This kind of great level of war, even if you just see the scene of their war, is a huge benefit.

"Invincible, invincible, invincible!"

In the empire, countless people shouted from their hearts, and their voices came like waves, condensing them for the most monstrous national destiny.

Chu Yuan blasted with a punch, extremely powerful, his terrifying power hit the world and the earth changed colors, and his brilliant divine light rendered this nothingness his eternal color.

A louder vibration.

Chu Yuan saw a rule divine residence at a glance. He surpassed the heaven and the earth itself. At this moment, with a wave of five fingers, he condensed the endless source of rules together.

Normally, he would only use all kinds of restrictions to deal with other strong people, and how could he attack directly like this.

Chu Yuan also fought against the rules with a palm.


Suddenly, the eternal origin power seemed to be condensed into an eternal giant cannon. Within the giant cannon, the strongest force is constantly gathering, forming a flood of energy that destroys the world.

The power of this eternal giant cannon is too terrifying. When bombarded, it is like a cannon of extinction, and the strongest will directly turn into fly ash.

"It's equivalent to one blow of eternal extinction."

Chu Yuan had already seen that this was just a blow, and if the real mass extinction came, the whole sky would be an eternal mass extinction. No wonder many powerful people didn't think he could resist it.


Behind Chu Yuan, there was also an imperial cannon, which was a billowing national destiny. The dazzling white light also gathered into a billowing torrent, and it blasted out at once.

In the most direct way, the power of the two giant cannons exploded and swept the waves of extinction.

With his invincible will, Chu Yuan resisted the force of a single blow and suppressed the fluctuations of time and space.

Then he strode forward, pressing his palm fiercely to grab Eternal Shenzhou.

The power of this Shenzhou was so heavy that it was impossible to grab it, but Chu Yuan's hand, the eternal Shenzhou that had plunged into the depths, was lifted up, as if it was easy to pick up a toy.

Immediately, Chu Yuan saw a deep big hole with rolling power inside, but he could see that although the Shenzhou had plunged deeply into it, it still did not penetrate the eternal itself.

And although this big hole is larger than the ordinary universe, it comes to eternity itself as if a small needle pierced a hole.

But before he took away the Eternal Shenzhou, the Shenzhou was so bright, a force controlled him.

It is the eternal rules that manipulate Shenzhou.

This Shenzhou is too powerful, and his own collision has terrifying power.

Chu Yuan watched it impact, waved his big hand, and slammed the head of Shenzhou. The breath was shocking to the sky. A Shenzhou was colliding, but he was firmly suppressed by his power.

Countless magic circles inside are operating, and all kinds of strength are impacting.

Chu Yuan stepped into the sky powerfully, the hand of God grabbed everything, and the other hand shot the eternal kingdom, blasting towards the divine residence that was transformed by the eternal rules.

This mansion also counterattacked with the power of rules.


Mana swept through, and Chu Yuan shot the Eternal Shenzhou away with a palm.

The Eternal Shenzhou once again attacked, like a light shuttle, pressing the past fiercely. Under the control of the eternal rules, this huge Shenzhou was to directly destroy his eternal kingdom.

Chu Yuan attacked again, he was vying for control.

"If you want to control the eternal Shenzhou, you must first break the rules and evolve the divine residence."

Chu Yuan locked in the rule divine residence.

The hands of his God's ruler condensed into a ball, soaring into the sky, dominating the world, and destroying the God's Mansion to Rule.

This regular divine residence has an infinite eternal origin, but suddenly, under the blow of Chu Yuan's power, it was distorted and collapsed.

Eternal swallowing. Watching these swallows, Chu Yuan's hands were spinning, and an eternal vortex was also swallowing the eternal origin, and these swallowed origins fed back into his eternal realm.

The stronger the anger, the more anger of the rule God's house, this kind of direct consumption of his origin is undoubtedly provoking him.

Two giant regular hands swept towards Chu Yuan, and was immediately overwhelmed by the rolling wave.

Eternal extinction!

A voice of extinction will.

Rule Divine Mansion launched the Great Eternal Extinction, but this is not a great extinction sweeping the entire Eternal Road, at best, it can only be regarded as a small extinction launched against Chu Yuan himself.

In the face of this extinction, no one of the strongest can resist it, and it will immediately be wiped out.

Eternal kingdom!

The force of extinction swept over, but there was imperial luck around Chu Yuan, and the force of extinction was stunned, but it was still unable to break his eternal kingdom.

"Want to destroy me with this kind of small extinction is just a wishful thinking. If you want to destroy me, you will launch the ultimate extinction!"

Chu Yuan sang forward, strode past, and ruled the world, facing the rule of the gods, holding both hands, the eternal emperor directly cut the past, and the rules of the gods were directly broken.

Then, his hands were once again caught on the Eternal Shenzhou.

His will is mighty and mighty, piercing directly into the sea of ​​origin, which is exactly the source of power.

Chu Yuan's will immediately dominated the Sea of ​​Origins, and he could see that his great ideas appeared in the Sea of ​​Origins, allowing the ocean to shine, directly urging the Shenzhou.

This Shenzhou crossed the universe.

His will is too great and vast, urging a Shenzhou is even simpler.

Chu Yuan let Eternal Shenzhou enter his universe.

However, there was no joy on Chu Yuan's face, but it was only a divine boat, and it had no fundamental impact on his strength.

And this Shenzhou entered the empire, and there was a cheering sound.

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across the world, he didn't continue to shoot, but returned directly to the empire.

"The change is still going on, and I will make a bigger sensation."

When Chu Yuan returned to the empire, he ruled the world and overlooked all beings. In his empire, the eternal kingdom became more and more perfect.

He clearly knows when he will take the final step and truly achieve the realm of eternal gods.

His eyes pierced through, seeing the endless eternal origin.

"Long Era, how much decay is left in this world?"

Chu Yuan felt inspired. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He knows that there are still many people who are unwilling to join his empire and walk with him, and in the following period, there will be more changes in the eternal rules.

Facing this kind of change, Chu Yuan had only war and no other choice.

"Can the eternal change of rules stop the Emperor Shenwu?"

The continuous splendor of Emperor Shenwu has actually caused many people to question. Even after cutting four statues, he won the Eternal Shenzhou. How many pioneering works are unprecedented.

Looking at the Shenwu Empire, the stalwart figure of the Shenwu Emperor has been detached and unique.

"A bigger change in the eternal rules!"

People's hearts have changed, but at this moment the eternal rules have come to a greater change. It is impossible for him to continue to make Chu Yuan continue to be strong.

Because he didn't have his own real body, and the sudden change at this moment made many people more afraid of the irresistible power of eternal rules.

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