Xinde branch line released.

Conquer or destroy the Yuan Lingzong, Moyuan Dynasty, and Tianhongzong.

"Several seven-star forces that cannot be destroyed are obviously not recognized by the system."

A cold expression appeared on Chu Yuan's face.

He was about to send troops to attack Moyuan Dynasty first.

"Presenting my decree, prepare to send troops to the Demon Abyss Dynasty, and all armies and departments will expand their forces, especially in the Sea Demon Realm, and the All Demon Alliance will also expand quickly!"

Chu Yuan ordered the dynasty to prepare as quickly as possible.

The soldiers are extremely fast, and the morale is like a rainbow now. This battle will be used to completely integrate the forces in the Sea Demon Realm and establish the national strength of the Great Martial Seven Stars Dynasty.

The news was sent and the whole country was preparing.

"The minister has seen your majesty!"

Fang Lei was also summoned by Chu Yuan at this time.

His cultivation base has reached the true **** with Dawu's resources.

"Fang Lei, I have already recruited a large number of elites in Dawu. This time I will build an army, and this army I intend to hand it over to you."

Chu Yuan said to him.

"Let me lead an army alone!"

Fang Lei was shocked, and then he was ecstatic.

Now in addition to the garrison, Dawu has Gengjin, Aoki, Heishui, Lihuo, Thick Earth, Warship Corps, Shenwu Army and Demon Army, and the Divine Army personally led by His Majesty.

Since the end of the Xuanzun dynasty, he has actually been the commander of the garrison. Although his cultivation level has improved very quickly, he has never had a good battle.

"This army is a bit special. You learn the great thunder and lightning technique from me, and then I let you control it."

Chu Yuan said: "Come with me, the soldiers that this army needs to choose are a bit special."

Fang Lei respectfully followed Chu Yuan to a place outside the imperial city where the army was stationed.

The barracks were densely packed, and many people were waiting here. Seeing Chu Yuan's arrival, they all welcomed Emperor Wu.

"Only those who endure my test can join the new army, and those who cannot bear the test are sent to other standing legions."

When Chu Yuan looked at these countless people, he suddenly made a big move, an infinite thunder light spread, and then he saw a stalwart portal appear, emitting a mysterious and infinitely strong thunder light.

"This is!" Fang Lei said in shock: "A horrible **** that contains the power of the sky thunder!"

It is the gate of thunder that suppresses the sky.

That day, within the Thunder Gate, at Chu Yuan's summons, a thunderous river of thunderwater emerged from the gate, which immediately submerged it and turned it into a world of thunder and lightning.

As soon as the thunder and lightning river appeared, the horrible oppression made it breathless.

Here, Chu Yuan also built multiple huge thunder ponds, divided into several parts.

"Go in." Chu Yuan ordered everyone to enter the Lei Pond.

"Follow your majesty's order!"

This group of people also knew that if they could pass the screening and enter the New Army Corps, their destiny would also be changed.

Boom boom!

As soon as this group of people entered the thunder pond, the thunderwater immediately flooded them, and thunder and lightning turned into tribulations and struck them on their bodies. Depending on their cultivation level, the thunder pond they entered was also different.

"Your Majesty, is this?" Fang Lei asked in shock.

"This is the water of the divine thunder. They enter the thunder pond built by us. They can withstand the bombardment within the divine thunder. They are the most powerful fighters. Only by mastering the power of the divine thunder can they enter our newly recruited army. "

Chu Yuan said coldly, looking at the many soldiers struggling in the long thunder and lightning, they must use the most cruel method to select the army.

Fang Lei was shocked, how tyrannical the army selected by this cruel method would be, this is not comparable to the standing army of the Five Elements Army, but the most elite army under the God Army.

"Your Majesty, what is this army called?" Fang Lei asked cautiously.

"Tian Lei..." Chu Yuan thought of several names: "This army is called the Scourge, the Scourge."

After he got the special divine object of the Gate of Heavenly Thunder, his idea of ​​forming an army proficient in the power of thunder and lightning emerged.

The dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, and the legion is bound to continue to expand.

"Everyone who joins the Scourge Legion will be bombarded by the water of the gods of thunder and realize the power of thunder and lightning. If two of them cannot be satisfied, they will be eliminated. The Scourge Army must select only the strongest soldiers and give the enemy the most terror. Blow."

Chu Yuan said coldly, looking at the constantly struggling soldiers in the water of the gods, with expectations for them.

"The Scourge Army! To meet your Majesty's two requirements, day and night to cultivate with the water of the gods, how powerful this Scourge Army will be!"

Fang Lei's heart was shaking, he was about to command such a powerful army, and suddenly said: "Heaven's condemnation, God's punishment, the emperor's anger!"

"Give you one month to train the Scourge Army. The dynasty is about to mobilize troops against the Demon Abyss dynasty."

Chu Yuandao.

He left here and let Fang Lei deal with it.

Dawu is also frantically preparing during this time.

The Five Elements and Five Legions are Dawu's standing army, which can expand indefinitely. At this moment, it is also recruiting troops across the country.

"Originally, my Dawu dynasty was about to face the might of annihilation of the country, but who would have thought that your Majesty would kill two gods, and Ning Lao, a peerless master, would kill a god!"

"Yes, they think I am just a little sheep, but when we show strength, that is the most vicious existence!"

"Dawuhui will exist forever!"


Everywhere in Dawu, there was continued discussion about the recent battle, and everyone was excited.

Since Dawu ruled them, the benefits they received were not available before. Who wouldn't want to endure such a good day forever.

Especially this time, killing the three gods gave them an invincible belief in their hearts.

"The kingdoms of the Chenchu ​​Realm did not attack and dispersed, the Rainbow Sect retreated, and the Moyuan Dynasty also shrank. This time, your Majesty issued a recruitment announcement throughout the country, recruiting a large number of troops, and forming a civilian army. It seems that there will be another big move. "

"I think that in the near future, Da Wu will have a battle, either attacking the Rainbow Sect or attacking the Demon Abyss Dynasty."

"I heard that during this time, some countries in the Chenchu ​​Realm have already sent surrender documents, and they are willing to submit the whole country to Dawu."

"Do they dare not submit? Your Majesty's current goal is the seven-star forces, so he doesn't bother to act on them."

"The power of the dynasty will expand again. Your Majesty will increase the formation of the Corps. This is a good opportunity for us to join the army!"

Everywhere in Dawu, the people boiled, and they were all extremely excited to know that the dynasty was about to expand its army. They all knew that although they would face a war when they entered the army, they would not be able to compare the treatment of resources.

Especially now Seeing this is another good opportunity to gain merits if you want to do something against the Seven Stars.

The emperor is not afraid of war, and his people are not afraid of war.

The temperament and character of the emperor are enough to affect the people of a country.

Dawu court.

Civil and military officials are also frantically busy.

I have received some orders to mobilize troops against the Seven Star Forces, but the mobilization of troops is not a joke, it is necessary to make countless preparations.

In the Military Aircraft Department, the mobilization of the army is also very frequent.

"The Scourge has been training for a month. It should be time for me to review the results of their training."

Chu Yuan checked the time, got up, and walked to the camp of the Scourge Army.

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