Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1860: Anger, extreme xenophobia

Origin of the sea.

Dreamy and magnificent, powerful and mysterious, it is a place where everyone wants to live.

Chu Yuan looked at Origin Sea, and he saw that on the calm sea, with a kind of natural movement, a kind of dreamlike light spot flew out, like water mist and water vapor.

These mists can be absorbed. "The control core of Eternal Shenzhou, the source of power."

How huge is the eternal Shenzhou, there are countless worlds inside, and how much energy is needed to urge this Shenzhou.

The origin of the sea is said to be the sea, but Chu Yuan knows that this is the source of power.

If you use one word to describe it, the sea of ​​origin is the engine.

"What a beautiful place!"

It is also the first time for the spirit ancestors to come to Origin Sea. There are too many mysteries here. "This water is not an ordinary sea. As soon as I point it, I can instantly turn it into a living being, the origin of all things, and the origin of dreams. !"

Cultivating in this environment can get twice the result with half the effort, and there is no strong truth in it.

"But it's a pity that these forces have been seized and occupied by the other side, the pure land!" Old man Xuantian said!

If he could breathe the origin power of several epochs, it would not be a problem to ascend to the ninth realm as much as possible.

Looking at it again, the Bi'an God Dynasty and the Pure Land God Sect were built around the Sea of ​​Origin. "The emperor of the other bank is using the sea of ​​origin to bred a flower of the other bank."

Ling Zudao.

"The flower of the other shore."

Chu Yuan felt a bit and said: "To create a pure land in the eternal shore, the flower of the other shore is the cohesion of Tao. The pure land and the other shore are not only competition, but also cooperation."

"Yes, if you really think that the other side and the pure land are enemies, then you are really wrong. If I can get some origin water, it will be of great benefit to my spiritual world."

Ling Ancestor said: "However, even these light spots were taken away by them with a magic circle."

Their conversation may seem long, but they are all in a flash.

"is it?"

Chu Yuan suddenly stepped onto the sea of ​​Origin. With a big swallowing technique, a black hole emerged, and Tyrant's suction power, that magic circle was all ineffective for an instant, and in an instant, the billowing dreamy light spots rushed towards him centered on Chu Yuan.

In just an instant, Chu Yuan felt that his cultivation base was growing, and the light was like rain, allowing him to sublimate.

"The origin is sublimated!"

Chu Yuandao!

Every baptism is like sublimation for him, although it is impossible for him to directly break through to the nine realms, it can also make him stronger.

At this moment, he displayed incredible power, shrouded in dreamy light, becoming sacred and dreamy.

Although these dreamy light spots are not even a drop in the sea of ​​Origin, Chu Yuan also felt the vastness of power. Every moment he breathed, it was a great benefit.

What he needs is this high-level and pure energy.

"He is taking the power of Origin Sea, his devouring power!"

The ancestor of the spirit was in a daze at this moment, because Chu Yuan was too sacred at this moment, dominating the world, and quickly thought: "Ordinary people will be hunted down when they come to the edge of the Origin Sea, and the Emperor Shenwu will absorb it like this. It is to arouse the greatest anger of the other party!"

She reacted quickly and hard.

"The power of the Sea of ​​Origin has disappeared!" "How could it suddenly disappear? Could it be that something suddenly happened to Shenzhou?"

"No, look there, how many people are there!"

"Damn it, who broke through our many restrictions and made us come to Origin Sea without realizing it!"

"The Great Devouring Technique, that person is operating the Great Devouring Technique, and their energy that belongs to us has been swallowed away!"


As soon as the powerful man from the other side of the gods saw that Chu Yuan was swallowing wildly, roaring with rage, and burning with anger, each city was full of divine light, and there were countless powerful men operating power.


For almost a moment, the force of extinction was mighty, and it seemed to condense into a **** of the other shore, killing Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, his eyes burned with the eternal god, and the **** of the other shore was directly evaporated.

"Who is it! Dare to be presumptuous in my sea of ​​origin, when my other side of the gods does not exist? Dare, our energy is also you can absorb, you are looking for your own death, no matter who you are, you will have to pay a huge price !"

A cruel voice rolled. Those who can come here through numerous crystals are bound to be strong.

Suddenly, a ninth realm of divine light and powerful power appeared. "It's me!"

Chu Yuan locked in him.

He hits directly with a palm, covering all directions, and infinite time and space is in his hand. In an instant, destroying the divine light, tearing into chaos, the place where the ninth stage is located will be completely destroyed. His power overwhelmed the heavens, and many people shivered.

He hit the ninth realm with one blow, and the two forces collided in an instant, swept out the power of destruction and end, and this ninth realm suddenly collapsed.

His tall body immediately retreated, and blood stains were torn on his body.

"He... a powerful force!"

This person can clearly feel that Chu Yuan's realm is not at the eternal level, but he has completely suppressed him, and the two are not at the same level.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Because of Chu Yuan's arrival, the place became confused.

A powerful figure continued to show up, and after just a few breaths, even three people appeared in the ninth stage.

The Divine Dynasty of the other side has developed hundreds of epochs, with great strength and many strong people.

The three ninth realms of mana that appeared to pass through the sky, but they were far from the spirit ancestors, and even less than the Great Dao Great Emperor He Yuan. They were the more top-notch group of ordinary levels.

At the same time, there are more powerhouses awakening in retreat.

"Don't you know that this is the place where I belong to the Divine Empire on the other shore!"

This powerful person was screaming, glaring at Chu Yuan, as if he had committed some terrible crime by absorbing some light points.

That look, can't wait to swallow him alive.

"Damn damn, you are still eating energy!"

They were even more angry when they saw that Chu Yuan was still sucking.

"Haha, UU reading is really ridiculous, how come this is yours? You forgot, you are just outsiders!"

Elder Xuantian replied on behalf of Chu Yuan: "Huh! The Shenzhou of the other side is built for the ancient powerhouses with one heart, in order to be transcendence and eternity. You are too domineering and completely occupying the other side of the gods. This is simply intolerable!"

"What are you talking about, you are looking for death, kill, kill them!"

"Anyone who provokes my sacred dynasty on the other side of the sea is not allowed to die, come here, and want to leave, wishful thinking, all will die here!" "Don't let go of any of them!"

For outsiders who come to the Sea of ​​Origin, they all hate it.

This is extremely xenophobic.

"The emperor, just these people, I can completely deal with them without you."

Lingzu's expression is also very indifferent. Although she has nothing to do with the world, it does not mean that she has no temper. The other party's arrogance also makes her psychologically uncomfortable. "The spirit ancestor on the eternal road, there is also a Shenwu Emperor who was the Yuan Dynasty."

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