Some who broke through to the eternal level first, relying on their own powerful strength, began to hunt others and prolong the era.

They are blocking the way of others for their own benefit.

These Chu Yuan couldn't control them, but if he dared to provoke him, he would definitely let these people know his terrible horror.

"On weekdays, the eternal class will not be able to cultivate in their own path. Among the heavens, there are few things that can attract them, but for their own benefit, they will also appear from their own path. Every time you kill one Eternal level, they will live longer."

Chu Yuan understood this deeply.

Hidden in their own way, in a completely closed time and space, it is extremely difficult to find them.

And want them to appear, you need huge profit temptation.

It's a secret how many eternal ranks are still alive on the road of eternity, but there are definitely not many.

He also knew that if someone were not hunting, there would be more eternal levels.

"You are from Shijiyuan, and I calculate that only half of the time has passed since Shijiyuan. I don't know what happened when Shijiyuan?"

Old Xuantian asked.

"I am the Emperor of Shenwu, who was the supremacy of Shenwu in the Yuan Dynasty in the century. Now I am opening up the first city..."

Chu Yuan briefly recounted the situation of Shijiyuan.

"Unexpectedly, when Shijiyuan was so powerful!"

After hearing this, the old man Xuantian took a deep breath. The Cangsheng Emperor was also expected to exist forever, but they were far less powerful than they are now.

The Shenwu Emperor in front of him was even stronger than the common people.

He secretly said in his heart: "The Emperor Shenwu in front of him is very likely to become the eternal grade, and even the strongest who swept invincible. I have left a chance, and he also saved my life. I must have a relationship with him. it is good."

He smiled and said: "The emperor calls me Xuantian just fine. On the eternal road, strength is the only one."


Chu Yuan nodded, his thoughts were clearly changed, and he said, "You have been in the Eternal Shenzhou for many years. Let's talk about the situation here."

"it is good."

The old man Xuantian knew everything, and said: "The emperor also knows that the eternal divine boat was built in an incomparably old age, and because of the failure, all the strong at that time died, and so many years have passed. There are latecomers in the Eternal Shenzhou."

"Here, there are two strongest forces. One is the Divine Dynasty of the Other Side, and the other is the Divine Sect of Pure Land. I don't know how long it has existed, but it is certain that they have existed for more than a hundred eras."

"Heaven God Dynasty, the eternal Hean, the Pure Land Shenzong, the eternal pure land."

Chu Yuan gestured slightly.

"The strongest of the Bi'an Shenchao and the Pure Land Shenzong are both eternal grade. They control the eternal Shenzhou."

When the old man Xuantian said this, he was full of anger: "The two powers are hostile forces, but they will also cooperate. Both want to swallow each other, but for various reasons, they can't do it."

"I understand."

They are all eternal grades, it is very difficult to destroy anyone, and if the two major forces fight to the death, the cheapest will only be others.

"They are too overbearing. They treat all the resources in the Eternal Shenzhou as theirs. They are extremely repulsive to the strong from the outside world. If they are found by their people, they will send a team of strong to annihilate them. Humph, have they forgotten, too? Outsiders? It’s just that they come early and are stronger, so they won’t give others a way to survive here."

"And the eternal ranks of the two powers have realized the mystery of the eternal divine boat. Near the water tower, they have the moon. They control some manipulating divine boats and borrow power. Therefore, they are stronger here. The emperor has also seen it before. That man’s means."

"Yes, I saw it." Chu Yuan said.

"In fact, there is the third largest power in this eternal Shenzhou."

The old man Xuantian said in detail: "The emperor also knows that the interior of the Eternal Shenzhou is too complicated and the space is so large that even the two major forces cannot explore it. Therefore, there are many outsiders who do not belong to the two major forces, facing their oppression. Formed a Shenzhou alliance."

"I'm afraid this so-called Shenzhou Alliance was formed as a last resort, and it has no substantive effect." Chu Yuan said.

"The emperor knows that it is true."

Elder Xuantian said: "Because the Shenzhou Alliance comes from various forces, there is actually an Eternal Grade leader behind it, but this Eternal Grade is very mysterious and I don't know his origin."

"The eternal leader is also for his own benefit. He needs to unite many powerful people to accomplish some of his goals."

Chu Yuan knew these tricks very well.

"Yes, even though that is the case, with the Shenzhou Alliance, we people are relieved in the face of their oppression and siege, but only for this. After all, from various parties, we will not really contribute to anyone, just hold together. We are only warm, we are at an absolute disadvantage."

The old man Xuantian said.

Chu Yuan understood.

It's as if he is a unified empire, working together, and the power can be used in one place to attack an alliance with different minds, then it will definitely be him to win.

"The emperor, there is an alliance city in the Eternal Shenzhou, should the emperor go?" Old man Xuantian said.

"Forget the Alliance City for the time being, I am not interested in it for the time being, and I don't want to go over and start the snake in advance."

Chu Yuan took it down.

This is not the time to contact Alliance City, just know that he exists.

And he also probably understood the power distribution of the Eternal Divine Ark, but the center of gravity of the empire was not here for the time being, but to gather all his strength to deal with the possible changes in the Eternal Killing Array.

"There is also the Origin Sea in the Eternal Shenzhou."

Elder Xuantian continued.

"Origin Sea..." Chu Yuan said, "It is said that it is the control center of the Eternal Shenzhou, where the energy core is located, but I have never been there."

"Yes, it is the control center. It is rumored that as long as you control the Sea of ​​Origin, you can control the entire eternal Shenzhou, and start it again. That is the crystallization of many eternal wisdom, but even the other side gods and the pure land gods can not control him. , The power contained in the Sea of ​​Origins can be killed by shocks even at the eternal level. If you control it rashly, the Shenzhou will destroy itself and the damage is too great."

"It's a pity, UU reading I have only heard of it, and I haven't been to it."

"Now the Sea of ​​Origins is controlled by two major forces, one person on the side, they are too barbaric and domineering, whoever dares to pass, no matter **** them, absolutely not let others approach the Sea of ​​Origins, if anyone tries to approach, they will definitely unite!"

The old man Xuantian said.

"The most important place of Eternal Shenzhou is to crack the Origin Sea, and all the time and space barriers here are solved."

Chu Yuan slowly said.

"The emperor of the other side, the lord of the pure land, their strength in the eternal divine boat is too strong, the pure land of the eternal other shore."

The old man Xuantian said.

"Although I am not interested in going to the Union City, this Origin Sea."

Chu Yuan pondered for a moment, "Go, Xuantian, you didn't always want to see Origin Sea, I am now fulfilling your wish, and my purpose here is to see the so-called Shenzhou core, where the control system is."

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