Is It Reasonable For Me To Hang A Dragon With A Slime?

Chapter 91 What Research? Being Studied

"Brother, it's wrong, it's really wrong!"

Song Xu had a pained look on his face, and immediately gave up on the spot.

He thought he was just dealing with a high school student, and as a college student, it was not easy, but he didn't expect this to be the result.

"Now, take me to Kyoto South Station, is there a problem?"

Chen Shu looked at the driver, and took advantage of the gap to punch Song Xu again.

"Brother Liu, send him there!" Song Xu raised his head with a distressed look on his face.

The driver had no choice but to send Chen Shu to the train station.

The street was bustling with people, but the car was extremely silent.

Soon, the driver drove the car to the train station.

"The five scumbags are here to pretend to be gangsters?"

Before Chen Shu left, he was beaten violently again, the car wailed endlessly, and the body of the car vibrated, attracting strange looks from the people around.

He felt much more relieved, and walked away.

"Mission failed, this kid is too ruthless."

Song Xu sighed, he still hasn't figured out how Chen Shu figured it out.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the car to drive to a remote location before doing it, but he was directly hanged and beaten.


Chen Shu took out his mobile phone and called Fang Si.

"Hey, Sister Fang Si! Be careful, Su Han sent someone to take revenge."

Fang Si said with a hint of anxiety in his voice, "Are you okay?"

"I'm sure I'm fine. I'm going back to Nanjiang City. You and Dali should be careful."

The two talked for a while and hung up the phone.

There was no worry on Fang Si's face, as long as Chen Shu could leave safely, it would be all right.

And Zhang Dali has been waiting in the school for a long time. As the number one Lingchu University in China, Su Han dare not act wildly.

As for herself, she didn't care about Su Han at all.

Chen Shu got on the train smoothly and left this bustling city.

"A year later, I will come..."

Chen Shu whispered, with longing in his eyes.


"No one was caught?"

Su Han's face was icy cold, and the glass in his hand broke directly.

"Young Master Su, listen to my explanation!"

Song Xu said with a panicked expression.

"A high school student can't handle it, what use are you?!" Su Han said coldly, "Go to the company to clean the toilet for half a year!"

"..." Song Xu left the room with a slumped face.

I'm a college student, so I went to clean the toilet!

Su Han sighed, originally wanted to catch Chen Shu, take off his clothes, put a urea bag on him and throw him on the street.

Unexpectedly, Song Xu, who claimed to be proficient in 'martial arts', would miss it.

On Taiqing Mountain that day, Su Han woke up from the cold with only a pair of pink underpants and a urea bag on his body.

Thinking of the scene that day, he wanted to smash his head to death. As a genius of Huaxia Academy, he certainly didn't do what Chen Shu thought.

Either go down the mountain in pink underpants, or go down the mountain in a urea bag.

He directly made a decisive decision, put the urea bag on his head, and rushed all the way down the mountain.

Although the process was very painful, at least no one saw his face.

But there is one more hot spot on the Internet: urea savages have been spotted on Taiqing Mountain! She was still wearing pink pants!

The driver, Old Liu, asked ignorantly, "Young Master Su, how did that kid offend you?"

"Go clean the toilet with Song Xu!"

Su Han waved his hand, looking bored, too lazy to think about Chen Shu and Zhang Dali.

His opponent is only Fang Si!

As long as I can become a silver-ranked beast master, I will definitely be able to take revenge!


the day passed,

Chen Shu returned to Nanjiang City, looking at the familiar buildings around him, he felt a lot relieved.

"My Nanjiang gangster is back!"

Standing in front of the train station, Chen Shu shouted loudly, and the melancholy of parting in his heart was washed away a lot.

Everyone around him looked at him strangely.

A few minutes later, Chen Shu, who was about to take a taxi home, was stopped suddenly.


Chen Shu looked confused, not understanding what he had done, and said, "No, sir, I just came back from Kyoto."

The policeman said with a serious face: "The Nanjiang Bandit is you?"

"..." Chen Shu was speechless, how could the police be dispatched so quickly?

He explained: "I'm joking, policeman Uncle, I'm a student of Nanjiang No. 2 Middle School, here's my ID card."

The police checked him and let him go.

Chen Shu hailed a taxi and took the journey home.

He sighed suddenly, thinking that school would start the day after tomorrow, and he felt a little sad in his heart.

Starting school means losing the freedom to squat in the pit...

While the vehicle was driving, the taxi driver stopped suddenly.

The driver said: "Brother, can I take someone?"

"Just drop in." Chen Shu nodded without paying attention.

The car stopped, and he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and happened to see the boy who was about to get in the car.

That man wore glasses, had a gentle appearance and fair skin, and when he saw Chen Shu looking at him, he even smiled shyly.

It looks like just an introverted student, but the focus is on the building behind that person.

Nanjiang Mental Hospital!

The boy was wearing a white shirt, but he was holding a set of blue and white striped clothes in his hand, which looked like a mental patient's clothes.

Chen Shu could not help but sit a little further away, and even wanted to sit in the front row of the car.

These days, those who are ruthless are afraid of being stunned, those who are stunned are afraid of dying, and those who are desperate are afraid of mental illness.

Obviously, mental patients belong to the top of the food chain, and Chen Shu is just at the bottom.

The boy obviously realized something, and smiled gently: "I'm doing research in a mental hospital."

"Oh." Chen Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that I was thinking too much, and I was right, how could the patient leave the hospital at any time.

Chen Shu said with a smile: "I think you are about the same age as me. I didn't expect you to be doing research."

"By the way, what research are you doing?"

"Being studied."

"..." Chen Shu was shocked and shouted, "Master! I want to get off!"

But pull it down, isn't it a mental patient to be studied?

The boy grabbed Chen Shu's sleeve and said, "No, I'm a student, just a part-time job during summer vacation!"

"Part-time job? Part-time job as a mental patient! Now the industry is really full of flowers, right?"

Chen Shu shook off his hand with a look of panic.

Although his brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people, it should be normal. Of course, he would be afraid to meet a real mental patient.

"Brother, I'm really a student, earn some extra money!" The boy grabbed Chen Shu tightly, and then said to the driver: "Master, weld the door tightly, and no one will get out of the car today."

"You are really sick." Chen Shu was speechless.

"Aren't I afraid that you will run away? If you don't pay, won't the driver blame me?"

Don't look at the other party's gentle appearance, his strength is not weak at all.

The two argued, but in the end Chen Shu couldn't get out of the car. The driver was also worried that Chen Shu would run away without paying, and he didn't stop along the way.

"All right! I lost! I lost!"

Chen Shu secretly thought that it was bad luck, today was extremely bizarre.

First, he encountered two teasers sent by Su Han, then he was interrogated by the police, and he encountered a mental patient on the car home.

half an hour later,

Chen Shu sighed and said, "I'm here, can I get off now?"

The driver stopped the car, Chen Shu gave the money and was about to get off.

"Brother, my name is Xu Xingxing, let's get to know each other, maybe we can meet again in the future."

"Pull it down, I don't want to see you again for the rest of my life."

Chen Shu opened the car door and ran all the way back to the community.

ps: There are only two chapters today. As a web writer, it is normal to have less and more occasionally. I believe everyone can understand...

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