The wanderer Qian Yuan took the initiative to raise the white flag and walked out of the old nest, willing to take refuge in submission without making any resistance.

Yang Hong was also surprised.

This is a holy god, not the weak old nest before.

He looked at this lair, full of energy, and obviously portrayed many restrictions, even if they wanted to attack, it was not that easy.

"I am willing to take refuge and hand over everything. All the sites here are owned by Dawu."

Qian Yuan smiled.

There is no unwillingness to hand over such a big lair directly.

He was well-informed, already knowing that there was a terrifying army sweeping the nests of the wanderers.

He doesn't look so vicious as a vagrant, more like a businessman.

The fact is true. Qian Yuan is not interested in robbing others. He failed to compete with others in a big world. After escaping, he used his own strength to directly create a Wanderer Chamber of Commerce.

As a businessman, the most important thing is to learn to judge the situation.

he is very smart.

These two holy gods may be able to stop the prohibition in his urging lair.

However, the opponent's fleet really scared him. Such a terrifying warship, he hasn't seen it in millions of years. Will it be an ordinary force that can produce such a terrifying warship?

Businessmen know the situation best.

He has become a wanderer, far away from his hometown and the world, it doesn't matter who he takes refuge in.

He also knew that even if he resisted a little bit, the fleet would not let him go after he was breached.

"Beware of fraud." Yang Hong said cautiously.

"Huh! If there is any fraud, I will directly level this lair!"

Yang Teng was fearless and went straight into Qian Yuan’s nest.

Qian Yuan really had to take refuge, and he handed over all the resources he collected, which was hundreds of times more than Yang Teng and the rest of their previous battles combined, making them happy.

Too many resources!

There are many other specialties of the big world.

"Assault the next lair!"

The fleet did not stay for too long, and after taking away the resources, it continued its march with an unstoppable momentum.

Among the dozens of vagrants' lairs around, there are three with holy deities, and the next lair is a holy deity named Gu Kang.

This holy **** was once the sect master of a big world, but was also defeated by the enemy, leading the sect to wander into the starry sky.

Unexpectedly, when Da Wu's starry sky battleship arrived at Gu Kang, Gu Kang's holy **** decisively chose to surrender, and did not even resist.

He saw Qian Yuan.

Even Qian Yuan, a businessman a hundred times more treacherous than a fox, was very wise to take refuge in. Gu Kang also knew the general trend. He couldn't resist it. Instead of being smashed by the opponent's fleet, he should be honest.

"I thought I could fight a battle, but I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Yang Teng was very upset.

These wanderers are too spineless, as soon as the fleet comes, they take refuge directly.

"I want a big battle, and the last Niehai Lair. There may be a big battle there."

Yang Hong glanced at Yang Teng.

This person is a fighting freak, and his brain is full of fighting. Isn't it good to complete the task smoothly like this?

They are not here to fight again this time, but to complete your majesty's confession and bring back a lot of resources.

"Go, let's go to Niehai Lair!"

After the Star Battleship conquered Gu Kang’s old nest, it went on an expedition again. The movement of the fleet was unconcealed, and the cosmic starry sky was mighty, and the energy ray spurted, dotted the dim and dead starry sky.

Along the way, Qian Yuan was also asking about the origin of the fleet.

Although he surrendered, he still doesn't know the origin of the opponent.

Yang Hong also proudly explained that they came from the great martial arts of the eternal great world. In less than a year, his Majesty personally beheaded the three holy gods, and these starry sky battleships were only part of the strength of the great martial arts.

"Emperor Wu, what kind of existence is it?"

Qian Yuan was also shocked.

He did not question.

He saw Da Wu’s battleship, and Da Wu’s army, and two holy gods who admired that majesty so much, he knew that his majesty who could possess this kind of majesty was an extremely terrifying person.

"You are very good."

Yang Teng also patted Qian Yuan's shoulder fiercely, and said, "Your Majesty, you like the person who knows the current affairs and takes the initiative to take refuge. When you meet Dawu, you will definitely be rewarded. Yang Hong is the best example. ."

"Yes!" Yang Hong said proudly: "Before I took refuge in your majesty, I was only a semi-holy god. It was your majesty who personally helped me break through to the realm of holy gods using the laws of the holy gods and a large number of holy pill. breakthrough."

"A large number of holy products!"

Hearing this, Qian Yuan's mouth opened wide and he was able to swallow several eggs. When could the Shengpin Shendan be described by a large amount?

He asked cautiously: "Can I see your majesty and get the holy pill?"

"You take the initiative to surrender a lot of resources, your great majesty, never treats anyone who has merited anything."

Yang Hongdao.

"Can I get a reward too?"

Gu Kangdao.

Although he is a holy god, there is no way to refine the holy pill by himself.

"Then it depends on your performance." Yang Hong said: "Niehai Lair is coming soon!"

"The Lord Niehai is powerful and is the strongest master here. Although I started the Wanderer Chamber of Commerce, I have never seen the Holy God Niehai, and he came here probably 100,000 years ago."

Qian Yuan has been here for millions of years.

"I saw it!"

Yang Teng said suddenly.

Niehai Lair is different from other Wanderers Lair.

A huge boundless sea appeared in front of it, appeared in the starry sky of the universe, and the black sea water slapped and formed a magnificent spectacle, like an evil sea, in an oval shape, erupting terrifying suction.

"This Nie Hai is like a huge mouth that devours the starry sky, with its mouth wide open, waiting for our fleet to enter!"

Qian Yuan also felt a sense of fear.

Nie Hai was terrifying, exuding an aura of sin, fierce and brutal, it was originally not, it only appeared after the arrival of the Holy God of Nie Hai.

No one knows his true name, because this Nie Hai calls him the Holy God of Nie Hai.

"How do we fight?" Gu Kang asked.

"Push it directly."

Yang Teng wanted to fight a long time ago, and Niehai's lair made him boil.


At the moment when the fleet A horrible aura appeared in Niehai’s old lair. The black sea roared, and a black long knife appeared, as the Niehai holy sword obtained before was slashed against the fleet. Come!

Niehai Lair, knowing the Dawu fleet, had already prepared for a counterattack.

Through the black water, you can see the densely packed wanderers inside.

"Niehai Sacred Sword!"

Qian Yuan and Gu Kang were shocked, uneasy, even if they were holy gods, if they were slashed by the Niehai holy sword, it would not be good.

This Niehai Sacred Sword slashed and attacked too fast, and the light from the sword shattered the starry sky, and countless cosmic torrents swept out, carrying the power of the universe to bombard the battleship.

"Huh! I'm coming!"

Yang Teng immediately appeared from the battleship, fighting spirit surging, like the ancient world guarding the battleship!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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