Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1943: Eternal rules of checks and balances

Eternal Road fell into a strange peace.

Someone seized the opportunity and actually began to hit the Eternal Class.

These powerful people like Yuan couldn't help it anymore, they were about to begin to attack a higher realm.

The current peace does not mean eternal peace, but the brewing before a stronger storm.

Only by breaking through the eternal level can you have the power to protect yourself.

The hunting of the long epoch actually had a backlog of a group of top nine realms. They may not have the spirit ancestors, the Great Emperor Ji Dao was powerful, but they were also qualified to attack.

At this moment, within a short period of time, more than a dozen people began to attack.

Only one person succeeded in the impact of more than a dozen people, called the Gengjin Sword Master.

However, the failure of these people did not make others fear, because in the process of breakthrough, no one dared to hunt and kill, but could not hold the eternal rules of destruction.

They are not afraid of this, they are most afraid of trouble.

This also made many secretly hidden Eternal Grade hate it itch.


Too unscrupulous!

Relying on the majesty of Emperor Shenwu, regardless of them, they all began to break through.

And they did not dare to appear at will, for fear that it was a trap set by Emperor Shenwu.

This is also one of the reasons why they hate Chu Yuan and don't want him to become enlightened.

They know that as long as Shenwu is still a day, they don't want to dominate.

In the eyes of some people, Emperor Shenwu is actually no different from the strongest. His majesty has restored order on the road to eternity.

Chu Yuan ignored these.

If these people want to break through the eternal level, let them break through, and they will know that their breakthroughs are under the protection of his divine might.

In this way, there will be cause and effect with the empire.

"His Majesty."

Yi Tianzun suddenly came to meet Chu Yuan.

"Yi Tianzun, this world has changed."

Chu Yuandao.

"Your Majesty already knows."

Yi Tianzun sighed secretly for His Majesty's omniscience, and said: "Fate has changed, a chaos, and I can't calculate any secrets, it is covered by eternal power."

He took out the Mirror of Destiny and broke into a force.

He estimated a very ordinary weak person, but on the Mirror of Destiny, it was a mixed light, and nothing appeared on it.

This is a change that has never been seen before.

It is the eternal power, so that he can't calculate anything.

What he is best at is fate calculation. If he can't calculate anything, it's equivalent to a waste of most of his ability. This makes it difficult for him to calm down.

"It's the eternal rule."

Chu Yuan said mildly: "Don't worry, every step of my cultivation is provoking and shaking its position. Although it has no feelings of its own, it has rules for its operation. This is the beginning of its counterattack. It cannot be like ordinary people. There is a direct attack there, and the greater the threat I provoke to it, the stronger the force it will counterattack. It is an attack within the rules."

The eternal rules finally began to check and balance him.

In fact, every strongest person has been checked and balanced.

Yi Tianzun was silent for a moment, "The incalculable destiny is just the beginning. If your majesty wants to create his own eternity, he is bound to become more provocative, and the counterattack of the eternal rules will be more fierce, and I don't know what will happen in the end."

In the future, it will become increasingly impossible to see through.

"I am not worried about its counterattack. On the contrary, the more violent its counterattack, it also means that I threatened it."

Chu Yuan said, "If you want to become the eternal level, you have to find a new path, and you cannot achieve it by the rules of eternal road."

"I want to comprehend the eternity of your majesty, the destiny of the empire."

After Yi Tianzun talked with Chu Yuan, he also retreated.

At this moment, Chu Yuan's gaze pierced the ten thousand realms, and he saw that in a mysterious other dimension, there was endless calamity light, terrifying coming down.

"Land of Eternal Calamity."

Chu Yuan saw the land of eternal calamity.

"In an ancient era, there was a strong man called Jie, and he was also the strongest. He wanted to control all the calamities in the world, including the eternal calamity, and eventually backlash, his power turned into the land of eternal calamity."

Chu Yuan said to himself.

To control all the calamities is also very ambitious. If the calamities are controlled, wouldn't it be free from the troubles of eternal calamities.

"Go to the land of eternal calamity."

Chu Yuan stepped on the head of the beast emperor and headed to the land of eternal calamity.

This place is very valuable.

In fact, he is fighting the eternal rules all the time.

Although the Beast Emperor is a mount at this moment, it also noticed that the path it was going on was completely different, and it was his Majesty's power that evolved another eternal path.

This is also a practice for it.

"Beast, you know why I want to take you to the land of eternal calamity." Chu Yuan said.

"Your Majesty, please make it clear." The Beast Emperor respectfully said.

"The ancestor of ten thousand beasts once fought the robbery, and may have been suppressed in the land of eternal robbery."

Chu Yuandao.

"The whereabouts of the ancestor of the beasts!"

The Beast King shook violently, these four words made it unable to calm down, "The ancestor of all beasts is also the ancestor of the beasts. It is the ancestor of all the beasts. I will be suppressed by it when the beast comes to it. It is wild and cruel. !"

"I will let you gain the power of the ancestor of the beasts."

Chu Yuandao.

The beast emperor is excited, the emperor’s invincible power has been seen before, and the ancestor of the beasts will definitely not be his opponent.

If it can obtain the power of the beast ancestor, then it is the ancestor of the beasts. At this moment, there is a thought in its mind. It becomes a mount, not humiliation, but a kind of glory.

In the process of rushing, he is also fighting against the eternal rules.

Now those eternal ranks have already felt the change of the eternal rules, and I am afraid that many people are thinking that the Shenwu Emperor had better die in the hands of the rules.

Many people actually understand.

The greater the change in the eternal rules, the stronger the strength of Emperor Shenwu.

After a long time.

Chu Yuan's palm suddenly tore forward, and the emptiness was torn apart, with huge fluctuations.

In a different dimension, infinite rays of light burst out, and that ray of light is a terrible calamity, and various colorful divine thunder flashes down.

Boom boom boom!

The world is constantly shaking.

The infinite and huge area, UU reading is shrouded by this terrifying power of calamity, every touch of it is equivalent to a thousand calamities, which can evoke the most terrifying calamity in your heart. .

This is the land of eternal calamity.

It means the land of eternal calamity.

In an instant, Chu Yuan understood that although Jie had fallen, his body and his Taoism turned into this place that never dissipated.

The beast emperor looked at this endless calamity, the terrifying roar, it also trembled.

"Is this the place of eternal calamity? I...I think I will die if I step in."

It is terrified by the power of calamity.

"Jie also died after the eternal calamity. After his death, the land of eternal calamity is also mixed with the power of eternal rules. It seems that Jie also understands some eternal essence."

Chu Yuan's eyes were dazzling, "Follow me in some interesting places."

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