Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1563: The second stage, deadly bow

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The situation is changing and the situation is changing rapidly.

The sound of war drums and horns are already sounding, and a wave of divine power has already rushed together at a long distance, causing a shocking wave.

It is also in the eternal pure land, enveloped by eternal air, otherwise the impact of this divine power would have long since collapsed and turned into chaos.

No one has set foot here before, and there are so many treasures, Chu Yuan is like an insatiable glutton, and even the flowers and plants he swallowed straight away.

Don't underestimate these flowers and plants. These are eternal flowers and plants. Some seemingly inconspicuous things may be pearls covered in dust, but in fact they are extremely precious.

Chu Yuan's indiscriminate swallowing, after a simple investigation, he found few very precious things.

But now is not the time to separate categories, but to race against time.

"In order to open up an era and become a greater existence, the two forces will set off a shocking battle at any time. Once the battle starts and the flames of war are burning, it will be difficult to continue to capture it, so we must hurry!"

Chu Yuan understood very well.

The Eternal Pure Land has just opened, and the forces of all parties have not yet fully deployed, and have a firm foothold, only to give him such a good time to swallow.

"The second stage is about to break through."

Chu Yuan's state at this time was like a bottle full of water, and it was possible to break through at any moment.

And looking at the sword god, he also benefits, the eternal matter is greatly accumulated, but he is not proficient in the large swallow technique, although the combat power is strong, the speed of transformation is not as fast as him.

The Great Devouring Technique was the most important secret technique since Chu Yuan practiced all the way.

With this technique, he can accumulate more time than others.

The eternal energy was surging like a cloud of smoke, and Chu Yuan saw the emergence of bright golden light one after another. Vaguely, the vague shadow that appeared was like a person practicing Taoism.

"There is something."

Chu Yuan climbed to the top of a high mountain, waved away, and suddenly saw a golden sacred tree, but it was so high that it exuded eternal glory, and its branches looked like people.

He stared at the tree, as if it would still change.

"Your Majesty, this golden sacred tree is not simple, it contains Taoism. Look at it, it seems to be cultivating an eternal Tao!"

The sword **** stared at the tree and said: "The whole body is composed of eternal material. Given the fifth realm of heaven, he can immediately break through to the primitive god. It deduces the eternal path, and the pure land is really wonderful and extraordinary."

Only in the Eternal Pure Land, this world that does not know how to appear, will there be such a heaven and earth.


Chu Yuan flicked a finger on the golden sacred tree, and there was ripples, and the depressive sound made people soulless.

"Yes, it can make people become Primitive Gods. Okay, this is what I lack, and it can make me assault into the Primitive Second Realm!"

The time for Chu Yuan to break through finally arrived.

He grabbed the golden tree.

Although this sacred tree is not big, its roots are firmly rooted in the ground, as if it is one body with the pure land, emitting waves, and immediately contending with Chu Yuan's strength.

The immense power impact.

Chu Yuan's mana was so fierce that he could smash a huge universe with a single palm, and even the golden sacred tree could not resist his grasp.

The golden sacred tree was uprooted.

Its roots are a little weird, just like human legs, with only two, like a human-shaped potion.

The swallowing power made this golden tree disappear in an instant, turning into a golden torrent and rushing into Chu Yuan's body, bringing the purest eternal matter.

How slow it is to cultivate eternal matter by yourself, and how long it takes, is the fastest way to swallow it.

Boom boom boom! As if the sound of a flood rushing through the gate, Chu Yuan got his wish, and he finally reached the Primitive Second Realm!

Primitive cultivation is to comprehend the eternal Tao. The farther you go on this road, the more eternal matter can be possessed in the body.

If we say that the eternal matter that can accommodate transformation in the Primitive First Realm is just a small river.

Then in the second state, the small river expands and becomes a big river.

This is to break the shackles and open up eternity. The amount of eternal matter is completely different.

Chu Yuan is in such a situation now. Every cell and every flesh and blood in his body is transforming, as if it has been expanded, and the eternal matter is much more than the first state.

The more eternal matter, the stronger the combat power he bursts out.

He moved, as if the whole person was eternal.

"Ding! The current branch mission to break through the second realm of the Primordial God has been completed, gaining 2 billion Fate Points, Primordial Healing Potion x1, Supernatural Fruit x155072, Primordial Artifact Advance Card x1, Death Bow x1, Tianyuan God Pill x5, Random Lottery chance x1."

"Ding! The current branch has been released, breaking through the third realm of Primordial God!"

The breakthrough in realm also brought a lot of rewards to Chu Yuan.

Tianyuan Divine Pills are extremely suitable for the cultivation of primitive gods, and they are issued to Heavenly Dao Gods that can go against the sky.

There is also a deadly bow. Not surprisingly, it is also the supreme primitive artifact. The system will not reward him with strength in this realm.

He looked at the deadly bow.

There is a bow without an arrow.

It is the color of dark gold, the veins of life-killing, and the power of killing souls, which is very consistent with his iron and domineering The arrows of this deadly bow are energy arrows, based on primitive Mana urges.

"A bow kills your life. If you want to exert the greatest power of the deadly bow, you must cast arrows with eternal matter and blend into your own spiritual will. A sword can kill God!"

Chu Yuanqi swallowed the mountains and rivers. He wore a black emperor robe, which made people feel that this emperor was domineering at first glance. He pointed the deadly bow at a certain place and gently pulled the bowstring.

Om... there was a deadly sound.

The peerless powerhouse rewarded by the sword **** for the system seems to have been nurtured by the system, and he would not be surprised by any artifact that Chu Yuan took out.

"Your Majesty has taken another step on the path of eternity!"

Sword God Road.

He felt the aura of Chu Yuan, although it was only the cultivation base of the original second realm, even he could not defeat the **** emperor with that vast mana.

The reason why the three-day powerhouse was so jealous of Chu Yuan was because his breakthrough was too fast, and his strength growth was too incredible.

"It's just a small step on the eternal road!"

Chu Yuan's eyes changed in time and space, as if seeing endless eternity, shrouded in an undetectable mist, and now he could see through more with his cultivation.

Guess your own strength.

Chu Yuan is now fighting the Dragon God's True Dragon Lord. Although he cannot completely defeat him, the True Dragon Lord has nothing to do with him.

The Primitive God in the fifth realm is even more difficult to compete with him.

And if he breaks through to the third realm and undergoes another metamorphosis, then the eternal matter in his body is like changing from a big river to a larger river, and it is not a problem to force some fifth realms.

"The smell of the civil war in the Eternal Pure Land is getting stronger and stronger."

Chu Yuan's eyes were long, passing through the fog, and he landed on the most eye-catching thing in the Eternal Pure Land!

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