching her fists, not caring about the instant self-slap, and still full of fighting spirit, Ling Sucheng sighed secretly.

Ling Qianfan, who was opposite Zhou Yi, also gradually heard something wrong, but he was told that he could speak freely, so he couldn't interrupt at this time.

Li Tian also asked Gangzi about this number. In fact, there was a lot of water, but it was not that Qin's Jewelry Group cheated Li Tian's money, but that they gave too much money. According to the calculation just now, the maximum was 360 million Hong Kong dollars, but now they gave 40 million more.

Chapter 255 The decision of the King of Crimson and the plan of the King of White to go south

And, if he wants to be re-employed, he must be investigated by the three courts of the Supervisory Court, the Inspectorate, and the Judicial Court. He can only re-enter the court as an official one year after all the accusations are cleared. In other words, Chu Xinghe's move this time directly used the strategy of cutting off the firewood from under the cauldron, cutting off the retreat of the Duke of Moore and the other two.

Xu Yuanhao, who had seen Xu Yufu's performance in his own courtyard, felt more and more uneasy. He didn't know what the moves Xu Fusheng practiced were, but his years of martial arts experience did make him feel uneasy.

And the badger has the ability to bewitch people's hearts, and it seems that most monsters have the ability to bewitch people's hearts.

These days, there are topics about the problem of Lotus White wine everywhere. Today, it is free to taste directly, so naturally many people want to come and try it.

It’s really not that Yu Yunhan didn’t teach Su Wanluo to cook, but even if Yu Yunhan taught, very seriously, the things Su Wanluo made would make people feel a little hard to describe.

In this way, whether for the safety of the brothers under his hands or their future days in Bingzhou Prefecture.

In just a breath, the jar that Kou Taizheng wanted was safely handed to him by King Zi Ling.

Unexpectedly, he died of depression. It may be that the extreme unwillingness in his heart sucked the dissipated soul of this business genius.

Xu Fusheng was secretly surprised. Although he didn’t understand what the elder took, he also understood that this was the elder notifying the priests in the tribe. It must be said that these priests are indeed magical in southern Xinjiang.

Speechless, she said it was not the case. Shi Han gave the photo to Yu You. Fortunately, the photo circulating on the Internet was just a group photo. If it was the photo of Meng Yun holding her tightly, she would not be able to go out in the future.

"I'm afraid it's because he has been practicing." Du Nan had guessed the reason. Yamada was definitely as diligent and obsessed as the cleaning lady, and could leave other people behind by several streets.

"Why don't we go up and take a look." Not only him, but Shui Lingzhiying was also a little impatient. As soon as the two got up, there was a noise in the corridor on the second floor. After hearing the sound, everyone walked out of the living room and found that Samuel had walked down from upstairs intact.

"Are you feeling better?" She pulled out a chair and sat opposite Jiang Li, looking back at the living room behind her from time to time, seeming to be very concerned about the situation on the second floor.

No longer suppressing his cultivation, Wei Changting released all his immortal power and slapped Lian Xujun with a palm. The flames rushed out of his palm and rushed straight to Lian Xujun's face.

"I heard you married into a wealthy family in Shanghai. How are you? Are you living well?" Fatty Huang squatted down with Yu You.

Maybe it was because he was standing high and could see far. At the six o'clock direction of Blood Shadow, there was a black army slowly advancing towards this side. From a distance, it looked like a long black worm. Obviously, Su Xing should be able to see these guys in just ten minutes.

These words were like a sharp arrow that shot directly through Mo Zixun's heart. He refuted Jiang Tian's words.

Obviously, King Yan Zhu Di also compromised and made the greatest concessions. This is also a respect for Su Xing, a strong man, and has nothing to do with the dispute between his stores.

"No, Toby dragged me here. My car was damaged when I was ambushed." Lao Hei obviously didn't think about how to leave? How to go to the contact point of Black Claw? This guy does things as he thinks, and never makes plans in advance.

What's more, he is the producer and director of this movie this time, and he can personally participate in it and watch it be shaped and completed in his hands.

Xi Chen and others had to travel and build fortifications during the day, and everyone was exhausted at this time.

"I think it's not the day to succeed to the throne?" Dong Zhuo's voice sank and he raised a hand.

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