Iron Cross

Chapter 125 The Style of the Second Deputy (Part 1)

All the army generals who had seen the scene went crazy, shouting and jumping, as excited as if it was Chinese New Year. A group of short and fat old men in their fifties and sixties were dancing and enjoying themselves like big-headed kids of five or six years old.

Hirohito was a noble man, and he would not go to dangerous places. In the end, he could not help but take a look out of curiosity. It would have been better if he hadn't looked. He was also frightened when he saw it. The thick additional armor on the surface was fine, with only a tiny hole. But when he looked carefully at the horrible appearance of the tank cabin, he was also shocked.

"This little rocket is so powerful?" Hirohito reasoned, "If it is made bigger and thicker, won't the battleship be unable to withstand it?"

"Your Majesty, the range is too short. It can't be used on ships. It can only be used to attack tanks."

"Special Envoy, the range is not short anymore." An army general said excitedly, "Infantry anti-tank grenades can't be thrown that far, and even if they are thrown, they can't blow up such thick armor. Tsk, tsk, a full 100mm, any devilish British and American tanks are no problem."

Someone next to him added: "Russian tanks are no problem either."

"Can Germany's own tanks stop it?" Prince Toshihiko Higashikuni asked.

Cole thought about it seriously, and it seemed that he really couldn't, so he shook his head firmly. Everyone was even happier. If the tanks of Germany, the United States, and the Soviet Union couldn't stop it, then there would be no tanks in the world that could stop it.

"What is the production cost of this thing? Is it expensive? Is it difficult to make?"

"Very cheap, about the price of 2-3 mortar shells. It is not difficult to produce and the materials are easy to obtain. Most factories can process and produce it."

I thought the Germans had some unique skills on this rocket. When they heard the price of only 3 mortar shells and the technical requirements that most factories can produce, everyone smiled. Someone immediately said to Tada Shun: "Army Minister, this is a good thing. We must organize a large-scale production. I wish we could have 100,000 rounds available tomorrow. With this thing, infantry will not have to worry about American tanks..."

Tada Shun smiled awkwardly: "I'm not the Army Minister yet."

"You will be soon." Everyone Laughing and teasing him, "In our hearts, you already are."

"What a lucky Army Minister, not only did you transfer back to active duty from the reserve, but you also got the latest German weapons, and you got a bargain." The one who said this was Prince Toshihiko Higashikuni, who knew more about the situation: the V1 rocket drawings brought by microfilm were also recognized by Japanese experts, who believed it was a very good weapon, except that it needed manual control - but this was nothing to Japan, Admiral Onishi Takijiro of the Navy had already arranged a special attack team before, and Kido Koichi and Hirohito had a chat about recruiting volunteers, but the latter did not say anything, neither clearly supporting nor opposing, so the people below thought it was a tacit attitude. As for the radar drawings, the Japanese side is also stepping up research, although it has not been fully understood, but experts generally believe that it is more advanced than Japan's original radio detection technology.

While everyone was still making noise, Ishihara Kanji came over and said, "Okay, okay, His Majesty has ordered a national policy seminar to be held immediately." Cole also followed everyone to the large conference room next to the test site, and was actually led to the front right, next to Ishihara Kanji. A lieutenant colonel stood out among the generals and lieutenant generals.

What was the big deal about a foreigner appearing at a Japanese national policy seminar? Everyone was puzzled. However, considering the strength of the Iron Fist just now, and thinking that the German envoy was not an outsider, everyone chose to ignore it.

"German envoy Lieutenant Colonel Cole is the first adjutant of the German Führer. His mission to my country is to enhance good neighborliness and friendship, especially to strengthen mutual trust and exchanges among the Tripartite Alliance under the current war situation; secondly, to provide high-quality weapons to my country. In addition to the Iron Fist rockets just displayed, there are also advanced radars, high-speed long-range rockets and other weapons. Everyone has experienced their power. Now, please let Mr. Cole speak first." Ugaki Kazunari finally got the coveted nomination for prime minister. At this moment, he was so excited as the host of the meeting that he almost said the wrong thing several times. Many people in the audience were secretly laughing at him.

"Your Majesty, ministers, and superiors." Cole first bowed deeply according to etiquette, and then walked to the podium to speak.

"During this visit, the important mission I shoulder is to inform the Triple Alliance of the situation in Europe and the future strategic direction. Regarding the issue of fighting against the United States and Britain, the head of state of our country has made a brilliant statement, saying that 'fighting is seeking death, not fighting is waiting for death', and this opinion has been reported to Your Majesty in advance. You may have different opinions, but I think it is not important, because the war has been going on now, and it is meaningless to pursue whether to go to war or not. The key now is to look forward and solve the practical problems we face.

