Bang! Bang! Bang!

   The entire imperial city was shaking.

   was not attacked by the outside world, but the drastic changes of the entire world brought about the drastic changes of the entire imperial city.

   The world is shaking, the earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, there are earthquakes everywhere, and countless powerful people fly out to protect the people with their magic power.

   With such a big earthquake, ordinary cities will split into abyss-like cracks. If there is no shelter from the strong, it is unknown how many people will die. But now, under the mobilization of the dynasty, the strong are protecting their children one after another.

   "That! What is that!"

   Everyone looked up to the sky, and immediately saw an incredible scene!

   Above the sky, there is a shadow shrouded in it, as if there is another space-time world and the eternal world overlapping, breaking the space-time barrier, and vaguely seeing the infinite bright scene.

   After this change lasted for a few days, hundreds of millions of vitality surged, as if creating the world!

   In the sky, the endless brilliant light spread, and another world appeared!

   This world, turned out to be on the extremely high sky of the eternal world, covered by a strong dimensional void power, forming a unique world!

  Mountains are all mountains!

   Endless mountain ranges meandering vertically and horizontally. Each mountain is enveloped with strong vitality. There are virgin forests on it, rivers winding by, and even oceans everywhere.

   "Is this a secret realm? But the secret realm is too huge, more like the overlap of two worlds!"

   Chu Yuan feels that these sacred mountains are like the ubiquitous scorching sun in the sky. No matter where you are in the eternal world, you can see it, which is unimaginable.

   The current situation is like another world has appeared in the sky above the eternal world, turning into a ubiquitous big day.

   It’s just that this is not a big day, but a world composed of countless sacred mountains.

at the same time.

   Skylight City.

   "What, the world of Shenshan appeared at this time! The last time it appeared was in the ancient times, and it was after the appearance of the world of Shenshan ended that the five ancient emperors left the eternal world and ended an era!"

   The King of Heaven and Xiao Yang were shocked.

   There is no sign of the sacred mountain world.

Xiao Yang said in shock: "I seem to understand the reason why the Qingmu Longevity Empire will choose to restore at this time. Could it be that the Qingmu Longevity Empire anticipated the emergence of the Divine Mountain World, so he chose this time. His strength is already strong enough. Is that kind of state now!"

   "Imperial decree!"

  The King of Heaven suddenly received the imperial decree, his face solemnly said: "Xiao Yang, the sacred decree, all the army returned to the imperial capital, the sacred mountain world came too suddenly, and the empire was a little caught off guard. The saint wants to mobilize the national power to enter the sacred mountain world!"

   "Yes, the war with the Aoki Longevity Empire should also change the battlefield. The world of Mount Kinabalu is the place to fight. The entire eternal world, countless forces, and many fights will gather in the World of Mount Kinabalu!"

   Xiao Yang said: "There will also be a cruel Shura field!"

   Soon, the soldiers and horses fighting with the Aoki Longevity Empire all retreated.

   Dongchu forbidden camp.

   The three Profound Gods were opposing the formation. Originally, they started wars this month, but the appearance of the sacred mountain ruins stopped these wars.

   "The sacred mountain world, the sacred mountain world that appeared in ancient times!"

Dongchen Xuanshen said: "Everyone, it seems that we can't fight with Dawu now. The emergence of the mountain world is the most important thing. There are countless ruins, imperial grade divine veins, imperial grade divine veins, and even holy grade divine veins. There are countless precious magic medicines waiting for us to explore."

   "Haha, it's not that you can't fight with Dawu!"

This newly arrived Profound God was called Zhong Ling, and laughed: "We only need to make a plan to stare at them, Dawu's position, and only a few places where we can enter. We will block them and force them to join us. war."

   "The world of the sacred mountain is rare in the ages. If you can't enter, you can't get the unique resources in the sacred mountain. The loss is huge and immeasurable."

   Cheng Fadao.

