Chu Yuan shocked the giant beast with a word.

This majesty is in the eyes of the creatures in this world, just like the invincible eternal true God, leading the supreme authority, is the greatest existence they have ever seen.


These creatures still haven't recovered from their horror, everything today is too dreamy.

"Don't speak, the strength of this great man is very strong, even comparable to the eternal existence left here. He drank the giant beast without any malice. I will meet him."

The old man took a deep breath, and walked towards Chu Yuan respectfully.

"I Shi Yan pays homage to the great supreme!"

He didn't know the origin of Chu Yuan, so he replaced it with Supreme.

"I am here to observe the holy mountain."

Chu Yuandao.

"The Supreme is interested in the holy mountain."

When the old man Shi Yan moved in his heart, he knew in an instant that the supreme might have been here to observe the Dao Rune of the Holy Mountain, but their strength could not be seen, and it happened to save them.

Perhaps this pair of Supremes just took a simple drink, but they saved their entire clan's life.

This is their good fortune.

"Supreme, please wait a moment."

The old man hurriedly returned to the city. After a while, three more mudstone slabs appeared in his hand, and he respectfully offered: "Sovereign, these are a few slabs of my clan's collection. They should be left by the world pioneers, and on the holy mountain The stripes are similar. I’m here to dedicate it to the Supreme and repay my life-saving grace.”

They know that mudstone slabs are very peculiar gods, containing rules and mystery.

But they couldn't understand it.

After all, the stripes on the sacred mountain were carved by the eternal class with his own experience, and simplified a lot.

"It is indeed useful for me to take these mudstone slabs."

Chu Yuan accepted it.

"My clan came here by accident due to the war on the Eternal Road before the twenty-six epochs, and settled here, but after a long time, the origin **** of my clan either disappeared in the Eternal Shenzhou or sat down. "

Shi Yan sighed.

If Chu Yuan hadn't come here, his clan would have disappeared forever.

Chu Yuan was indifferent, one by one, every dimension changed, let alone them, even the eternal power would disappear.

With a wave of his palm at this time, boundless energy, a crystal mountain appeared. There was a striped road in the mountain that jumped and shuttled like lightning, condensing it into an eternal portal, which was his perception of mudstone slabs.

"In this mountain, there is a strength of ours. It may protect you once in times of distress."

Chu Yuan was able to leave a powerful chance at his fingertips, and then left this world.

"Supreme gift!"

Shi Yan stared at the crystal mountain and looked at the sacred mountain. Two different rules of perception jumped and exploded in his mind, and he exclaimed: "I...I felt the shackles of my Origin God opened, and there was something immediately The feeling of being able to break through!"

These are two different rules that are triggered by him.

"In this eternal Shenzhou, it is not the countless world of cabins, nor the hidden treasures. For me, the world I want to see most is the core of the operation of the Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan calculated in his heart, he immediately continued to shuttle in Shenzhou.

He locked a position.

Shenzhou is too complicated, it is not difficult to enter the ordinary cabin world, and the more you want to go to a deeper level, the more difficult it will be.

The space barrier was too strong. At this time, the picture that Chu Yuan saw in his eyes was extremely bright. At that time, the air force formed a thick crystal wall, which was thick as if it were in a swamp full of silt.

If you want to enter some deeper places, you must pass through this crystal barrier, and only in this place can you encounter greater treasures.

However, Chu Yuan didn't take it to heart. He immediately stepped in, and there was a storm of time and space surging in immediately. Every step forward was a difficult journey in the mire, which was extremely exhausting.

This situation is very dangerous, it is very likely that because of too much consumption, you will be trapped here forever.

His devouring technique shook, and the roaring space-time power was plunged into a black hole, and the road was separated naturally.

"It is precisely because of this dangerous environment that Shenzhou has not been explored for a long time."

Chu Yuandao.

He has been flying for more than a dozen hours, still in an environment sealed off by heavy crystal walls. It is easy to get lost in it, unable to find a way out, and now he cannot enter other cabins.

Only in the cabin world can you get rest.

However, this environment is extremely suitable for time-space cultivators.

"Those who were frozen and trapped in Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan came along the way and saw a lot of people who were trapped to death. They were stuck to the spider webs like small bugs.

Within the boundless and violent crystal wall, there will always be a torrent of terrifying roars. If you can't find the cabin, you have to bear the bombardment of strength all the time.

"The Gate of Time and Space!"

Chu Yuan's space-time power was transported, and when he pointed it, the space-time in front of him separated immediately, forming a portal, and he walked in instantly.

This is a cabin that has never been discovered before. The energy inside is strong. He saw the mountains, the palaces undulating, and all kinds of magnificent scenes are still there, as if someone was practicing here a moment ago.

It is also because of the special internal environment that it is so perfect.

"This is a relic of a sect, with the origin of the gods."

Chu Yuan discerned, there was no sadness or joy, he was like a violent wind, and he was not interested in discerning, and he took away all of his brains.

These things are of no use to him, and he will slowly distinguish between them when they are brought back to the empire.

Next, he continued to shuttle inside the Shenzhou, and discovered more than a dozen cabin worlds that had not been opened, but there was no Eternal Class left, and the strongest was just the strongest.

As long as you have tyrannical strength, you can get a lot of treasures in Shenzhou.

He also knew that the treasures in the Shenzhou were too many to calculate, and it was like gathering the resources and treasures on the entire eternal road now in one eternal Shenzhou.

This analogy is not exaggerated at all.

"It is said that there is an extremely prosperous civilization in Shenzhou, but I have come along this way, and apart from seeing those in the wild world, I have not seen anyone else."

He knew that there were extremely powerful forces in Shenzhou, living in it, and not going out to communicate with outsiders.

It is also true that in Shenzhou and on the Eternal Road, there is not much difference, anyway, they are all in a huge cage, and there is no complete exploration inside, so naturally they are not interested in the outside world.

A strong space storm. U U Reading

Chu Yuan suddenly stopped when he was traveling. He felt that the time and space of the eternal Shenzhou was trembling at a distance from him, and the crystal torrent produced a violent explosion.

In its power, he keenly captured a familiar power.

"It's him, the breath of Old Man Xuantian."

Of course Chu Yuan did not forget him.

Once the leader of the Tianmeng in the Tianxue Mining Area.

Chu Yuan had received the resources left by him and had friendly conversations with the soul imprints he had produced. The old man Xuantian had hoped to meet Chu Yuan on the Eternal Road.

Now he suddenly felt his breath.

"The old man Xuantian won't be very far away from me. He was on the other side of Shenzhou, but he can be seen."

Chu Yuan smiled.

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