"Soul, you obviously have the strength of the strongest, but you want to hide your head and tail. Since you have to deal with Shenwu, you don't even want to reveal your true body, you make this emperor look down on it."

The Zerg mother emperor said coldly.

She and the soul are both proficient at the same time, but they have different focuses.

The Zerg mother emperor is also really weird. It is clear that all kinds of Zerg can be bred, but she herself has revealed a human body. The most beautiful woman in the world is not a bug-like object.

"My true body is actually not as strong as you think, so you don't have to think about the true ancestor."

Facing the sarcasm of the Zerg mother emperor, the soul ancestor was calm and calm. Only he himself knew the state of his real body.

"is it?"

The Zerg mother emperor doesn't believe it.

"Shenwu is unique, eternal change, this is an unprecedented change."

The Holy Emperor said slowly.


The world has changed a lot, and all kinds of incredible things are happening.

"Shenwu, what kind of person are you?"

Yuwen Wudi also had an insight into the change of heaven and earth at this time. He had sharp eyes and stood still, thinking about something.

"Ancestor, how should we choose, eternity actually passed down such a will, unprecedented things, I believe that many ancient strong men will wake up and be born."

Yuwen Avenue said.

"I cultivate the invincible Dao, and my heart is invincible. If I do something like this, my Dao heart will be broken, and the battle can be defeated. There is no one who is completely invincible, but the invincibility in my heart is unbreakable, the invincibility of the soul, this is what The truly invincible way."

Yuwen Wudi had the answer, "I would rather die than follow the eternal rules."

Changes continue to happen.

Eternal remote place.

Divine light is flooding the sky, eternal divine calamity, and a ninth stage is impacting eternity, but he obviously underestimated the power of calamity.

At this time, his skin was ripped apart and his flesh was almost exhausted, and he was about to die.

"Eternal rules, you must not die!"

At the moment he was about to fall, he cursed, but suddenly a wave of will was passed over, making his face extremely exciting.

"I am willing to stand with you.",

After he made this choice, the divine calamity was stronger than before, but this divine calamity did not kill him, but turned into a strong energy, without danger, but was helping him achieve eternal level!

In other words.

The eternal rules are not to prevent others from becoming enlightened, but to give power to help others refine their bodies into eternal gods.

This is an unprecedented change.

The eternal rules are so kind.

"I'm eternal!"

After this person achieved the eternal level, his every move, his power was actually blessed by the eternal rules, he became stronger, and he has the eternal origin to nourish him at all times.

"I made such a decision, which also shows that I will never be able to achieve true eternity in the future. I will be trapped by him forever, but I don't regret it."

He knew that if he didn't make this choice, he would be dead.

"The eternal road is opened, and the eternal hope has appeared!"

In the ancient Hongmeng universe, Hongmeng noticed the message sent to him by the eternal rules, and his expression became extremely exciting.

But with a wave of his hand, he seemed to shatter something, and said: "The road to hope for eternity has appeared. You have never come to such a will. It also shows that Shenwu poses a huge threat to you. He is expected to break the closed eternity. , And I am not afraid of death, you are too high, I would rather die than accept."

He was silent for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Since the Eternal Road is promising, I naturally want to maintain this road, even if I am broken into pieces? For this road, I am not afraid of death, I will not hesitate to die."

Hongmeng left.

He can feel the anger of eternal rules when he makes such a decision.

"Hongmeng, please see Emperor Shenwu."

Hongmeng appeared in his real body and came to the empire to meet Emperor Shenwu.

"My friend, Hongmeng, you are here."

Chu Yuan appeared from the empire, with the most sincere smile, welcoming Hongmeng.

"Yeah, here I am."

Hongmeng entered the first city of the empire. He saw Zhu Tian and the mythical ancient Tiandi, and said to himself: "The two strongest men who have fallen have reappeared in this way, so the eternal rules are more and more important for the Emperor Shenwu. Don't worry, I can't control how others choose the way, but I choose my way!"

"Shenwu Emperor, you should know the will passed down by the eternal rules."

Hongmeng stared at Chu Yuan's eyes.

He seemed to see the real eternal light.

"I know it all." Chu Yuan said calmly: "It is my power that interfered with his operation."

"The eternal rule does not suppress any strong, the ancient strong like the holy emperor. They used to be in their own eternal road to avoid the extermination of the eternal rule. But now, the eternal rule allows them to appear freely. Kill him."

Hongmeng said: "Any strong person, as long as he is on his side, will be blessed and eternally blessed."

"Holy Emperor, he should have been born too." Chu Yuan said.

"I don't know, but as long as the holy emperor is born and chooses the eternal rules, his strength is stronger than when he was the strongest, because the eternal rules at that time suppressed him, but now they are gone, but will still blessing."

Hongmeng Road.

"I have a foreboding that when the eternal rules change, many ancient powerhouses will appear."

Chu Yuandao.

"The eternal rules conveyed the clearest will. Standing on his side, helping him to kill the **** emperor, in the next 10,000 epochs, there will be no calamity. In these 10,000 epochs, they They are all immortal!"

Hongmeng said amazing words.

This is also the will conveyed by the eternal rules.

The Shenwu Empire is destroyed, Chu Yuan is destroyed, there will be no eternal calamity within ten thousand epochs.

Ten thousand epochs.

What a long time this is.

The eternal class can't live for so long.

In each epoch, the suppression will be greater than time after time, and at the end of their lives, it is difficult to even leave their eternal road.

But in these ten thousand epochs, they have not suppressed and manifested freely.

This is a dream and desire for too many ancient powerhouses.

Many old antiques couldn't hold on to many epochs, and in one fell swoop they continued their lives for 10,000 epochs.

Of course, the premise of UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the destruction of Chu Yuan.

"The eternal rules have been so jealous of me."

Chu Yuan smiled.

"How about you Hongmeng?"

"Ten thousand epochs? Hehe, it seems to be very tempting, but I don’t care. Does the eternal rule treat us as his dogs? Use it when you want to use it, and slaughter it when you want to slaughter. I am not afraid of death. As long as I see eternity, even if it falls in the next moment?"

"I can't control the choices of others, but my own choices can be firmly controlled in my own hands."

"Emperor Shenwu, I have already said that if there is eternal hope, I will be there to protect it. Now it is to protect the Emperor.

Hongmeng made an extremely firm decision.

He absolutely supported Chu Yuan and stood on his side.

"If the emperor cannot be destroyed, the eternal rules will launch an eternal mass extinction."

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