Iron Cross

Chapter 165 Battle of the Black Sea (2)

The new aircraft mentioned by Masatake Okumiya is the Zero Fighter Type 32, which Japan just completed the modification and delivered a full set of drawings in the summer. After more than half a month of hard work, Messerschmitt built the first prototype, which was equipped with an engine made by BMW using German technology (the parameters have been mentioned above). Due to time constraints, the German designers who did not have time to send it to the wind tunnel for verification did not make any changes to the fuselage. They simply strengthened the fuselage structure (removed a large number of holes), added bulletproof armor and replaced the Japanese design with Germany's own self-sealing fuel tank. Under the premise of increasing the weight by 170 kilograms, due to the increase in the thrust of the German version of the engine, the overall maximum flight speed increased to 582 kilometers per hour. They gave this verification aircraft the code name Bf-119.

The technicians vowed that if they continued to improve the aerodynamic structure and the engine, they could guarantee a flight speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour or even faster. This almost made the Japanese advisory group fall headfirst. The Zero aircraft was the model they were most familiar with. Japan had been continuously developing, producing and improving it for 10 years. So far, the maximum speed was only 564 kilometers per hour. If the fuselage was weighted and the protection was strengthened according to German standards, it would not be able to fly so fast.

In the technical exchanges within Japan, it was believed that the Zero Fighter Type 32 was a failed modification. The performance was not improved much, but the range was greatly reduced. Therefore, the production quantity was also very small. When Germany asked for a full set of technical drawings, it was given very readily. But the Germans didn't think so at all: the maximum range of this Bf-119 after adding normal weapons and without auxiliary fuel tanks reached more than 1,600 kilometers (according to Japan's measurement standard, it was 1,100 kilometers + full speed for 30 minutes), while the navy's own Bf-109T was only 650 kilometers, not even a fraction of the new aircraft. Although the maximum speed of the Bf-119 is slower than that of the Bf-109, its low-altitude maneuverability and hovering performance are particularly outstanding. The pilots who have tested it unanimously stated that this aircraft can at least serve as a carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft - because of its long range (the Japanese thought that the Germans were really naive, the Zero Fighter 21 had a range of 2,200 kilometers) it can also go to the Eastern Front to deal with the Soviet Yak-7 fighter - this dogfighting aircraft with outstanding low-altitude performance has always made the Bf-109 very unhappy. Considering the advantages of range and air-cooled engines on ships, the pilots believed that if the improved Bf-119 could reach a speed of 640 kilometers per hour, it could replace the Bf-1155.

The technicians of Messerschmitt were overjoyed. Once these statements were established, the company would have at least thousands of orders, and the Eastern Front market had broad prospects - now they finally understood why the company's top management was so persistent in getting this imitation opportunity.

The reason why Messerschmitt was so nervous about the small market of carrier-based aircraft was because they heard that the Fw-190 carrier-based version, the biggest rival of Bf-109 and which had never been able to be put on board, had also been developed. BMW copied the R2800 (Double Wasp) engine of the American Pratt \u0026 Whitney according to the request of the head of state. This is an air-cooled engine that was removed from the crashed American P47 and cloned completely in accordance with 1:1. After successful manufacturing, the output power reached more than 2,000 horsepower. It is said that after installing this 2,000-horsepower abnormal engine, not to mention the Fw-190, even a brick can fly. Think about how the 5-6-ton F4U and F6F of the US Navy can fly, and you will have an intuitive feeling of the performance of this engine. Of course, the size of the R2800 and Fw-1O213 are different, but this is no pressure for the designers - after all, the engine is the first priority. Even if the improved Fw-190 cannot be put on board, the benefits of optimizing the engine power for combat are obvious - except for the engine, the American shape and body design are really bad. With the German engine, many of these American planes are estimated to be unable to fly.

This made the Japanese trio feel like crying. Japan has copied the German DB601 series for many years. The Germans provided complete technical information, drawings and patents and then copied them back. As a result, the performance did not meet the requirements. The Germans had no information to learn from and could only copy it through the channel of reverse mapping of the real object. The effect was not bad. It is said that the head of state also ordered the copying of the Merlin engine. It has not been finally successful yet, but experts who know the inside story understand that this is also an excellent product. Those technical indicators are very exciting to listen to.

