This is a kind of plunder.

Complete plunder.

After a long period of retreat, Chu Yuan reached another peak of his strength and began to plunder the power of the eternal origin, taking the most critical step for him to break through the eternal level.

The eternal anger was completely blocked by him.

He is biting the flesh of eternal rules.

Under his swallowing, at every moment a vast to boundless origin descended into his empire.

Light and rain fell in the eternal kingdom.

And many light rains are condensed into eternal crystals, and huge mountains of origin are formed.

This method is too scary.


There was such a plunder, he directly moved the eternal origin to his empire.

These energies were directly absorbed by the people of the empire after his refining, and the power drawn was the purest and most effective energy.

The energy absorbed is incredible.

All of them are advancing by leaps and bounds.

The **** of heaven is more likely to become a primitive **** after breathing.

The primitive **** can also sublimate and baptize himself faster.

Those ninth realms can also become an eternal class in the quickest way.

Grab the eternal power and make himself stronger.

"The true eternal origin."

The Poison Ancestor waved his palm, and all sorts of strange and bright objects appeared in his hand. These are the most poisonous poisons that he created.

In the past, he had to spend a lot of effort to condense this kind of poison, mainly because of lack of energy.

However, now Chu Yuan has directly transferred all the energy to the empire, as much as he wants to condense.

"The emperor is about to step out of eternity."

Hongmeng was also excited in his heart.

He doesn't care what energy, he most wants to see a true eternity born in front of him.

The scene of the emperor's majesty and majesty also brought the greatest confidence to the people of the empire.

They all want to see what the true nature of eternity is.

This kind of swallowing was not endless. Soon, the conventional means could not stop Chu Yuan, and finally the strongest counterattack broke out, and terrifying power came to stop it.

The power of a seal is not to seal Chu Yuan, but to seal the origin.


The tallest divine residence has descended.

The face of this divine residence was unspeakably weird, as if it was an eternal face, and there were no words to truly describe him.

"It's not a strong person who has cultivated himself, he is the result of eternal rules!"

Emperor Changsheng Dao!

The strongest on Eternal Road have been beheaded by the emperor.

This divine residence is rippling with the purest eternal breath, and is integrated with eternity. His thoughts are eternal thoughts, and his wisdom is eternal wisdom.

He is the embodiment of a certain eternal rule, a host-like existence.

"God of Order."

Chu Yuandao.

This is the **** of order, because Chu Yuan has broken the eternal rules, so he descended on the **** of order to maintain his order.

Another god's residence has come.

Exactly the same as this **** of order.

But his attribute is guardian.

Guardian god.

Guarding the eternal rules.

The river of destiny swept across, and this river of destiny is condensed into one person, the **** of destiny, in this **** of destiny, a destiny, the destiny of the gods and martial arts will be destroyed.

With the power of destiny, the destiny of Shenwu is bound to perish.

"It's just your destiny evolved."

Chu Yuanyun was light and breezy.

He has his own independent destiny and will not be controlled by him.

More divine residences were born.

The **** of judgment, the **** of sanctions, the **** of destruction, etc.

These divine residences are without exception, they all grow the same power.

The ultimate god's residence.

And when this god's mansion walked over, the power was empty, he seemed to have no attributes at all, and he seemed to have all the attributes, and it seemed that any attribute could be wiped out.

"The **** of extinction, the little **** of extinction."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

This is the **** of extinction, a divine residence created by eternal rules with the power of extinction.

But this is not a real extinction, that terrifying eternal mass extinction, when it finally comes down, can wipe out everything.

In eternal operation.

Although the threat posed by Chu Yuan was too great, he believed that it was not yet time for him to finally start the mass extinction.

In his regular operation.

When the great extinction starts, all the creatures in his eternity will be extinct, so it will be the last step of the opening.

Without the strong, he creates the strong.

In the eyes of the world, he is omnipotent and omnipotent.

This caused a kind of powerless anger and sorrow in the hearts of the strong like Xianzu. Their cultivation is nothing in the face of eternal rules, and they can easily create stronger divine residences.

Although they have become the strongest, but this deity residence appeared, the strength of each deity residence surpassed them.

This deity mansion launched an attack, the power of order, the power of judgment, the power of guarding, etc., all turned into the most dazzling gods, bombarding the eternal kingdom.

This is to stop him from continuing to devour Eternal Origin.

"It's not the ultimate eternal power. Just you, want to stop me?"

Facing their attack, Chu Yuan directly launched a counterattack, not allowing any power to destroy his swallow.

This is the accumulation and preparation before the final step, which is very crucial.


All these powers were born directly from the eternal rules, so they were much more terrifying than the strongest before, and they set off a series of explosions.

This kind of explosion is already affecting Chu Yuan to swallow it.

All the divine residences have the same indescribable face, and their power attributes are different, and the power is also blending when bombarded, and it has become a word called eternity.

The eternal origin is tossing, and it is also condensing the cannon that tears everything, the dazzling light, and the sky-wide beam burst.

As soon as Chu Yuan's power moved, the wide open eternal gate actually began to swallow the power of this eternal cannon, and his continued bombardment would have swallowed as much.

This is no longer a mere swallowing.

It is an energy transformation. UU Reading

As much as the eternal rules bombarded, Chu Yuan would receive as much, transforming all these energies into his eternal realm, and forging his realm stronger and stronger.

With the power of the original source, there is no way to return the bombardment.

This is also true, eternity is not a real creature, otherwise, how could such a lowly mistake be made.

Familiarity with his power is control, which is also the key to making mistakes in eternal rules.

At this moment, the power of God's Mansion was also bombarding, hoping to break his bombardment.

Looking at them.

As soon as Chu Yuan moved, he came to the middle of these divine residences.

His sky-shaking power, with the swing of his arm, made a heavy blow!

Although those divine residences were powerful, they all flew out of the surrounding area under his blow, and all of them were beginning to shatter!

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