Some people say that I don't want to fight anymore, can I negotiate peace? Not to mention that you want to negotiate peace, the head of state and Germany also want to negotiate peace..."

Kore paused here deliberately, and there was a buzz in the audience. Hirohito glared at the audience with displeasure, and signaled the scene to be quiet so that Kerr could continue.

"But can we negotiate peace if we want to? The United States and Britain jointly issued the so-called Atlantic Charter, which said that there would be room for peace unless we 'unconditionally surrender'. Of course, you will say that this is political propaganda, and it is not the same thing in actual contact - my country also thought so at first, but the reality is much more cruel than imagined.

The head of state said that if peace can truly be achieved, he is willing to make certain concessions on the basis of the existing line of actual control. For example, the eastern front can return 15-20% of its territory, and even compensate the Americans billions of dollars. As for France and He had never thought about annexing Western European countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium. Of course, he wanted to fully restore their independence. If the Americans are not relieved, they must deal with the culprits and hang several political leaders. He himself and the Italian leaders are not incapable of sacrifice. His original words were this - 'Because we, as leaders, call on the people of all Germany and all Italy to sacrifice their lives and blood to fight for national rights. If the leader is cowardly and refuses to sacrifice when it is his turn, it will be a deception and betrayal of the people. , it would be no difficulty for me to go to the gallows - from the day I was elected as the head of state of Germany, I was ready to make full dedication and sacrifice for the German people. I can die without fear, as long as this death is beneficial to the ultimate interests and long-term interests of the German people. ’

The head of state has already said this, but what conditions do the Americans put forward through a third party?

First, the national border will be returned to that before 1933;

Second, compensation for damages and handing over the culprit;

Third, Germany reduced its armed forces and promised not to use force in the future.

What is the condition? This is to bring us back to the state of being fully oppressed by the "Contract of Versailles" system, and to bring the German nation back to a situation where it is divided and the people are suffering. If we accept such conditions, even if the head of state can agree, the people will never agree - this means that all their sacrifices and lives in the past ten years will completely lose their meaning. Is life so precious and peace so sweet? So that more than 80 million Germans would not hesitate to wear chains and serve as slaves forever?

I don’t know what the situation is like with the contact between Japan and the United States, but I guess the conditions will definitely not be very good, and at least they will have to return to the state before 1937, right? "

Someone in the audience nodded in agreement: "The preconditions proposed by the United States before the Japan-US peace talks in 1941 were very harsh, which our country would never agree to."

"This arrogant attitude, this style of not taking us seriously, if we still have a little bit of national shame, a little bit of military honor, and a little bit of national self-esteem, it is absolutely impossible to agree to it, dear Japanese Ministers and generals, can you agree?"

"We will never agree..." Of course, the veteran generals and politicians at the venue were not so easily incited. While they were still thinking and making decisions, the few middle- and low-level officers who were serving at the venue all shouted, "Who dares to agree?" Under such conditions, who is the ****!”

"Drive all these red deer out!" Hirohito got angry.

As soon as the emperor told them to get out, these middle and low-level officers suddenly became silent. They all nodded and bowed out one by one. Ishihara gave Cole a meaningful look: This young man's tricks are very vicious!

As these young officers exited, they were still talking about:

"Oh, look at what they said, how clear, thorough and powerful they are. They are many times better than our old generals. Why don't we in Japan have such figures?"

"Who says there isn't one? General Ishihara can be counted as one."

"But General Ishihara is over 50 years old, and Mr. Special Envoy is only a few years old, less than 40, right? Even people like General Ishihara are rare here."

"Well, there is a prime minister who looks through the trash can at night."

"Do you know that the special envoy visited General Ishihara two days ago. General Ishihara repeatedly said that young people are formidable and commented that 'the special envoy's level is more than enough to serve as deputy chief of staff in Japan in a few years.'"

"Yes, the special envoy is neither humble nor arrogant in front of the emperor and high-level officials. He speaks eloquently and has the demeanor of a general. He will be a suitable candidate for prime minister in 20 years..."

"The second adjutant is so awesome. I really want to see the chief adjutant and even the head of state himself..."

"Just wait, we will have a chance to see you after we win."

Of course Cole couldn't hear this, so he continued talking unhurriedly.

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