"I was desperate, so I agreed with Li Tan's advice and came to Fengli Village to find his relatives.

The local armed forces, consisting of more than a dozen people, came here with a man tied up. They pushed and shoved.

As if this reef could block people's thoughts, Xiao Long asked the people around him and found that their situation was exactly the same as his.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​swordsmanship. At first it was just orange light, then gradually evolved, and finally turned into a bright white light, illuminating the entire void.

But the most urgent task is to find Fang Xing first and take him away from here. After all, Su Yi now has no way to fight against the strong man at the level of King of Martial Arts.

"You bold beast dared to act rashly, do you want to be killed? "Gao Jun's eyes went straight through Zhang Jiao, staring at her back, as if something was causing trouble.

The few people had no choice but to introduce their names and identities and positions, and then obediently returned to Chris's back, not daring to look up again.

With the worries gone, Chai Hua and others were calm now, because they had been through many battles and were not surprised by such a game.

"Then, take this silver!" Brother Xia took out ten taels of silver carefully wrapped in rags from his arms.

But now it seems that although Lin Siwei never leaves the house, she does have some tricks in her hands, otherwise Dong Zirui would speak for her like this after just meeting her.

"I'm very busy now, and there are still many things to do in the company. What do you want me to do to her? "He looked at Jun Lingtian with cold eyes.

He wanted her to work in such a place, and it seemed that she was a high-ranking official. Otherwise, if he tried to get close to her, maybe he could get some help.

In just a tea time, Zhu Bajie appeared in the territory of Tianzhu, and then hurried to the capital. When entering the city, he turned into a human form and used his magical powers to come directly to the palace of Tianzhu.

Gu Shenglan was busy in the kitchen. After all, she was a distinguished guest, so she naturally couldn't entertain her shabbily. She took out all the New Year's goods at home and started cooking.

But Luo Yunzhen was just stunned for a moment, and after a little consideration of his words, he sincerely apologized to Zhou Pizhen. He looked sincere and full of guilt, as if he was going to take out his red heart before he spoke.

Chapter 154 Nothing to do today, take a bath!

After the tedious process and the evidence Rand caught, the nobles and royal family of the royal city quickly understood the situation.

The Scourge Cult was not very active in the past, but there are records after all, a group of lunatics who worship death.

As a person who provided information and a suspect, Rand met the second prince again.

The last time I saw him was in the military tent of Black and Brown City. The last time I saw him was in the chaos of the army. This time I saw him, he already had some of the king's

Mo Yang told him everything he had encountered during the time he knew Tiansheng. It was already extremely legendary. The story, plus his exaggeration, is full of legend.

But when he entered the hall, Wu Gang saw Baili Dengfeng holding Mo Qingxuan, and he was stunned.

Instead, he was able to use the speed that made his opponent despair, slashing one palm after another, and the transition from the Three Talents Killing Palm to the Creation Palm became more and more handy.

After Luo Chen successfully integrated the 72nd star point, he stood up and came to the first floor, looking out through the door.

Tiansheng was relieved to see this. Gu Tianxue has changed a lot from a savage princess to now.

"Ming Lao, didn't you say you would teach me a set of martial arts? You haven't taught me yet? You won't lie to me, right? "Ye Zhengfeng asked viciously with a twisted mouth.

After a while, Ye Zhengfeng's eyes were filled with smoke, and the tears in his eyes evaporated completely. He took out the spear in his hand and filled it with a lot of gold power. The whole spear, which originally emitted a bright silver color, instantly became like gold.

In an instant, Cangye Sachiko covered her cheeks and flew out backwards, her eyes full of shock and confusion.

Because his purple-gold spear was out of his control and flew towards him instead.

A race with the four great formations of the prehistoric world and a race with a powerful Hunyuan are no longer races that any saint can control at will, just like the two races of witches and liches now. Although the saints are strong, they cannot interfere in the affairs of the two races.

Li Qianqi was obviously in the same worry. He muttered: "Oh no... I have to go see my great-grandmother... How can I let her worry about me?" He was restless and walked around.

"How is it, is there any progress in the plague? "Siemens Yu pulled the chair away and motioned Tang Yu to sit down.

"Where are you going? I want to go too!" Tang Yu grabbed his sleeves, looking like if you don't let me go, I won't let you go.

