The plan to overcome the disaster immediately got the approval of the other two strong men.

The Shenwu God Emperor had already been certain things in the early days, and it was this person that they were most afraid of.

Although the **** of swords and the **** of time and space are still sitting in the current Shenwu, as long as there is no Shenwu, they have no fear, and they can mobilize more powerful men to attack them.

Destroying is definitely not going to destroy them.

However, they can enter the country, destroy them, and threaten Shenwu.

"The deep realm is a great horror force on the Eternal Road. They have also cultivated some strong men who can enter the multiverse. It is not easy for him to succeed. We will mobilize our strength this time to strike them."

They make plans.


"Sword God, there is unusual aura fluctuations in Duertian, and it seems that there is a big plan. I am afraid that I already know that the **** emperor is in the first day and is ready to deal with us."

Zhang Jing always observes the movements of Duertian.

"You are right. Seizing the opportunity of the God Emperor in the Great Beginning of Heaven must deal with us. They should know that I guard the dynasty. If they launch an attack, they are ready to deal with me. They want to start a war within the empire. , Against me, threatening the **** emperor."

Sword God Road.

"What should I do? Do you want to report to the emperor immediately?" Zhang Jing worried.

He has now taken refuge in the **** emperor, and has to rely on the **** emperor to obtain the inheritance of the sixth realm strong.

"Your Majesty must have entered the most urgent moment in the early days. As a courtier, he must share the worries and solve problems for his Majesty. Waiting will make the empire pay the price. They only know me and the two powerful masters of Time and Space God. The monument, besides, your majesty left a nest."

The sword **** is dazzling.

"what do you mean!"

Zhang Jing's heart moved.

"Procrastinate for time and prevent imperial affairs from affecting your majesty. This is our duty. The battle of the early days will not last too long. Time is exchanged for time. Your Majesty is not here. I will dispatch troops."

Dao Shen said: "I, you, the **** of time and space, the monument to the **** of prison and confinement, and mobilized the empire powerhouses to launch a surprise attack on the front line of crossing the sky, hitting them a sudden attack."

There are two options before the sword god.

One is that once they attacked, they would be put in to fight. The outside fortresses were completely defensive, and the hidden strength broke out, causing them to suffer a big loss.

Doing so can make them suffer, but when the army engages, the attack of the primitive gods fluctuates too much, which will cause great damage to the territory of the empire.

The second is the main attack.

In doing so, it is difficult to cause major damage to the opponent, and victory will minimize the damage to the empire's territory and delay more time.

The sword **** chooses the second.

His purpose is not to wipe out the enemy, but to delay time.

"Yes, it can only be so. What we have to do is not to share life and death with them, but to let your majesty have no worries."

Zhang Jing has a steady personality, and then said: "Sword God, you can think of launching a surprise attack, I am afraid they have guessed it, it will not be that simple."

"I also took this into consideration. Our advantage lies in their ignorance of the empire. They start a war on their front lines, and then all of them withdraw to the empire to frighten them. Time is enough."

The sword **** does everything without leakage.

He ordered the empire's army to move quickly, this time mobilizing the elite.

In the vast diversity, the front-line confrontation each created a strong fortress, and the atmosphere was tense and solemn.

Suddenly, a terrifying energy artillery fire pierced through the sky and alarmed the sky. On the side of Shenwu, a small number of giant cannons mixed with a small amount of primitive cannons poured out artillery fire at the fortress crossing the sky.

These cannons are huge, like moving fortresses, pushing forward horizontally.

The battleship moved forward, the sword **** led the army, indifferent, waved his palm, and took the lead to attack.

At Duertian Fortress, there is also a defensive mask, which seems to have been expected long ago.

"I guessed that they would take the initiative to attack!"

Du Nan sneered. They were not stupid. Of course, they could guess some of the other party's deployment. Looking at the opponent's army wearing black and black armor, the banner of Shenwu was flying.

Since the war, everything is silent.

"If you want to delay time, hum, we won't give you a chance!"

The armies of the two sides met in a vacuum battlefield, but in an instant a fierce fight began, and the world was immediately bloody, and people on both sides were blown up in the stars.


Shenwu God of War is holding a God of War weapon specially built for him, the light is everywhere, and every sweep is blasted against the opponent, and his cultivation base has also reached the fifth stage of the imperial resource cultivation.

With cold eyes, he asked firmly,

"Sword God!"

The two heaven-protecting gods stepped out at the same time, urging them to require a large amount of eternal matter and the origin of heaven and earth, which were not revealed before.

The Primordial God of Duertian is indeed rare, but the background burst out one by one, which is really shocking. This powerful God of Heaven Protector is enviable.

"There are still good things that I haven't brought out, but that is the strongest foundation."

Yanshentian powerhouse secretly said.

"Deal with him!"

The two gods of Heaven Protector came out together, and a single **** could not be the opponent of the sword god. It is also difficult for the two gods to join forces, but it is enough to be able to resist his fierce swordsmanship.


The sword of the sword **** pierced through the space-time universe, he exploded with ultimate moves. Although the Heaven Protector possessed the strength of the fifth realm, it was a lot worse than the real fifth realm. Under his monstrous attack, UUReading www.uukānshu .com back again and again.

"Suppress him!"

The two gods of Yanshentian came out of the fourth stage, and the light of the primordial spirit merged, playing a power comparable to the five realms, and besieging the sword god.

The space-time **** is in the realm of using space-time.

"He left it to us to deal with!"

Wushang and the lord of the sea crossed out.

The number of their primitive gods exceeds Shenwu, and they can completely besiege.

"There are no primitive gods anymore. If you dare to attack, you will have to pay!"

The Dragon God Heavenly powerhouse hasn't shot yet.

"I will slaughter their army!"

The Dragon Gods stepped out forcefully and made extremely cold voices, directly representing the four primitive gods. Once they entered the Shenwu army, this would undoubtedly be a one-sided massacre.

"With this little power, dare to come and play a surprise attack, and your power will surely be wiped out on the scene!"

The Dragon Turtle Emperor sneered, and his ferocious dragon body ran across it.

But all of a sudden, six ancient stone steles suddenly came down, forming the realm of the imprisoned deity, and Sharan trapped the Dragon Turtle Emperor.

"There are primitive gods!"

The Dragon Turtle Emperor was taken aback and looked at the Prison Sealing God Stele: "No, it's not a flesh and blood body, similar to a puppet, but not exactly a puppet, but almost has the mana of the original second realm. Damn, where does this magical power come from? Kind of good stuff!"

"Don't worry, it's long been expected that they will have strong people hiding."

Overcoming difficulties and said coldly: "But we still have more primitive gods, relying on being very close to our own empire, if we want to advance, attack, retreat and defend, we will destroy you this time!"

"And I!"

With rays of light like the sea, Zhang Jing stepped out of the light, his breath steadily at the pinnacle of the third stage, his primitive god's mana shook the sky, his eyes swept: "I can still block a few!"

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