Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 944: Retreat to the world of reincarnation

These alliances were put together by the major forces that took refuge in the Emerging God Dynasty, and their strength was far inferior to the Emerging God Army, and their fighting spirit was not tenacious. Originally being attacked by the barbaric domain, it was difficult to support it, and it was still waiting for the Feathered Divine Army to support them. This time not only the Feathered Divine Army did not gain an advantage, but it was cursed by the cursed power.

Feathered God Army is like this, where do they have courage.

At this moment, the morale collapsed and the army failed.

"Let them harm the Eclosion Divine Army!"

Bei Ming Fengye looked rough, but in fact he was as fine as a needle.

He saw the miscellaneous army collapse, instead of hunting down, he ordered the barbaric warriors to form an encirclement, as if bombarding the prey into an encirclement, and bombarding them into the Feathering God Army.

The Feathering God Army was originally in order, but when it was hit by the miscellaneous army, its formation was a bit chaotic.

"Incompetent bungler!"

Zhao Ge's face was ugly.

He hadn't counted on these miscellaneous troops at all, and the Shenchao accepted them only for consumption. He didn't expect to be so useless and harm them.

He looked at the other battlefields of Yuhua God City, there were battles everywhere, and it was impossible to support here.

"Hahahaha, Emperor Shenwu, I will help you!"

Bei Mingfeng laughed wildly, "Yu Beifeng, I heard that you are unfeeling and absolutely righteous, the younger brother of the Emperor Yuhua, let me learn about your strength!"

He swung his mace, his power was violent, and he immediately fought with Yu Beifeng.

Without Yu Beifeng, Chu Yuan was able to fight against Zhao Ge wholeheartedly at this time.

He is bright and boiling, lightning strikes the sky, and controls the audience. This kind of existence cannot allow him to join the battlefield.


Zhao Ge is not afraid. Although he has no advantage anymore, he does not expect to be able to defeat the Shenwu army. Now he just wants to stop them, looking forward to a turnaround in other battlefields, and it is best to have the God King to help.

He wants to turn this place into a quagmire and drag the Shenwu army.

With the sound of drums and blood boiling, the battlefield here has become chaotic.

Lu Qianfu's mobilization of troops and horses also deliberately allowed the miscellaneous army to mix into the Emerging God's army, causing loopholes in their flawless cooperation, so he could seize the flaws and kill them fiercely.


"Those who are indiscriminately rout, kill without mercy!"

The Feathering Divine Army also knew that they couldn't let the miscellaneous army attack them, and killed some who ran over, finally stabilizing the formation temporarily.


Beiming Fengye and Yu Beifeng fought, and the strength of the other party also put him under a lot of pressure. There were wounds on his body, all of which were blown by the sword.

"This sorrowful wind has achieved the immortal triple heaven for a short time, but it has such strength. It is worthy of being the younger brother of the Emperor Yuhua. Give him a chance and he can fly. If this continues, it is very likely to add to the Emperor Yuhua. God King!"

Bei Ming Fengye was also shocked.

"They must be killed fiercely!"

Bei Ming Fengye is also violent, his blood is boiling, the smoke is billowing, and the mace is dancing more and more violently.


The savage warriors are also violent, they are also very smart, handing over the regular army to the Shenwu army to deal with, and they are specifically watching those miscellaneous army kills.

"Good opportunity, let's kill it too!"

In the distance, those who did not dare to join the battlefield easily also smelled the meat like wolves. They were not silent anymore. Suddenly, more people rushed over in a chaotic camp.

Seeing that the Emerging God Army had no advantage, they fought hard, knowing that their opportunity was coming.

They will not do it to death, but they will not let it go if it is good.

"Don't be disturbed by them!"

Lu Qianfu saw those people rushing in a mess.

He immediately turned the army into a whole, like a millstone, moving as a whole on the battlefield, and those who interfered with the formation, whether they were here or not, were ruthlessly killed.


Two Short Ge and Chu Yuan’s world-shaking Lei Ge fought, and the cold glow was rolling. Now he wants to use the boundless camp to balance his power.

"Guardians, attack!"

He also hid a part of his strength, his personal guards, not many.

But all of them are elite. It was he who faced an unfavorable situation. He did not kill the Shenwu army, but went to the periphery of the battlefield to hunt down those who had just participated.

These guards are like wolves and tigers, and they are the new force on the battlefield. As soon as they joined the battle group, everyone saw their killing.

Yu Beifeng was also indifferent, and he also let his guards out.

Chu Yuan's ability to deal with the eruption regular army does not mean that these people can.


The screams came one after another. These people wanted to make some money, but suddenly encountered the killing of the Guards Corps. They were panicked. In a short time, a large number of people were left here.

"Quit, quit!"

This group of people don't want to fight, just want to survive.

"How easy is it!"

Zhao Ge is fierce.

The guards of the two used the same strategy as the barbaric domain, killing second, chaos first, and forcibly expelling this group of people into the battlefield, no matter what, let them attack the two battlefields.

Since you let their miscellaneous army attack, they also want this mob to attack both sides.

Because of the mutual impact of the two sides, the battlefield in this film has become more chaotic, with fierce battles everywhere.

"It's really a mob, it's vulnerable, it can't help you don't say you are still making trouble here, it is better to stay away from here, so as not to see them upset!"

Bei Ming Fengye's face also looked very beautiful.

The Emerging God Army was in chaos and chaos, and the advantage that they had finally obtained was evened by them.

This so-called alliance is not reliable at all.

"Stabilize the camp!"

Lu Qianfu commanded calmly.

He didn't like this kind of chaos on the battlefield, but he also understood that the muddy waters of the Feathered God Army would also affect them.

Now I don't want to kill the opponent in large numbers, but wait for the battle to continue to settle down.

"Emperor Shenwu, entangle your people here now, just wait to be killed if you can't get rid of it!"

Zhao Ge held the fire in his heart.

"Hahahaha, one of our gods is about to tie the battle, and he will lead an army to besiege you!"

In fact, he didn't know if there would be a divine master coming here, but to attack the enemy and attack the heart, he wanted to make the Shenwu Great Emperor panic.

What Chu Yuan responded to him was just a severe blow to Shake the World Lei Ge.


Zhao Ge didn't speak anymore, no one had any advantage in the current battle.

Suddenly Beiming Fengye shouted: "The Great Emperor The situation of the battle has changed over there!"

"What? The situation has changed!" Zhao Ge was also startled: "Whether it's good or bad!"

Oh oh oh!

The low horn was also sounded at this moment. It was blew by the feathering gods. Zhao Ge heard that this was the horn of retreat. Could it be that the most intense side could not hold on, and the army was going to retreat?

He was surprised.

Sure enough, he saw several gods retreating under the tyrannical offensive, and a large number of feathered gods were killed in the melee, and began to retreat slowly.

"The Feathered God Army is about to retreat, are you going to give up the Feathered God City?"

Bei Ming Fengye didn't figure out the purpose of Yuhua Shenchao for a while.

"Retreat to the world of reincarnation!"

The Feathered God Army retreated, and the place where they retreated turned out to be in the circle of reincarnation!

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