This is a kind of balance, balancing the eternal road.

The balance is correct.

However, his balance is cruel to all living beings.

There is nothingness in eternity, but there is a kind of energy called eternal breath, and this eternal breath can create everything and make it bright and colorful.

If there is no epoch change, then the life of the creatures above immortality will be immortal.

If there is no eternal calamity again and again, the primitive **** will also be immortal, and the eternal level will be immortal.

If things go on like this, how many powerhouses there will be in this world can hardly be counted.

I'm afraid that even the eternal itself can't hold on.

Therefore, there was a robbery, killing these strong men, allowing them to return to eternity once again, and their energy returned to heaven and earth, but the strong men were born again, forming an infinite loop.

of course.

All these things are just Chu Yuan's guesses.

After all, he hasn't even seen the true face of eternity now.

And now, Chu Yuan has swallowed and refined the Eternal Calamity Land. Although it hasn't become eternal, his strength has grown upside down, and ordinary Eternal Grade can easily be killed.

With his current strength, I am afraid that in order to fight him, he needs the kind of power that can be compared to the strongest level and step into another eternal realm.

This is also because his way is too terrifying, otherwise he can choose a path casually, and he can achieve the eternal level.

But that is only eternal, not eternal, and will still be bound by eternity!

This is not what he wants!

No matter how difficult it is, Chu Yuan will stand firm in his way and will not waver in any way.

Because this is the real way of light.

"The great emperor actually swallowed the land of eternal calamity. Although the calamity has fallen, the land of eternal calamity is not so easy to swallow and control. Could it be that the emperor's strength is already stronger than the robbery!"

"It is also our honor to be able to follow the great emperor!"

"Now, what has happened in this world!"

These people suddenly appeared from the land of Eternal Calamity, looking at Chu Yuan, their hearts were shocked, and they were surrendered by that eternal temperament. They felt that they were people from different worlds.

Chu Yuan ignored their shock.

At this moment, he is standing in the heavens and the earth, embodied in eternity, releasing a wave of resistance against eternity in him.

He is eternity, eternity is him, and also created the power of calamity, spreading out in the mighty surroundings.

Originally, the emergence of Eternal Tribulation was to destroy the strong in eternity.

However, now, Chu Yuan has created a calamity under his control, such as a mad dragon flying, rippled circles, rippling around, actually using this power to break through the eternal barrier.

This is provocation!

Eternal rules absolutely do not allow provocation to exist. In the operation of its rules, Chu Yuan is a different kind, will interfere with its instinctive operation, and it will be destroyed!

In an instant, the eternal catastrophe came down.

The dazzling light, rendered bright, and where Chu Yuan was, he became the brightest protagonist in the world, and the most eye-catching spotlight had been shining on him.

Wow! Tens of thousands of calamities are boundless.

And this scene is like a hole in the sky, Tianhe overturned, and this overturned is the power of eternal calamity.

Each of these forces has the ability to strike forever.


When the Lord of Countercurrent saw them, their faces were full of extreme shock, unable to calm down.

I thought that the emperor swallowed the land of eternal calamity, this scene was shocking enough, but who would have thought that he was actually using his mana to trigger the eternal calamity.

The power of this eternal catastrophe is too terrifying, they absolutely cannot bear it.

"The end of eternity does not need to be specifically sought, because it cannot be found, and the place where we are is the end of eternity."

In an instant, Chu Yuan was in the eternal catastrophe and realized more in his heart.

With eternal strength against eternity, you can find the end of eternity.

Crackling, because of his provocation, a ray of thunder light slammed and killed him, traversing the sky, trying to split and tear him.

Chu Yuan's expression was still calm.

He knows that the reason the eternal rules are so fierce is because he has become eternal, but this made him understand more that the eternal rules themselves are not creatures, but a kind of operating rules.

Almost no one dared to approach him because it was too violent.

Suddenly at this moment, a kind of flame descended, an eternal sacred fire like colored glaze, which seemed to ignite Chu Yuan.

Eternal Fury!

This is eternal anger, it is angry.

And as long as the existence of the eternal level, they can feel the eternal anger, they have lived for such a long time, the eternal rules are all high, no feelings, when did the anger erupt.

"Eternal anger."

Chu Yuan was enveloped in the burning of endless eternal anger, rendering him bright, but his expression was still calm and comfortable.

Although the power of this eternal anger was terrifying, Chu Yuan didn't care at all, as if this power came down, not to destroy him, but to temper his body.

Chu Yuan is like steel, the more violent the eternal wrath falls, the happier he is and the more he can turn this power into his own.

"From the eternal anger, it is angry. Only the Emperor Shenwu can make the eternal rule so angry. What has he done now!"

Although the eternal class are hidden in their own way, they feel the eternal anger, the eternal vibration, the determination to kill a person in eternity at this moment.

They look.

In one place, there is a light that is extremely bright, like the sun.

And this brilliance, in fact, is so far away from them, it can be as if a mortal visits the sun, obviously can't reach it for a lifetime, but it can still be seen clearly.

They know that this brilliance is Shenwu.

Shenwu's strength has become unpredictable again.

Also because of Shenwu's provocation against the eternal rules, the entire eternal road was turbulent, rumbling like an earthquake.

Some ancient ruins, and some ancient roads that have lost the eternal level also showed their traces because of this shock, and they could not continue to be hidden.

"The power of Emperor Shenwu has affected the entire Eternal Road!"

Many people were surprised.

The endless fog was torn apart. UU reading

In the very far depths of Eternal Road.

Someone actually appeared here.

No, this man is too big, he is bigger than the giant of Time and Space Island, his eyes are bigger than the universe, and his body is too big to imagine.

This giant is lying on his front.

He no longer has his own life, and he has fallen. There are dazzling blood stains on his body, and hideous wounds everywhere.

And these wounds were like a big crack in the abyss on his body, infinitely deep.

Originally, this corpse could not be found, but because Chu Yuan opposed the eternal rules, it appeared.

Although this giant is dead, he still has a supreme power.

And he is the Emperor Panshen!

The body of Emperor Panshen after his fall!

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