This voice came extremely suddenly, from a void of time and space, it could be heard that there was no slightest hostility.

Chu Yuan stopped, looking at the sky and the earth, there was a vague brilliance.

He also responded calmly: "The creator of Hongmeng Continent, Lord of Hongmeng, I didn't expect you to be here."

"It's also fate. The old man was unable to retreat in this area. He also accidentally encountered the Emperor Shenwu Emperor."

There was a change in time and space, and a Taoist slowly walked out.

This is an old man, immortal, thin, and very noble.

He was dressed in a purple Taoist robe, with the traces of the sun, moon and stars on it, and the power of Hongmeng spread, making him an eternal Taoist robe.

Also as he said.

He didn't mean to track Chu Yuan. Hongmeng did retreat in this direction. When Chu Yuan crossed, he didn't hide his position. He felt the invincible aura.

How could Chu Yuan be unfamiliar with Hongmeng.

In his empire, there is also Hongmeng Academy, and Hongmeng Continent has also sent many invitations to send him a friendly signal.

On his way to the hegemony of the strongest, not everyone will oppose him.

Some are afraid of his strength, such as the universe.

And some are really not asking about world affairs, just like Hongmeng.


Chu Yuan looked at him.

Although this old man was not at all hostile and was very friendly to him, Chu Yuan could feel his strength. Compared with Chaos, the Lord of the Great Thousand, Niluantianzun was much stronger.

If you divide the strength of the eternal level into three, six or nine.

Chaos, the Daqian kind is the ordinary stronger kind.


The Lord of Hongmeng can definitely be regarded as the strongest, the general eternal class wrestles with him, and in the end, Hongmeng definitely has the strength to kill them.

With Hongmeng's strength, if he wants to compete for hegemony, the strongest are qualified.

But he has no such thoughts.

"Shenwu Emperor, you are stronger than I thought."

Hongmeng smiled and looked at Chu Yuan. Although he did not show up, he left the Hongmeng Continent and knew the major events in the world.

......Chapter 1906 Hongmeng (page 1/4). #"I had long wanted to exchange Dao Fa with Emperor Shenwu, and let Hongmeng Continent invite me, but I never had a chance to see it, but now I met it by chance, and it was fate."

Hongmeng Road.

"We have many affairs in our country and face all enemies from heaven and earth."

Chu Yuandao.

"I know that the emperor is the strongest in the battle for hegemony. Many who have fallen and decayed will not look at the emperor’s achievements, but will stop and divide the emperor’s Tao fruit. There are too many ideas about the emperor in this world. , The path of the strongest is all enemies in the world, and the emperor is indeed completely different from the strongest ever."

Hongmeng spoke very calmly.

He doesn't care about these at all.

"But once you have embarked on this path, there is no turning back, you can only keep moving forward."

Chu Yuan said: "The whole world is enemies, and there are too few who can be friends with me."

"Yes, all enemies in the world are what the strongest must experience. Every strongest one is forever, but it's just this eternity."

Hongmeng was silent for a moment, and said: "Shenwu Emperor, my journey is here, a long era, I have studied the essence of eternity, and have some experience, hereby invite the emperor."

He actually wanted to invite Chu Yuan into his Hongmeng Road, which was much better than going to the Hongmeng Continent to see some miracle.

[Option 1: Enter Hongmeng Road, get 2 million fate points, x1 random alien eggs. 】

[Option 2: Don't go inside Hongmeng Road, get 2 million fate points, random origin puppet x1. 】

Entering into the road of others is a very dangerous thing for both parties.

In the way of others, all laws are controlled and controlled by others, such as the Lord, he is the strongest.

And if you let others in, if you can't suppress it, fighting violently in your own way will damage your eternal foundation.

"Since Hongmeng invited you personally, how can I not enter."

Chu Yuan smiled, and under the guidance of Hongmeng, he entered directly into his path.

He also knew that Hongmeng had no malice.

Suddenly, the time and space in front of him changed drastically, and the emptiness was gone, and he came into a cosmic universe shrouded in purple light. #b......Chapter 1906 Hongmeng (page 2/4),. br#In the road of Hongmeng, this is an independent universe.

At the same time, the rewards of the system have also been issued. Don't rush to incubate, first exchange ideas with Hongmeng.

"Hongmeng Universe."

Chu Yuan stared.

After he entered, Hongmeng completely let go of the concealment of Hongmeng Universe and exposed it to Chu Yuan's eyes, allowing him to see it and want to hear Chu Yuan's opinion.

Father, like son.

And at the moment.

Chu Yuan looked at the Hongmeng universe, which was a universe independent of eternity.

Hongmeng has existed for too long and too long, and only he can tell how long it is, and in such a long time, his Hongmeng universe has developed very well.

Chu Yuan saw countless creatures, countless races, people, beasts, gods, demons, and so on.

Hongmeng seems to have collected the bloodline genes that appeared in eternity, collected them, and let them grow with their great magical powers and became Hongmeng creatures.

In the Hongmeng universe, there are also countless fights, love and hatred.

He also saw very few origin gods, dominating one side.

"Hongmeng Universe, it feels like an eternal world."

Chu Yuandao.

He and Hongmeng walked side by side in this universe, and the two of them were God, the creator.

"For the emperor, this Hongmeng universe is a piece of heaven and earth that I opened up with the Eternal Road. UU Reading exists on the Eternal Road, and for the inner creatures, this is their entire sky."

Hongmeng Road.

He could see that Emperor Shenwu was unfathomable. During his long life, he had seen so many powerful men, but only Chu Yuan gave him this feeling.

"Eternal Heaven."

Chu Yuan opened his palm, and an eternal sky appeared, and then he said: "Yes, for them, it is indeed all the sky and the place where they live. I see that there are countless creatures in the Hongmeng universe, but I am afraid it is The strongest origin gods don’t know that this place is just the world opened up by Hongmeng."

"The inner creatures can only live in the place I opened up for them. There are also wise people who are suspicious...Chapter 1906 Hongmeng (page 3/4). Ask, What is beyond heaven and earth? The stronger you are, the more curious you are about the outside world, and you are unwilling to be in the same place. Although the Hongmeng universe I opened up is big, it has its limits. The infinity I have created is also in the long years. Here, I make it huge bit by bit."

Hongmeng has nothing to do with the world.

He watched the evolution of living creatures in his own way, in order to push out the true eternal world.

The creatures inside were exploring, making him think of himself, and it was not the same as exploring the eternal boundary.

"If you don't understand the nature of this world, it's useless to explore and think about it. If you enlarge the world, they will think that the world is unlimited and will pursue it harder."

Chu Yuan said, "Hongmeng, I understand what you mean. You are deducing the entire Eternal Road with your own Hongmeng Road. You don't know the true face of Mount Lu, and you are only in this mountain."

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