Iron Cross

Chapter 21 The professor who dared to embarrass the head of state

On the afternoon of September 3, 1942, the sun was releasing its energy without hesitation, but the Bad Berka Armored Forces School test site near Eisenach in the Third Reich had entered a completely different state.

There were sentries all around, and from time to time, patrolling Sd.Kfz.223 wheeled armored vehicles would pass through the streets. At the main intersections, there were gendarmes holding MP38s, wearing "dog tags" and focusing on checking special passes. If someone could look down from the air and observe carefully, they would find that temporary machine gun bunkers were deployed at important intersections. The bright MG-42 machine guns shining in the sun could instantly tear all those with bad intentions into pieces.

This posture was so powerful that one could tell at a glance that a big shot had come to the test site. Originally, Hoffman did not want to mobilize so many troops, but since he encountered a bomb assassination in the Eagle's Nest base camp and uncovered the conspiracy of the treasonous group, the leaders of the National Socialist Party paid special attention to his safety. Under Baumann's insistence, relevant security and defense measures were unprecedentedly strengthened, and Major Genscher's responsibilities became more and more important.

Speer, who was in high spirits but exhausted, struggled to get out of the Mercedes-Benz 770 sedan. From midnight two days ago, the Third Reich had fully switched to the wartime system after the general mobilization. All industrial enterprises, especially military industrial enterprises, began to change from "one shift" to "three shifts". In order to coordinate the relationship between all parties, especially to ensure the supply of energy, raw materials and other living materials for key enterprises, and to update the train timetable synchronously to adapt to the new economic rhythm, the head of economy made great efforts. He did not sleep for two days and two nights, and finally could only take a short nap in the car. When he was woken up by his adjutant, he felt that his head was still dizzy.

After Hoffman initiated the wartime system and made it clear that the Armaments Department would be in charge of all military industries, the management rights of various core armament production were gradually returned to the Armaments Department: after the aviation armament reorganization case, the production power of the Air Force Equipment Department was transferred to the Armaments Department; after the Navy Marshal visited the Führer a few days ago, the right to determine the priority of naval equipment production was also transferred, and coupled with the tank armament reorganization case that Speer initially forced through with a bet, the Armaments Department now basically controls the production power of various equipment. Without his consent, not a single tank or aircraft could be produced. He thus became the leader of the German economic community. Not only did he change from an unknown private architect to a hot figure in the eyes of various economic tycoons, his political status was also rapidly improving - after Goering's fall, the outside world had called Himmler, Goebbels and Speer, who were under the Führer, the three giants of the empire, and his position in the party even vaguely overshadowed the veteran Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and the extremely active party affairs manager Martin Bormann. The Mercedes-Benz 770 he was riding in was given to him by Mercedes-Benz to please him. Originally, the company wanted to give him the top-of-the-line 770K. Considering that it was the Führer's car, Speer wisely refused. He was already too popular. The Führer might not mind what car he rode, but he didn't want to give others a handle to attack him.

It felt good to be in power, but Speer had a clear understanding. He knew clearly the origin of his power and status, and he also gave back: not only did he implement the production tasks assigned by Hoffman in person, but he also tried to take time to accompany Hoffman whenever he went out to inspect armaments and industrial production. After learning that the Führer was going to personally participate in the new tank experiment and finalization technology analysis meeting, he followed him despite being exhausted. Although some old-school politicians and conservative military officers secretly called him the Führer's "yes man", he was too lazy to care and just smiled contemptuously.

Looking at Speer, whose face was pale and eyes were bloodshot, Hoffman said with concern: "You don't look very well. Maybe you should take a good rest?"

Speer smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said resolutely: "Since you have given me the right to produce military equipment, I must do my best to do this job well. My body can hold on."

"The wartime system is not progressing smoothly?" Hoffman stopped and asked sensitively. He knew that many people were dissatisfied with Speer's control of the entire economic power, and they were resisting it openly and secretly. Even Bauman would comment on Speer with jealousy from time to time, but this was a person he personally selected and proven by history, and it was also the authority of the head of state. Hoffman would never allow any slander or shaking.