Bigan was happy to get Yu Te's information. As a member of the royal family and the uncle of the current emperor, he was unwilling to go to those villages with plague. The so-called love for the people like his own children was not even described in the original work that glorified others and degraded King Zhou. From this, we can also know Bigan's attitude towards the people.

"Well, this. I can't tell you anything else. I only tell you that my coming to Meizu has something to do with Rona." Yun Jie said.

Liu Xiang was plotted against for no reason and died for no reason. His wronged soul did not disperse. As time went by, his yin energy became heavier. As he wished before his death, he turned into a big bird, the Yaksha bird, and fell on the big tree every night, robbing the eyes and livers of passers-by and becoming a monster.

With his footsteps not stopping and his body moving in unison, Lin Xiao's body was like a stream of light, following the sword light like a shadow.

But Zi Xin did not continue to practice, because Xi Xi was knocking on the door outside to indicate that the ministers had arrived and the emperor needed to go to court.

Generally, when a strong person in the virtual realm reaches this level, he must deliberately stay away from the world to avoid being contaminated by too much karma.

Bacchus's voice came again, and Yashin and Goenitz immediately looked around vigilantly. Because Bacchus's voice seemed to come from all directions, Yashin and Goenitz could not judge where the voice came from.

However, Li Weizheng still felt that there was a doubt. How to explain the three thousand strings of money? His father would never give money to Yang Zhubu, and since he received the money, there should be nothing wrong. Why did it seem like the matter was made a big deal? What mystery is hidden in it?

Uncle Hai was talking and laughing loudly with a man in the living room, and his laughter was full of joy. Is this the guest Qin You mentioned? I haven't heard that Uncle Hai has any relatives.

"What are you thinking about?" At this time, a voice came from the side, Liu Xing turned his head and looked, it was Dina. If Liu Xing remembered correctly, this was the first time that the other party spoke to him so calmly since they met. There was no anger or provocation.

The sound of the stone and his curse echoed in the silent environment, and slowly faded away.

Ironically, this stable was where he, Li Chenggui, had imprisoned the King of Goryeo, and this shackle was the pattern he drew himself, tailor-made for the King of Goryeo, and everything was returned to him again.

The new chariot has excellent passability and horsepower. The intricate earthen hills and gullies are like walking on flat ground. The three cars are connected in front and travel at high speed in the loess world, raising high yellow dust, like a huge tail behind the convoy.

Someone in the city picked up the letter and saw that it was written on it for Qin Hanyue to open it personally, so he sent it to the Qin Mansion.

Before he finished speaking, two figures suddenly shot over from both sides. They were Qin Hanyue and Shu Kede. Both of them had the same idea, and wanted to take advantage of Zi Zhongmu's attention on Augustine to attack.

Of course, I know that Cao Sen can't tell the reason, otherwise there will always be a little embarrassment between Ding Haitao and Qu Jiang. "I felt this way when fighting with Hades." Cao Sen found an excuse to evade the question.

As long as he is his father-in-law, no matter what excessive things Dongfang Wei did, he will protect this father-in-law.

Chapter 155 Karin prepares to go to Shuangyue Royal City

But he also knows that this is far water can't save the near fire. Now everything depends on the performance of the Wesley Fleet itself.

"I'm still looking for the reason!" Li Xinghe hung up the communication after saying this. These are all unexplainable.

"You are Ling Zhiwei, hello, Zhuang Qi, Yi Ju'an's junior." Zhuang Qi looked at Yi Ju'an away from him, turned his head to look at Xiang Wan, and said with a slightly contemptuous tone.

After noticing it, she paused while eating shrimp, then looked up at the people around her who occasionally glanced at them.

After each clone was transformed, it would come to this valley to hide itself and lurk.

The fat middle-aged man was playing something on the computer. Since he didn't have to queue up, Liu Qiang went straight to sit on the dusty chair, knocked on the table, and raised a cloud of dust.

In fact, if it were Chuse herself, she wouldn't mind dealing with Lu Mingshan again, even if it was a few hundred rounds, she wouldn't care.

Looking at his son who had lost an arm not far away, his chest was unconsciously filled with rage.

Of course, due to too many absences from class, Li Qiang estimated that he had to get a few more points in this exam, otherwise he might not get enough points and would fail.

Because every time she got angry at Jun Chuse in the past, Jun Chuse would transfer money to her, persuade her to calm down, or send her a lot of links, let her choose things, and she would pay.

