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The fallen master and the primordial power were grasped by Chu Yuan one by one.

These two powerhouses are struggling frantically, and there are waves of destruction. Unexpectedly, under the eternal blessing, his strength is already so powerful, but he is still not his opponent.

What's more cruel is that they can't even escape.


They issued shouts and doubts in their souls, unyielding and unwilling.

There is always only one strongest in each era. Although many ancient strong are born now, Chu Yuan is now the eternal protagonist, and the once strongest will lose their glory.

He is the strongest of all times!

They have lost their honor.


The two of them were caught by Chu Yuan's palm, and their bodies immediately shattered like eggs, but the eternal blessing made them recover quickly in an instant, and it seemed that they could not be killed no matter how they were killed.

"The power of blessing."

Chu Yuan's face was indifferent.

He used the Great Devouring Technique to deprive the two of them of their power almost infinitely. Although the eternal blessing was restored time and time again, how much they restored was equivalent to providing Chu Yuan with strength.

"You are not ready to make a move, can it be that we are so obliterated by him!"

The two of them were carried by him in this way, and they made humiliating voices.

"Come on, kill without mercy!"

Chu Yuan's indifferent voice resounded.

"We are dead, and you will not end well. If he does not die, he will usher in eternal extinction, and everything will be extinct, including you!"

Because of eternal blessings, they are not dead yet, they are shouting, hoping that all the strong will attack and directly kill the Emperor Shenwu.

And these ancient powerhouses heard Chu Yuan's voice, and did not do anything. They could see that the strength of Emperor Shenwu Emperor, throughout the ages, no one had him so powerful.

Not yet in time.

Who doesn't know the horror of the eternal mass extinction.

But they know better that the time is not up.

The eternal mass extinction is a last resort and the last resort.

Before launching the Great Extinction, the Eternal Rules will use all the means of attack to burst out the strongest and most terrifying anger. At that time, it is the time to truly start a battle with Shenwu.

His strength makes everyone understand that even the proudest person must admit that he is inferior to him.

No one responded to their shouts. After being destroyed thousands of times in Chu Yuan's hands, the eternal blessing suddenly stopped, and with two bangs, they were completely absorbed into the black hole.

Obviously, the eternal rules also know how to bless him, but it is only strengthening his power.

The eternal rules are the wisest and most powerful in the universe, but it is a pity that they must be handled according to the established rules.

And these two people will die if they die, and it has no effect on the overall situation.

"Aren't you blessing?"

Chu Yuan looked indifferent.

He knew it clearly.

Although the fallen masters and primordial powers were killed by him, they were not really dead. Their brand and destiny still existed deeply in the eternal rules.

His eyes pierced through the eternal world, as if seeing a strong man, and then enveloped the entire book world into his eternal road, and left.

The world is shocked.

"The fallen master, the primordial power, the strength of the two is comparable to the strongest in the past, and they still cannot survive in his hands!"

With Chu Yuan's hand, the two powerful men were killed, and the eternal blessings could not stop them.

Although the news was shocking, no one thought it was incredible, because this person should have such strength, and any strongest person in the past could not match him.

"No hurry, we don't want to experience the eternal extinction, the eternal rules are more anxious than us, and he doesn't want to start."

There is a strong way, they are waiting for more, eternal rules have never appeared in the past.

"My Shenwu Emperor, our Shenwu Empire creates an eternal kingdom and opens up eternal passages. I welcome everyone to join my empire and fight the eternal extinction together!"

After Chu Yuan returned to the empire, he immediately issued a decree throughout the entire Eternal Road.

Now, the Shenwu Empire will be promoted to the eternal Shenwu Empire.

In his heart, Chu Yuan really hopes that more powerful people can join in.

The announcement of this decree immediately set off a huge wave, the eternal divine martial empire, and that eternal word made many people desire and want to reach it.

News is overwhelming.

The strength of his strength does not need to be questioned, nor does it need to be intentionally manifested. The change in the eternal rules alone is iron proof, which is enough to explain everything.

If you join Shenwu, it is very likely to usher in mass extinction, or even nothing.

Although there are many people who want to stop it, in fact it has also attracted many other powerhouses, such as some very ordinary eternal grades.

Their strength is not very good, even if there is an eternal blessing to improve, it is an overall promotion, and it is impossible to have enough strength to support their ambitions like the strongest ever.

Like the strongest ever, some people want to destroy Shenwu and get his secrets, why his power will make the eternal rules so concerned and jealous of him.

If they get it, the benefit to them is huge.

People are complicated.

The strongest people think that they have eternal law, not that they are detached from others and remain in the dignity.

Therefore, when Chu Yuan's decree was released, it was more ordinary Eternal Grade who came to take refuge in Chu Yuan.

The emergence of Shenwu gave them hope. Instead of following the eternal rules, it is better to join the eternal Shenwu Empire to fight for a bright and magnanimous future.

Of course, as soon as they joined Shenwu, they would immediately lose their eternal blessings and be punished with great punishment.

"There are countless epochs in the world of reincarnation, and no one can ever last. Rather than lingering for thousands of epochs, it is better to help the power of God."

This is the wish of many people.

After returning from the book world, Chu Yuan began to forge his eternal kingdom, which truly confirmed the eternal law and made his path more and more real.

He is already at the beginning, ready to attack eternity, paving the way.

"There is no robbery, you can punish me."

Chu Yuan stepped on the highest point of the empire.

He knows that there is no such thing as a catastrophe that will bombard him. At that time, there will only be war, and the eternal rules will burst out the most powerful force.

This is a war, UU reading www.uukanshu. com an unavoidable war.

When two tigers fight, there must be one injury.

And this injury is life and death.

"On the road to eternity, where do all the eternal breath come from?"

Chu Yuan was thinking about how these energies were born, whether they were eternally nurtured by themselves, or they were drawn from another mysterious ancient world.

He doesn't know these.

"Almost soon, we are about to usher in an eternal battle."

There was a book in front of Chu Yuan, it was the eternal divine book, and he wanted to use his magic power to reshape the book ancestor.

Suddenly, a bright divine light appeared, a vague shadow, the civilization of the empire was gathering, countless chapters were being written, and a new calligrapher was about to be nurtured.

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