Now some eternal ranks are studying Shenwu Emperor's Tao and his way to find his weakness.

Although Emperor Shenwu was overbearing and too ambitious, they couldn't do it, but it was possible to take advantage of others and make up for their own shortcomings.

The stronger the road, the longer you live.

At this moment, they had a thought, hoping Niluantian Zun could fight Chu Yuan for a while.

"There is not enough greedy to swallow the elephant, so ambitious, be careful to kill you in the end!"

Tianzun Tianzun knew that he had fallen into his way, and some people were actually watching the show, but he was not afraid.

Oh, oh, there is a storm of inverse laws, and the ring of gods spread.

As an ancient eternal class, how could he be afraid of him.

"There are always stumbling blocks on the way of the strongest. You are just one of them."

Chu Yuan's path is different from that of others.

His power is unparalleled, the eternal brilliance shines through the ages, and the only thing in all things. At this moment, he directly stepped over, and the world's divine power turned into a palm-splitting power.


Chu Yuan has his own big advantage.

When he cut this palm, Niluan Tianzun suddenly felt that his destiny was broken, the road ahead was cut off, and the darkness was not light, knowing that the other party had used a great supernatural power, which was extremely terrifying.

His eternal mana screamed, he didn't believe that he could not stop this person.

His body turned into a huge divine residence, madly attacking, the law of the world.

But Chu Yuan's kill was beyond his imagination. The great power smashed his counterattack with a single palm. When he reached him, his five fingers were like a huge pillar in the sky, carrying the power of destruction and ending. Hit over.

His palm, with the help of the power constructed by the road, broke out even more brave violent.

Niluantianzun insisted on taking a palm, and the law of eternity collapsed, backing again and again.

The momentum of invincibility converged, and in the next instant, Chu Yuan launched an even more fierce attack. He integrated the luck of the empire into his own way, swept away with one punch, and produced the majestic vision of the empire dominating the eternal.

He is the greatest monarch of an empire.

Niluantianzun is a lonely family.

The power of his fist defeated Niluan Tianzun at all levels. Although he was an eternal grade, Chu Yuan's pure mana had the qualification to fight the eternal grade, and the blessings of the Empire and Lu completely surpassed him.

This is completely suppressed by force.

His defense broke, and Chu Yuan hit him in the chest with a punch.

This smash caused Ni Luan Tianzun to spit out eternal blood, the power was too strong for him to resist.

The direction of the heart is invincible in the world.

Chu Yuan launched an offensive again, rumbling, in the eyes of others, as if an epic wheel was crushed over it, as the historical process is inevitable and unstoppable, and those who block it will inevitably end in ashes.

Niluantianzun also changed color at this moment.

On the Eternal Road, four radiances soared up into the sky, like four eternal sky pillars, emitting from the four cities.

"Eternal Qi swallows!"

Chu Yuan slapped his hands to block the Niluantianzun, swallowing an eternal blow, shaking the world.

Niluan Tianzun was also shocked. The emperor exploded with even more tyrannical power, unable to use ordinary means to fight against it. He suddenly developed his own eternal path, and immediately confronted him.

This point of collision, the rolling power radiates, it can almost destroy everything.

But Niluan Tianzun seemed to hear the sound of KaKa at this time. Although the other party did not become the eternal grade, the construction of his path was much greater than his own, and he was destroying his path.

"Can't let him do it!"

Niluantianzun shouted.

Road is his foundation.

Chu Yuan looked at him coldly, majestic and fierce, absolutely not giving Niluan Tianzun time to strike back, bombarding him back and forth again and again, so that his path would be completely penetrated by himself.


Niluan Tianzun cursed inwardly, not knowing that he had fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

He also wanted to fight back and redeem his dignity, but the other party didn't give him this scream at all, and directly suppressed his counterattack.

Chu Yuan's palm was suppressed again, shrouded in a mysterious halo, like a grinding disc, shaking the sky down, the Niluantianzun was hit by this one, and his whole flesh and blood would collapse and disintegrate.

If you look through his divine clothing, you can see that his body has cracked blood stains at this time, and the blood stains are permeating.

"This is your strength?"

Chu Yuan suppressed with one move, it was an eternal sky.

This move is like the myth of invincibility, condensing his will and general momentum, it is irresistible.

"Don't be arrogant!"

Niluan Tianzun's character was about to be broken by Chu Yuan. Under this pressure, his whole body seemed to explode immediately, rushing over, trying to break through the eternal sky, but he was immediately suppressed.

His path emits a brighter light, illuminating a more boundless territory.

The sea of ​​light condensed by the power of the whole road was surging, and it was rushing towards him in waves, making Niluan Tianzun also bear extremely huge pressure, and it seemed that he could not hold on at any time.

Shocking thunders are constantly smashing him.

"Do I really want to run away?"

Niluan Tianzun was very unwilling. He was very arrogant to provoke Chu Yuan this time, but he encountered this kind of result.

"Can't let his conspiracy succeed. I got caught in his way, and UU Reading will be suppressed by him everywhere. It's no wonder that even the Holy Emperor did not show up to stop him when he was bloodbathing the Holy Emperor Continent. I can't continue fighting with him here!"

His thoughts flashed in an instant, and he found himself a reason to withdraw from the battle.

"Shenwu Emperor, let you be proud of you now for the time being, we will still be fighting."

His voice hasn't completely fallen yet, and his divine body has soared into the sky, suddenly leaving the battlefield.

It is absolutely difficult for an eternal class to leave without more power than him.

"Sure enough, he ran away."

Chu Yuan irritated him mercilessly, saying indifferently: "Leave a few memorials before leaving."

Between he slammed, he merged with the road, and the power of a side strike turned into a beam of light, with invincible power in his palm, he directly slapped Niluan Tianzun's back.

The destruction of this blow ended, making Niluan Tianzun tremble fiercely. Even if he had power to isolate part of his power, his back exploded, **** and blood swept out.

This is all eternal blood.

A drop of the Origin God's blood can be turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the eternal grade is almost a hundred times more powerful.

Niluan Tianzun was also angry, and being injured was the second, but the most important thing was that he was inferior to the Emperor Shenwu in a frontal and single battle, which means that his strength was not such a person.

However, he still escaped from Chu Yuan's domain at this time.

"If your luck is good, if you show it next time, you won't have such good luck."

Chu Yuan waved his hand, the blood mist gathered and condensed into an eternal blood crystal, which flashed regularly like lightning.

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