"But... How could someone from the cult do such a thing? And it was the Saint?" Xing was a little suspicious, looking at the old deacon's face and wanting to ask the reason.

The only artist that Shengtang Entertainment can show off is Su Xia Xia. Now that Su Xia Xia is in trouble, they are more anxious than anyone else.

After the news broke out, it caused a huge public opinion fluctuation in the UK. Everyone knew that Wenger would definitely leave Arsenal, but they didn't expect it to end in such an ignominious ending.

The great opportunity to completely liberate the entire Yugoslav people was missed. The relevant decision-makers within the Communist Party of Yugoslavia should be ashamed of this and take responsibility and step down immediately.

What surprised Director Sun was that Beichen Ming's men also carried guns. You know, in China, except for the government, there are extremely few organizations that can use guns, and they are all unshakable existences in China. Even the top leaders of China have to be humble to these organizations and forces.

However, Germany's armored strength and firepower are comparable to the current strength of the United States. American soldiers have never encountered such an opponent and it is still difficult to adapt.

That power was invisible and traceless, and no one knew where it came from. It seemed to be non-existent, but it blocked Luo Fan's power. No one even noticed it. That feeling was indescribable, untraceable, and inexplicable. It seemed to have come to him across time.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly came from far away and shot towards Ye Yun. Ye Yun stretched out his hand to catch it, and the golden light dissipated. What appeared in Ye Yun's hand was the Chengmeng Sword.

Looking at this masterpiece, Fuvinia could not help but feel a little proud: I am afraid that only a beautiful person like me can match such beautiful clothes? That guy has a good eye.

A very powerful vibration suddenly broke out above the void universe, and even everyone in the Apocalypse Formation felt that their hearts were hammered hard by something.

Karin was very angry. She hated people saying the three words "sorry" the most, because in her eyes, this was an extremely irresponsible behavior.

The next morning, Sang Qingrou was drowsy and couldn't get up at all. She was hot all over, and her only thought was to sleep.

After seeing this situation, Shen Shiling opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Zhou Yan has no younger sister at home, and only three older sisters. Of course, he would not understand this feeling.

This so-called "force" is an organization called "Charm". It turned out that she was bored when she was in the city before, so she founded this organization. The purpose is to protect her to spend time in this city safely.

It was already night when they arrived in the capital, but the emperor still asked someone to invite Xue Gao into the palace.

His opinion was firmly disagreed by Tuli Khan, and his idea was even simpler. Now that the emperor had disappeared and they were already at the gates of the city.

Wang Xiangui suddenly opened his mouth and said these words in a loud voice. It seemed that he was really angry.

It is said that one should start a family and establish a career. He started a family immediately after establishing a career. In this way, isn't it a double happiness?

The night was thick, the lights in the palace were bright, and people were coming and going everywhere. Perhaps for this reason, the cat with stripes on its body hid somewhere else, and Mo Li did not see its trace.

Meng Qi jumped to the top of the tree and confirmed again that Cheng Jingchuan did have extraordinary eyesight and could find himself and the doctor from such a distance.

As long as they were not immortals in heaven, almost no cultivator on earth could defeat a martial arts practitioner of the same level in a one-on-one duel.

There are still many exciting plots in the back, but the island country volume was temporarily added in, so the story line is a bit shallow, don't mind, the story will go into a state of rampage after three chapters.

The battalion-level support firepower of the First Guard Brigade is a 90mm gun, and the brigade-level support firepower is a 120mm gun.

Lan Yingchen's words were not said to please and coax Xu Yuan, he really thought so in his heart.

Chapter 156 Imagination and Reality

It looks like a real doomsday world, and here, the army of corpse ghosts is distributed more evenly, and their figures can be seen everywhere.

"Ouch, who hit me..." Then there was the voice of the goatee again, he looked back, his eyes were as fierce as they could be.

So even if they are both silver-level warriors, in the school's view, whether the skill-level specialization is the standard for judging a warrior's strength, and secondly, the number of elite-level specializations is the standard for judging.

Gu Wangchuan looked to the side, and Rita's face appeared in front of him. Her body huddled in the quilt, with only her delicate cheeks pressed tightly against him.

"Looking at your uniform, I know you must be a professional." Gu Wangchuan smiled, and suddenly remembered his mobile phone, so he lowered his head to look for it.