Hitler looked down on British and American technology, and didn't think much of their aircraft or engines, but Hoffman obviously knew the market. In his mind, he believed that no matter what means were used, the R2800 and Merlin engines must be obtained, no matter what What different opinions and ideas does Mercedes-Benz hold on this? We certainly can't just count on their DB601\\603\\605 series. In response to this decision, both BMW (a professional air-cooled engine manufacturer that currently produces the BMW801 series and is responsible for replicating Pratt \u0026 Whitney R2800 engines) and Junkers (a professional liquid-cooled engine manufacturer that currently produces the JUMO213 series and is responsible for replicating Merlin engines) They all expressed their support for the head of state's decision by raising their hands and feet. Junkers has been having a good time recently. The Fw-190 aircraft improved by Dr. Tank using the JUMO213 engine has achieved initial success. This aircraft, which is more slender than the original Fw-190, has very excellent performance and is expected to be officially launched after New Year's Day. roll out. If Merlin is successfully imitated and overwhelms Mercedes-Benz's DB603 series, Junkers will completely dominate the liquid cooling market. After all, there is no need for authorization or patent licensing fees to imitate Merlin. As for the production capacity of Mercedes-Benz, Junkers believes that they can switch to producing tank engines.

Of course, Hoffman does not have a grudge against Mercedes-Benz, but Mercedes-Benz’s ineffectiveness in promoting and applying new technologies, and the series of problems caused by the excessive supply of the DB601 series in history, all told him that he must use multiple channels to ensure supply. Now that general mobilization has been issued in advance, failure to ensure a diversified supply of engines means a lack of sustained combat capabilities, which he cannot tolerate. Germany's aviation engines must not be dominated by one company, there must be at least three, and the number cannot be less even in the jet age.

"Sir, although I don't think our aircraft are very good, there will definitely be problems if you use your country's aircraft for aircraft carrier operations." Ozawa Jisaburo, who has more say in this regard, told Richter frankly. Hofen said, "According to combat records in the Pacific battlefield, the combat distance between the two aircraft carriers is generally more than 200-300 nautical miles. This distance is too far for the current range of your country's Bf-109, and it is simply unable to effectively cover the attack aircraft throughout the entire journey. An attack without fighter cover would be shot down mercilessly by the enemy."

"You are absolutely right, but it is not that the combat distance is too far, but that the range of our aircraft is too close." Richthofen sighed, "Some people ridiculed that our aircraft are airport defenders, but this is true. It sounds a bit ugly, but it makes so much sense. If we had gotten this Bf-119 during the Battle of Britain, we could have used it to cover the bombers against the British, instead of letting the clumsy Bf-110 be used by the British. As a target. As for whether it can become a fighter jet, it depends on the results of the Fw-190 being put on the ship, but I think it can at least become an excellent reconnaissance aircraft and can also undertake combat missions on the Eastern Front. "

"If your country has any follow-up improvements, I hope you can tell our country that we are currently facing great pressure from American aircraft."

"Of course, but..." Richthofen asked, "I have seen your design. The structure of the aircraft is too thin and does not even have the necessary protective measures. From my perspective as an old pilot, this is They are very irresponsible, don’t they try to improve?”

"This..." Ozawa showed an embarrassed look, "Our country's engine technology is not as good as your country's. If it is strengthened according to your country's protection standards, the speed and maneuverability will be too poor. On the surface, it strengthens the control of pilots. protection, it actually makes it more dangerous for them to fly aircraft with unfavorable performance, and our country has no choice but to do so.”

Richthofen couldn't come up with a better opinion about this, so he could only express his helpless understanding with silence.

In addition to carrier-based fighters, both sides also have the same idea about carrier-based bombers (ship-based bombers). They unanimously believe that both the 99-9 ship-based bombers and the Ju-87C have begun to fall behind. Suffering from the fact that there are currently no particularly good alternatives, Japan has developed the Comet , but obviously it would not be effective for a while. Ozawa did not expect this. After coming to Germany, he was inspired by the high-level aviation technology he witnessed. He introduced this new model and suggested: "Maybe we can jointly developed in the field of next-generation bombers.”

Richthofen nodded: "Absolutely. Although the combat objects and methods of the two sides are different, the relevant carrier-based aircraft can be developed together. After the development is successful, we will also use them on Italian aircraft carriers. Now the German-Italian Sea Air Force command and equipment have been integrated."

"I will report it to the country immediately."

"I have high expectations for this exercise. Did you know that the head of state has issued combat instructions, and once the exercise is successful, actual combat will begin..."

"Attack land targets?"

"No, naval battle."

"Breaking diplomatic relations? Isn't your country's aircraft carrier ready yet?"

"Fleet operations, target..." Richthofen pointed to the distance and said, "Isn't the Red Army's Black Sea Fleet a good target?"

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