Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1902: Enter the land of fate

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The way to enter the Land of Destiny is difficult to find, and it is not an ordinary hurry at all. It is a place you can go when you hurry in a certain direction. "Induce the power of fate with the rules of fate."

At this moment, Yi Tianzun's wheel of heavenly secrets was violently spinning, as if it had turned into an entity. He sensed a strange place, and strange ripples appeared in the void of time and space in front of him.

This is the ripple of fate.

"Your Majesty, follow me."

Yi Tianzun walked ahead.

The rules of fate rippled over Chu Yuan, and he felt a wonderful power, as if the ripples of water slowly slapped him.

There is no direct killing, it can be more terrifying than direct killing.

"Only by special methods can we enter the long river of destiny. This is an extremely special force, Your Majesty, now we seem to be on the water's edge, a little bit deeper."

Yi Tianzun said.

Chu Yuan was walking, and at this moment they were entering the land of fate.

"One force destroys all laws, and strength is the only one. As long as the strength is sufficient, not to mention the rules of fate, even the eternal rules can be broken, and any law can be broken in the face of power."

Chu Yuan said in an absolutely domineering tone.

"It is this truth, just like a person, I let him die three times, but your majesty refused to let him, protect him, and even let him have an immortal lifespan, this is breaking his fate."

Yi Tianzun expounded the mystery of destiny in simple words.

The power of destiny is so mysterious that it is impossible to say clearly when it comes to the fate of the world.

"As for destiny, I don't have the mind to understand. In my eyes, all I have to do is control."

Chu Yuan wants to directly control the power of fate, this is the kingly way!

If everything is in control, no calculations will work.

Yi Tianzun nodded. He felt keen and suddenly said, "Your Majesty, if you pass through here, you will reach the real destiny, the destiny of countless people, and countless secrets."

"No matter how strong it is, it is only the destiny in the eternal road, there can be no outside eternity."

Chu Yuan and Yi Tianzun stepped in at the same time.

Immediately, after entering, there was still a scene of nothingness in front of him, which was exactly the same as the eternal road of the outside world, which made people unable to think of this as the land of fate that Yi Tianzun said.


Chu Yuan could feel the extraordinary power.

You can't see the power of destiny with pure eyes, but it is everywhere.

At this moment, he actually felt like he was in deep water, completely submerging him.

It's like putting a person in an extremely dangerous and complicated water environment, with a high probability of drowning.

Silent power is everywhere. Every moment, huge waves are slapped against him. In his eyes, there seems to be a bizarre sight, as if it is constructing his destiny.

"The rules of fate in the eternal rules."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

This is part of the rules, and he is now in a place of rules.

With his strength, he could feel the horror of this rule, let alone the Origin God, even the ordinary Origin God would not dare to go here to feel the power of fate.

"His Majesty."

Yi Tianzun came here.

The power of his whole body is not calm, it seems to be evaporating, and the nothingness disappears, as if to return to the mother body, making him completely assimilated into it.

Chu Yuan's power of control immediately fell on Yi Tianzun's body, helping him to isolate this influence.

Yi Tianzun breathed a sigh of relief, the emperor's power isolated the penetration of power here, sheltered him, and stabilized him temporarily.

"Eternal rules, there is a long river of destiny in the land of destiny, the destiny of countless people, the more epochs cycle, the more destiny exists."

Chu Yuan now has a very strong idea, that is, he wants to jump out and see the face of the entire Eternal Road.

I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, but I am in this mountain.

He traveled in Hanoi for a long time and saw a lot.

According to reports, if ordinary people come in, they can see their past and future, all kinds of changes in their destiny, and what they will experience in the future, thus obliterating their destiny.

However, Chu Yuan looked at himself.

His fate is nothing but a blank sheet of paper.

His fate doesn't know why no one can see it, it's as if anything can be created on a piece of white paper, with an infinite future.

Perhaps this is the power of the system.

Chu Yuan had a hunch that the power of the system even surpassed the entire path of eternity. This was also extremely possible, after all, it had seen too much mystery itself.

The place of destiny, here is magic.

Chu Yuan stood here, looking in all directions. If he used the naked eye, it would be pure nothingness. There was no division of north, south, east, west, up, down, left, and right, completely confused.

You came here and don't know how to get out.

Chu Yuan thought of the once difficult land, and it also showed infinite vastness, but it was completely different here and there.

"Yi Tianzun, you should know how to find the magic mirror of destiny." Chu Yuan said.

"I know it's there."

Yi Tianzun dared to mention the Mirror of Destiny, he knew it was there, otherwise he would not ask the emperor to bring him here.

The two immediately marched in this mysterious place.

Yi Tianzun also sighed that if it were not for the emperor's shelter, he would dare to come here, his fate would be completely assimilated by the power here, and he couldn't stop it at all.

It is very majestic here.

The incomparable power of destiny is still nothing in the ordinary sense, but it has color in Chu Yuan's eyes, turning into the brilliance of destiny, and then becoming the ocean of destiny, directly bombarding it.

This is like a big destiny, the bombardment of countless rules of destiny.

At this moment, Chu Yuan felt that a strong man called the God of Destiny was attacking him, and his power was stronger than the eternal grade he had ever seen.

This is not a good place.

One wave after another, the cycle continued, Chu Yuan was in the sea at this moment, and the tsunami hit in series.

This kind of offense does not give you any time to rest, it is to completely submerge you in the ocean of fate.

Chu Yuan is like an eternal world. In this wave, he has overcome all obstacles, and his great power has broken through all the shackles, not fighting with fate, but controlling the power of fate as his own.

He strode forward at this moment, and with his strength at this moment, he couldn't hinder him.

His stride also caused waves of waves with one stone.

The rules, which resembled the **** of eternal destiny, suddenly condensed the rules and turned them into a knife to kill fate, killing all your future vitality, leaving you no way to survive.

However, in the face of this beheading, Chu Yuan was not afraid, letting it pass.

And this knife of destiny is not a single knife, but countless knives, densely packed.

If you can't deal with it with simple destiny, then launch the destiny judgment that attacks itself.

Yi Tianzun was also frightened to see, ordinary people could not see the horror of this kind of confrontation, but he knew that it was more cruel than a fierce battle, and a little carelessness would be the end of death.

However, your Majesty actually resisted everything.

When he was walking, he suddenly stopped. He was no longer completely emptied. He finally saw something.

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