Logically speaking, in this case, the first person that the other soul wanted to kill under the drive of jealousy was Xia Xuelinglong himself.

Moqin's confidence and pride, from chasing over the tower with low health, to the skill cooldown, and finally getting rid of the flying secret technique locked by the defense tower.

Warriors can eat at the restaurant of the Thunder Martial Arts Hall for free, but if warriors want to hold a special evening party, they have to hold it themselves.

Tianyuan took out a new set of clothes from his bag and put them on. Although the clothes in the bag were a little wet, they were better than the muddy ones on his body.

This hero is often disliked because of his too vulgar behavior, but he is very powerful when he fights well. Various magical ambushes and true and false changes can often catch the opponent off guard.

If Tang Yi wanted, he could come and go freely now, just like usual. With the Sky-Splitting Escape Step, Tang Yi could turn into lightning and fly quickly towards the place where the light was.

Lin Yuan, whose face was ferocious and full of hostility, was shocked when he heard this and quickly retracted his spirit. He bit his teeth and spat out a trace of blood. Then his whole body burst into strength and the speed of falling accelerated immediately.

"No wonder they lost contact with me. It turned out to be because of you. Are you the demon's animal trainer?" The moment the black-robed man appeared, a trace of surprise flashed across Li Mengru's beautiful eyes. She didn't expect to meet a demon who was proficient in animal training here.

As he retreated, Song Ming's figure flashed and appeared behind this Tianzu. He stabbed out with a sword and pierced his back. This Tianzu struggled for a moment, and then the Yuanli from the World Sword destroyed his internal organs. Finally, his head tilted and he died silently.

"Let go!" I raised my fist and hit her shoulder. She seemed to feel pain in her heart. She closed her eyes and let go of my hand. She turned around silently and cried.

"The hiding place chosen by the general is in line with the art of war and sees through people's hearts. It is indeed a perfect place to hide!" Zhang Xiong said with emotion.

"It doesn't matter. Do you really not take my words seriously?" Ge'er's attitude was extremely strong, and she didn't give the other party a chance to ask questions.

Ghost Nine Master in front also said something about the Eight Trigrams and Four Symbols. I didn't see the full view until I followed Zhang Sigui's ass and ran up, but I still couldn't understand it, and it was inconvenient to describe it. Fortunately, there were two living treasures, Zhang Sigui and Ghost Nine Master.

"How dare you hit someone?" Shangguan Honglie grabbed Feng Yufei's collar, and countless angry flames flashed in his dark eyes.

Entering the door, there is a passage, and a row of beautiful consultants in cheongsam stood on both sides.

She narrowed her amber eyes, and swept across Ji's mother and others with cold displeasure, and raised a sarcastic arc on her bright red lips.

"Why did you delete my fingerprints?" As soon as Lianyan's door opened, Mrs. Zheng began to blame Lianyan with an unhappy face. If it were the previous Lianyan, I don't know how many good things she would say to please her.

"But I heard that there is a king of sandstorm dragon worms in the Death Desert. Well, let's ask other people to help. I believe they will be very happy!" Mu Xueqin played hard to get.

Archangel summoning is a sacred technique that can only be used by the twelve-winged holy angels of the angel family. It can summon angels of the same level. Even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can arrive in an instant.

Kato hesitated and spoke intermittently, looking at Yahiko with a strange look.

At that moment, Tang Shuai used the earth's vitality to dispel the yin and yang energy without hesitation. Now the situation does not allow Tang Shuai to hesitate at all, and there is no need to weigh whether the yin and yang energy is more important or the red rope of destiny is more important.

He Long reacted for a long time, and his whole body was full of powerlessness. He felt a strong sense of powerlessness towards Tang Shuai who was in charge of the power of heaven. Is this still a human?

"You are very powerful, young man, come back. The next one of the armored rhinoceros is it. The armored Tyrannosaurus" Xia Bo retracted the nine tails and released the armored Tyrannosaurus.

I think they were surprised to see me and Sun Jiayi walking together, so I ignored them, but when I returned home and walked into the yard, I was stunned.

The anger of netizens caused the barrage to fill the entire live broadcast room, and the police also blushed after seeing these barrages. Among these policemen, there are good and bad ones, some are guilty, and some are afraid.

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