"There are some minor difficulties, but I believe they can be overcome." Speer glanced at the crowd and saw not only Field Marshal Keitel and others from the Supreme Command, but also Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of Porsche, and Dr. Kurt Arnold, the representative of Henschel, who were attending the meeting. He smiled, nodded to them, and tried to answer in a calm tone.

"The wartime system must be strictly promoted. Anyone who interferes with or destroys the wartime system, no matter who he is, what position he has, or what position he held before, you can ask Comrade Himmler to cooperate in handling it. If he is unable to handle it, please report it directly to me." Hoffman had said this several times in private. Now he brought up the old matter again to save Speer's face in front of these industrial tycoons and senior military officers.

Everyone was shocked. The head of state's words were not unreasonable. Everyone was well-informed: Hjalmar Schacht, who used to be the Minister of Economy and is now the Minister of Cabinet, has inextricably linked to the industry. (Hjalmar Schacht) had been arrested a few days ago on charges of treason. It was the head of state who issued the order. Himmler and Speer played a role in fueling the process. The obvious reason was because of the Nazis. Schecht secretly and secretly mobilized some industrialists to boycott the general mobilization and oppose the Ministry of Armament's control of military industrial production. In fact, this was because Schacht provided funds to the conspiracy group through secret channels. Also arrested was the mayor of Leipzig, Dr. Gerdler. . As Minister of Economics, Walther Funk, who had a good relationship with Schacht and was sympathetic to him, tried to plead with the Führer through Goebbels, but was repeatedly scolded by the latter as "confused." I didn't dare to say anything anymore.

"Thank you very much for the support of the head of state." After the two of them finished singing and performing the double act, a large group of people finally poured into the conference room.

The person who presided over the technical verification meeting of the new tank vehicle was the Sixth Division of the Weapons Test Department of the Army Weapons Bureau. There were two people in charge of the briefing, one was the technical officer Colonel Thomale, and the other was Dresden Industrial Professor Eberan from the university, these two people were also the main technical persons in charge when the Tiger tank prototype went to Wolf's Lair for its first demonstration on April 20.

"Colonel Tomale, Professor Aboian, I remember you..." Hoffman shook hands with the two of them enthusiastically, "I have read the report you submitted. It is a very valuable report."

"My head of state." Colonel Tomale didn't expect that the head of state actually remembered him, and he was suddenly a little overwhelmed with excitement. On the other hand, the silver-haired Professor Ai Boan had seen the world and was in a very calm mood. After hearing Hoffman's evaluation, he was a pair of The eyes behind the small round eyes flickered, "Dear Head of State, thank you very much for your affirmation of our report, but I am curious, have you read all of that boring report carefully?"

"I..." Hoffmann looked puzzled. Indeed, as the professor said, this report was a bit long and boring, but because of the clear comparison and comments on the products of Porsche and Henschel, he had the impression that It was very profound, and I was sure that I had finished reading it. It was precisely because he had different opinions and requirements on the development of the Tiger tank, otherwise he would not have asked for another technical verification meeting. But what did the professor imply by his words?

The technocrat Colonel Tomale did not expect that Professor Aboian would embarrass the head of state at this moment. His old face turned red and he was sweating profusely. It was obvious that he wanted to stop the professor next to him from talking anymore, but the latter obviously did not want to. Moved, he continued: "Dear Head of State, I don't mean to offend you. I just heard rumors that the Ministry of Arms seems to be interested in ordering 100 test vehicles from Porsche Company as a priority?"

Upon hearing this, Hoffman's face turned red, and Dr. Porsche's face behind him was also very ugly. Now Hoffman knew the crux: because Dr. Porsche had a close relationship with Hitler, and because of his personal As the chief expert of the German Tank Development Committee and the chief adviser to the Führer on tank issues, he is very influential in the upper echelons. Not only does the doctor plan to produce 100 tank chassis on his own before finalizing, but he also bypasses the Ordnance Bureau and directly uses the name of Porsche Company. A contract was given to the Krupp factory to produce 100 upper bodies and turrets. The intention was clear. It was believed that this contract would fall into the hands of Porsche, and Hitler had approved it without hesitation after receiving a call from Dr. Porsche.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually turned awkward.

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