Twenty bottles of size potions increased the size of the golden slime by 15%, the upper limit was 30%, and another twenty bottles of size potions needed to be swallowed.

Just to increase the size of the contracted spirit by 30%, it needs to pay millions of Huaxia coins, and only a few people can afford it.

Chen Shu touched the golden slime.

"Guji! Guji!"

It opened a pair of big eyes, full of intimacy, and kept rubbing its head against Chen Shu's hand.

Today's slime is one meter in size. If it is gigantic, it will be more than four meters in size. Among low-level beast masters, it can definitely be called a colossus.

"Hopefully the final exam will give me a decent score."

Chen Shu put away the golden slime, and it was already noon, and he was going to go out for a meal before going to school in the afternoon.

"Boss, here's a rice bowl with shredded pork with green peppers and a cola."

While Chen Shu was busy cooking, he suddenly saw a figure outside the shop.

"Hey, isn't this Wang Teng?" He said loudly.

A tall, well-mannered boy was stunned and looked into the store.

Suddenly, he seemed to recognize Chen Shu, and walked towards the store on his own initiative.

"I remember you, you are Xiao Yu's classmate, right?" Wang Teng said, "I have heard about Xiao Yu's encounter with a wanted criminal in the black market."

He sighed: "Thank you for saving her."

"It should be, it should be." Chen Shu waved his hand, and then said directly: "You are so guilty, you can't ask someone to do it, right?"


For a moment, Wang Teng felt as if he was choking, and he held back all the words in his mouth.

What kind of thinking is this? Dare to jump a little more.

"Of course it's impossible." Wang Teng said, "But there is something I would like to ask you to help me with."

Although Wang Teng was a little upset with Chen Shu, he hid it very well at this time.

"Huh? What's the matter? Let me state first, I don't have any money to lend you." Chen Shu said instinctively.


Wang Teng took a deep breath, it was really hard to accept Chen Shu's way of chatting.

My majestic Wang family is the top family in Nanjiang City no matter what. As for borrowing money from you?

"I want you to help me persuade Xiaoyu. If I form a team with me, I will definitely win the ranking in the Beast Familiar Competition next year."

Chen Shu was about to speak when another option suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Option 1: Agree to Wang Teng's request, completion reward: 100,000 Huaxia Coins]

[Option 2: Shake your head and refuse, and at the same time ask: "Are you worthy?" Completion reward: Dalihua]

[Option 3: Seriously said: "Whoever wins is the winner, we can get the same ranking as a team!" Completion reward: Golden Slime adds 5% to all attributes]

Chen Shu didn't expect to see the reward of Huaxia coins again, but it was useless to him.

As for the second reward, it was even more tasteless, not even as good as one hundred thousand Huaxia coins.

Chen Shu shook his head and said, "I can't persuade Xiao Yu either, why don't we form a team."

"What about making trouble here?" Wang Teng looked constipated.

How did you have the face to say that?

"How about my proposal? If your strength can meet my expectations, I don't mind."

Chen Shu thought for a moment, then said cautiously.

My strength? Meet your expectations?

Wang Teng rubbed his temples, only feeling a little pain in his head.

" have a sense of humor." Wang Teng finally said with difficulty, "In short, I hope you can help me with this."

After all, Wang Teng left the hotel unsteadily, he was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would lose his mind.

Chen Shu had a smile on his face at this time, with a simple choice, the slime's strength was improved again.

"Boss, pay the bill!" Chen Shu had already wiped out the rice bowl.

"A total of thirty yuan."

"Isn't it twelve yuan to cover rice?" Chen Shu always feels that he will encounter a black shop recently, what is the situation.

"The rice bowl costs 12 yuan, but the price of Coke is 18 yuan."

"Why is Coke so expensive?" Chen Shu just felt cheated.

Although I have money, I can't squander it easily.

"It's the kind of Coke that costs three yuan outside." The boss explained solemnly.

" are really direct..." Chen Shu looked at the menu above, and it was indeed clearly marked.

But the font of Coke is at least two times smaller than that of the dishes, and most people really don't notice it.

He shook his head, paid and left the restaurant, adding him to his blacklist in his heart.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Shu returned to school.


"Chen Shu, the exam is coming soon, so stop wandering around."

As soon as he returned to school, Xia Bing came over and kindly dissuaded him.

"Don't go shopping? How can you become stronger if you don't go shopping?"

Chen Shu thought in his heart, but on the surface he nodded, assuring himself to stay honest.

A few days passed quickly, and the final exam came as scheduled.

"Students, today is the day of the final exam. I won't say much about its importance. Everything depends on your performance!" Fang Ke said with a serious face.

Jingle Bell!

With the ringing of a bell, the cultural examination officially began.

In addition to Fang Ke, there are three other invigilators in the classroom.

A total of four teachers supervised the examination of twenty-five students, basically eliminating the possibility of cheating.

The cultural subject is divided into four subjects, namely history, materials, geography, and biology. Each subject has a score of 100 points. Unlike the previous monthly exams, it is implemented according to the standards of the college entrance examination.

Each subject is 100 points, and the content of the natural assessment is also more, mainly testing the students' mastery of the knowledge of the second year of high school.

Chen Shu looked confident, and almost didn't need to think about it, and quickly finished the entire test paper.

"Genius, what a genius!"

Looking at the full test paper, Chen Shu couldn't help sighing that he can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in his cultural subjects.

Just when he was bored, a new option suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Option 1: Submit the paper in advance to show your strength. Completion reward: medium amount of animal power]

[Option 2: Sleep obediently on your stomach and wait for the exam to end. Completion Reward: Chaos Potion]

[Option 3: Destroy the mentality of the rest of the candidates. Completion reward: collision skill plus one]

Chen Shu thought for a while and chose the third one.

According to his knowledge, skills and talents are the most important.

In the next second, Chen Shu flipped through the test paper suddenly.


Everyone who was concentrating on the test papers felt inexplicably panicked when they heard the sound of the test papers being flipped.

This time the exam questions were more difficult than they imagined, after all, it was to screen out the students in the special training class for the third year of high school.


The sound of flipping the test paper became more and more frequent, and it seemed that most people had already started to do the other side of the test paper.

In fact, only a few top students in the class have achieved the second side.

Swish Swish Swish Swish!

There was a wicked smile on the corner of Chen Shu's mouth, he propped his head on one hand, flipped through the test paper with the other, and looked at the other people with his eyes.

"Rewarded: Add one to the collision skill."

Huh? So fast?

Chen Shu was taken aback, it seemed that the candidates in this year's class had a bad mentality.

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