"I was most afraid of the great martial arts, and Xuanshen will also be constrained." Dongchen Xuanshen laughed and said: "If the national fortune cannot be passed on to the sacred mountain, and the initiative is controlled by us, we can send a war letter to Dawu. ."

   "The news has come from the forbidden land. Let us first enter the world of sacred mountains, stand firm, and persecute the Dawu dynasty. The forbidden land has gradually awakened a sleeping ancestor. The sacred mountain is also an opportunity."


   From the forbidden land war in the early east.

The meaning of    is very simple. Invite a great martial artist to the forbidden land of the sacred mountain and ask if you dare to fight.

   Inside the Shenwu Temple.

   The strong men who had been out on the expedition have been recalled, and the DPRK meeting was held urgently.

   "Your Majesty, the forbidden area army has gradually entered the sacred mountain in the early east, occupying a position with sinister intentions, and is facing me to enter the sacred mountain route."

   Lu Qianfu said.

"I’ve heard of the mountain world but haven’t seen it. It only appeared a few times in the eternal world. The last time it was in ancient times, but the resources inside are extremely rich. Ancient ruins, but no one knows where the mountain came from."

   Ning Xiuchen is also very tempted by the world of Shenshan.

   "If you go to the sacred mountain, Dawu's greatest advantage will be lost, and the suppression of the stateless movement will be enveloped. If you lose in the border war, you can retreat. In the sacred mountain, you cannot retreat."

   Tianhong Tianshen also said.

   "But if you are afraid of this, you can't go to the sacred mountain because there are too many resources. For Dawu, it is a chance. We are short of everything, lack of sacred stones, lack of minerals, and lack of sacred medicine. The resources that restrict development are always resources!"

   Zhu Fengfeng said: "The minister is willing to lead the Fengjun to the sacred mountain and be the pioneer."

   "Only your Phoenix Army is not afraid of war?" Fang Lei sneered, "I also wish to lead the Scourge Army first."

   "The Foundry Department is also ready to enter the mountain and refining resources anywhere!" Ouyang Ming said.

   The argument is fierce in the court, and all generals are willing to lead the vanguard.

   [Choose 1: Send soldiers to the mountain world, get 2,000 fate points, and create blueprints with random puppets. 】

   [Choice 2: Don’t send soldiers to the world of Mount Kinabalu, get 2,000 fate points, and designate warrior puppets to create drawings. 】

   "Randomly and designated combat puppets?" Chu Yuan ignored the disputes among the officials, but looked at the light curtain that no one else could see.

   "Random is similar to a random The host can draw very poor or excellent puppets, and the designated army puppets can select the designated puppets from the drawings that appear, with balanced quality, no surprises and no surprises."

  System explanation.

"All right!"

Chu Yuan said: "The world of the sacred mountain contains infinite treasures. It only appears once in countless thousands of years. How can I give up this opportunity because of a forbidden place in the east? Since they choose to fight in the sacred mountain, we cannot back down. The second is a great opportunity for Dynasty to obtain more resources."

  The dynasty needs resources to develop.

   "Your Majesty, what do you plan to do?"

   Lu Qianfu asked.

   "The sacred mountain is as big as a world. If you want to gain a firm foothold, you need a stronghold. The Five Elements and Five Legions, the light and dark legions first enter the sacred mountain, and Jin Chiyang will lead the people to research the terrain, plan the map, and build the city stronghold."

   Chu Yuan said: "Entering the sacred mountain, don't rush to fight the Dongchu Forbidden Land, do not move, and wait for my subsequent order to let you move before you can move."

   "I follow your majesty's order!"

  Dawu was originally in a state of war, and it was easy to mobilize, so he immediately sent an army from Dawu into the sacred mountain remains.

   "Ding! The host makes choice one, gains two thousand fate points, and randomly builds a blueprint x1 with puppets.".

   As soon as the army enters the sacred mountain world, the system immediately sends rewards.

   "Ding! The host opens random soldiers puppets to create drawings!"

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